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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Ok. I wouldn't, but hey.... (not a huge penalty, but still a penalty).
  2. Exactly! Hence the thread. (granted, a lot of my love of RQ is due to Glorantha, but I also like the system itself. I think I'm liking/preferring RQG over previous editions.) Given how long a single combat can take between relative equals, I can understand the hugely long battles mentioned between Balrogs and Gandalf/Glorfindel etc actually happening using a RQ system (although, 1 hit would make a world of difference).
  3. This assumes the same grammar and sentence structure. At the individual character level, it may work, but across longer pieces, perhaps not. So, when it's written that the spoken languages are 50% similar, that may not simply mean in lexis and pronunciation. It also may not take into account count words, or genders, or conjugations. (ie, same 'script', but different usages). I would also presume that there are changes made to the scripts, and have unique characters. Some are in favour in one place, while falling out of favour in another. I'd also imagine regional variations to characters. Lastly, and related, I haven't seen a discussion on the actual languages themselves, but when it comes to ideographic writing, you tend to end up in the thousands or tens of thousands of symbols... I do get amused when I ask one of my colleagues or students about a Chinese character, and they simply say they don't know it. Or can't read the way it's been written on a stone. Besides which, you've pointed out a similar but different usage - translation between cat and dog scratchings!
  4. If there are different types of liquids and solids, then it would make sense that there are different types of gases. (granted, this is a logical fallacy, however logic doesn't seem to dictate anything here). For solids, we have rocks and stones and basic soil, and wood, and glass, and metals, and animals, and plants, etc etc. For liquids we have pure water, as well as blood, and I'm sure lots of other things my brain doesn't want to offer up to me right now. I'm avoiding things like beer and wine, as they're mostly water with other bits in it. However... it's already been established as canon that the Gloranthan world's physics and chemistry is not the same as Earth's, with something as obvious as Godsbone (aka Bronze) being a natural substance, and quicksilver can be both a liquid and a solid at STP. It sort of begs the question - if an earthling went to Glorantha with a steel knife, would it do double damage to uz and aldryami? would our silver be effective against lycanthopes?
  5. Welcome to the forum! I just thought I'd point out that the Translate Rune spell is 1RP per casting for 15 mins and about 3000 words. So, your quill is a little over-powered here. Thus, the limit of being tuned to only 1 language would be necessary to keep it balanced and aligned (otherwise, everyone would have one!!!) I'd make the languages set at creation, to stop abuse (ie, rare or extinct languages). So, there'd be an Esrolian -> Heortling quill, a New Pelorian -> Dara Happan quill, etc etc.
  6. Already have it/them, and have been looking over the last day or so... and for those reading - Decipher's LotR produced in conjunction with the movies (and the artwork is all from the Jackson trilogy). Too bad the Hall of Fire didn't have an easier contents page for the first few, and I wish I had a good index of articles...
  7. Mongoose's heroic Feats would work as well.
  8. I think the answer is somewhat obvious... If he succeeds, he's a true Orlanthi Hero. If he fails, then he's obviously not.
  9. Hi all. One of my mates is a huge Burning Wheel fan, and has suggested that BW is a great way to tell the stories of Tolkien's Second Age - much better than any other RPG system. He thinks so because of the way that the system is designed around character motivations and how they deal with the success or failures of those (and not so much about skills, abilities, or magic). He then referenced CoC's insanity system as a good way to represent joy, sorrow, suffering, etc... So, I thought I'd bring the question to here. Could RQ do justice to the sorts of stories that Tolkien (and other good) authors write? Make the players really feel? And. while I'm at it, how would stats & skills look for the various races? Mostali would be a clean swap for stats, I suppose. As would most humans... What would you do with magic? It wouldn't be a Bronze Age any more (although, that's a bit irrelevant).
  10. Except, opening up a trap to pull a foot out is very different to disassembling the trap. But... you could make the argument that it's for those CAs who do want to disassemble traps, so that sentient creatures don't get harmed in them.
  11. Actually, this restriction is one that I 98% agree with - with the one exception being able to carry a shield to protect from missile fire. This recent discussion has just reminded me of Journey to the West (aka, the Monkey King) of Chinese/Buddhist mythology. The priest Sanzang/Tripitaka (Chinese/indian name) was a complete pacifist, which often made things quite difficult, and had even been taken hostage on a number of occasions - with zero resistance. The priest also stopped Monkey & co. from being violent from time to time as well. Good amusing bit of telly if you haven't seen it. I've really only seen the Japanese 1970's version growing up as a kid. The local Chinese variety just misses it for me.... (but, what would I know - right???)
  12. Them's fightin' words! (well, usually.... maybe they just hurl insults at each other... but not too harsh, obviously!) Well, seriously.... this would depend on whether you think CA herself would be tolerant of this, or whether it's not her personal imposition, but that of the cult.
  13. Bronze cuirass, greaves or vambraces that are self-lacing, reducing the time required to don and doff. Some semi-random object with a sorcerous "Call Light" spell with a very long duration cast upon it. A small crystal or stone (or sword) that glows (blue?) in the presence of... (spirits, undead, Chaos, giant spiders, orcs.....) One ring that binds them all...... And in the Darkness, trolls them. Depending on your technological level, a telescope (or similar object with a Farsee enchantment).
  14. Clean and dwarf in the same sentence.... Well, I never! Troll and cleaning material in the same sentence......
  15. Maybe it's for use on Mostali? Because, maybe... First Aid doesn't work on them, and so you need something to do with mechanics..... I wouldn't ask for that (Devise to free someone safely), unless it was a really complicated trap.. (that I can't even think of right now). Maaaayyybeeee... although, I'd suggest you'd need to have a relevant craft skill as well.
  16. Ooops - ye olde double en'postage.
  17. Just to argue the point (not that I don't agree with you to some extent), what happens on a crit or special parry? Do you just ignore the damaging bits? Or, if they Fumble, would you incorporate a "hit attacker, doing damage", as a counter to the lack of damaging parries? Wouldn't "harm intelligent beings" include themselves? And, of course, there's the fun of "Hit nearest ally".
  18. Oh, don't get me wrong! I'm not suggesting the staff isn't ok to have... only that in his view, the CA wouldn't try to defend themselves with it.
  19. Jeff has indicated that even blocking would be considered a combat skill, and thus a CA can't do it. YGMV...
  20. Now you're just trolling.
  21. Bestiary p25 - the Elf Bow already has POW... they're not a "POW" storage crystal (which really needs a name change!) which only has MPs. But, an awakened plant bow (with spells) makes a lot of sense.
  22. They should obviously get Vin Diesel in to play a game! Or Henry Cavill...
  23. 3 years is a loooong time for a project to be worked on, and not have any mention about (if it is actually happening. It's typical for games that are dying/dead - or not being worked on at all at the moment, but might be in some distant future).... And I just read that the average time (I think it was from announcement) to release is 5 years...
  24. I remember this because it was a reply to my comment... "And yes, it IS possible to be in both Orlanth and Yelmalio."
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