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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. I'd also like to point out then, that while there should be a sizable amount of the population in that 9-12 range, a very large percentage of the population will also have at least one stat that is above or below that... 13, 14 , 15... even up to 18 (e.g., STR for the local redsmith). BUT... it must also be remembered that going by the law of averages, it also means an equal number who have at least one stat at the 8, 7, 6 or even 3... Also statistically speaking, there should be quite a number of the population who have multiple non-averaged numbers. Given that, going purely by those 3D6, it means 2 in 36* should have an extreme stat - one at max, and one at min. So, how many is that in a village? Town? City? So, while there will be a 'rabble', it should be a pretty small group who probably aren't so stupid as to get into a fight anyway... (and, are unlikely to actually band together such that they'd be encountered as a group. The 'rabble' should be found amongst some of the other groups as individuals). Yes, I'm making more work... 😛 (well, actually, not really much - that's what spreadsheets with auto-formulae are for) (*I think my maths is right... please correct me if not... also, I haven't done the math for the full stats, and haven't included the +6)
  2. As @g33k said, thank you very very much! Awesome!! And also has said - exactly the thing being requested!
  3. Except... on the Heirlooms table, it states very clearly not only the max of SIZ 2, but also the POW of 3D6... i.e., not the typical alynx POW... So, obviously some fudging is going on (i.e., houseruling). Strength is ok, it's the equivalent of +1D4 through wiping out the damage bonus so on average 2.5 points of damage for 2 points I presumed that @svensson was having the spells cast on the player, not itself... And was clarified a bit later. Keep kitty away from the pointy sticks
  4. Another pro-tip... you should be allowed to spend your money to have your awakened animal learn more spells. (just as you should be able to do so for your character). (sure, your starting PC may not have much - unless they roll well or take the relevant boons for the cash)
  5. OIC... although, I've always read the "small animal (SIZ 2 or less, such as a cat, a lizard, a bird, etc.) " as excluding shadowcats anyway. OF course, insert your favourite 4 letter initialisation.....
  6. Right... so, instead of a message asking people to keep posts directly on topic, the iron fist just locked it, stopping any and all actual relevant discussion (which was actually on-going).... I don't know. I don't follow any other RPGs (or basically anything) with the passion that I follow RQ. However, that's not actually the question that should be asked! The question should be - how many other publishers (or producers for public consumption of any type) rely on unpaid 'fans'* to provide that service to the public? Especially one that point blank refuses to give release dates anyway... Please, @Steve , don't get me wrong! I (and I imagine most others here) really, really, really (should I ALL CAPS it too??) appreciate the time and effort you put in to maintaining the list!!! The only thing that's being suggested is a) it should be an official, paid (hint hint) person doing it, who b) has prioritised direct access to accurate information sources. I'm totally sure you actually love doing the job, and feel it as part of doing your bit (amongst whatever else you do) for the game. (it's why we volunteer our time and services, after all). But - not the point. (* I'm not sure that 'fans' applies to all products and publications, hence the ' ')
  7. Firstly, thank you @g33k for starting this thread after the other was closed. Personally, I think/feel it was more politically (personally) motivated, along the lines of "we don't like to have people complaining about this, so lock it down". Living in China, I'm sort of used to this. Absolutely! And I'm somewhat shocked that someone hasn't been appointed to do this! It's Public Relations (or Intro to Marketing) 101... Lesson 1 - never leave your customer base in the dark! Once a week/fortnight/month, said person can just shoot of an email to the relevant people, and then quickly update the list (especially with the date!). Most of the time, there won't be any change. Occasionally there will be. (alternatively, a spreadsheet can be created which all relevant people can edit with their particular products. As a change occurs, the public list can be updated. However, the appointed staffy still needs to go in and adjust the "As of XXX date", just so fans know it's not being ignored.) Jeff was at a few cons and discussed multiple things. Great! So, said staffer should then contact Jeff and ask what was discussed... simple! This ain't rock science! @Scotty You seem to be completely missing the point. None of the 4 things you mentioned Chaosium doing actually address the issue that was stated in the OP. And while @Steve may be good at keeping up the list, AFAIK he's not on Chaosium's payroll, and has this as part of his job. And that's precisely the point @g33k was making. It shouldn't have to be fan maintained. (BTW, I'm not saying it should be your job, but it should be someone's). And again addressing those 4 things: none of them are a definitive list of what's in the works, let alone their statuses. And since I'd never heard of the Tome until you mentioned it, I would presume that most newcomers to RQ won't know the others either. Expecting the fans (especially new-comers) to do all the searching (for something that may not even exist) - is very bad PR. I'll give an example. The RQ specific "video game" (in inverted commas, because I'm fairly certain I'll not see it come to be in my lifetime, as per the announcement made a couple of years ago). There's been about literally zero updates on this. Nothing at all. Not even the company supposedly doing the game has said anything. I take this to mean, as said before, that it's dead in the water and won't ever come out. Those of us who like our video games and have seen lots of titles announced and then scrapped think the same. New-comers to RQ wouldn't even know this thing (theoretically) exists. They'd have to wade through so many pages of this forum, or get lucky on a search hit (which would say absolutely nothing useful). To put it bluntly - relying on the fans to keep the rest of us fans in the loop of what's happening with RQG publications is quite simply unprofessional! (literally and metaphorically)
  8. I would say.. they haven't actually "started off with one" - during character creation, a whole lot of things happen, including possibly a roll which results in an awakened animal. The player and GM then discuss what that could be - and the GM is well within their rights to say nay to a shadowcat. So, it's not taking away something the character had. It's not giving it to them in the first place.
  9. Sylph rides... 😛 "ooooh, mum... not Lhankor Mhy again.... we played his games last year... they're boring!"
  10. I think it depends on the particular rites. Since a very large proportion of the community is only at Lay Member status (consider even the largest city, with multiple cults of the Storm pantheon... some are Orlanthi, some are Ernaldan, some are Gustbran, some are Yinkin, etc etc etc. Few would be initiates in more than one cult), and children are also Lay Members, they would have just as much right to see the rites as the adults. These rites are very open and public, and so the children will get to see them (and participate) just as much as most adults.* The real secret, initiate level, rites are held out of view of most members of the cults, and this would include the children. So, as an example of the above, the big Sacred Time rites of making the world whole again will have large public ceremonies that pack out the town square, full of singing, dancing, music, speeches, plays etc... and then the real initiates will go to their special place for a couple of the special things (behind curtains, into another room, maybe even on another plane). Sure, there will be some times when the children are taken away to be taught the stories from a younger perspective, but I don't see that as really hiding them away. It's just another part of the village or town life. (*See Smoking Ruins as a good example of this)
  11. The way I'm interpreting this is that the gods are therefore able to have plots and agendas regarding things that happen in the middle world, but only having access to information provided by their followers. And, thus, the gods could manipulate those followers to have their wishes fulfilled, D&D like. (Lunars excepted) I don't see Glorantha working like that. I see the gods as not even half-conscious of the middle world, and once they answer a DI or Divination, have basically no recollection of it ever happening (as, in their Time, it didn't). Of course, this is my Glorantha...
  12. That's a really huge leap! In a way, it's almost the same as saying that since Orlanth defeated Yelm, then Orlanth is just another mask of Yelm... (and oh so many other examples)
  13. How are you differentiating your Rune Levels from non-Rune Levels??? I don't like the armour selections - not enough Bronze Age stuff. Since you complained about the price (and quite rightly so), why not just get a 3D printer, and then get the files to print from? Then, do the painting yourself (or, as I did, get someone else to do them for you)?
  14. Yes... I even made a blue Vingan... There are "elemental" colours, because the colours aren't limited by race.
  15. I disagree with this. We can apply descriptions to so many things, and name them in so many ways, that it becomes irrelevant. The "straight sword" thing is applicable because it's the actual shape of the Death rune, whereas kopeshes and scimitars are not. (so, yes, I'd have it that daggers break or bend too).
  16. I totally agree. The gods don't actually - can't actually - care about their followers. Their followers are inside Time - they aren't! So, the god will only do what the god does - regardless of whether it fits in with the PC's plans or not - and geasa are very much not what the PCs want. And sometimes, neither is the way a DI is answered.
  17. Of course, they may have had a huge falling out with the higher ranking members of the clan, and thus feel no loyalty to them (or any other members of the clan) any more. And don't expect anything in return, other than fair prices for their crafts. On the verge of being outcasts, but haven't actually done anything that merits that yet.
  18. This one? https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/126508/CTTTAThe-Traveller-Adventure
  19. IMO, even someone who has found a healing plant, or use of part of a plant that has beneficial effects... or a recipe for alchemy (possibly including the aforementioned plants). Depends on how powerful or influential you want that ancestor to have been.
  20. Maybe remind them that their Ransoms get paid by those that pass the Loyalty roll 😁
  21. I was deliberately avoiding that..... While possible, I'd like to think generally unlikely to have more than 1 or 2 per year... of course, YGMMV (that's GM).
  22. I don't think it's that much of a deep dive. And the reputation you have previously mentioned that RQ has, I think, is is because of the vast amounts of diversity that gets discussed... not only in the Dragon Pass area, but also across the rest of the world. If the world was limited to just Dragon Pass, a bit of Prax, and into the northern reaches (Lunar areas), it would look much less intimidating. (granted, there is the history of the area as well....). And... who really needs to know that??? Certainly, I'd suggest that since most of that isn't relevant to the players, then it's not relevant to the GM either. You can deep dive- but it's not necessary. Unfortunately, the fans of RQ tend to be fans of the depths as well... (as well as the breadths). And thus, the unfair reputation. (I also think the Starter Set was quite good in that regard - we have Lunars and Sartarites, and a couple of gods... and that was it! Very accessible).
  23. 🤯 Actually, I'm pretty sure that if you said "Hey, that looks a bit like MRQ on page 82", it'd be instantly scrapped and back to the drawing board... even if it bore very little resemblance to it... such is the hatred.
  24. That right there is the issue! It's not like Chaosium has suggested that HQ is a sideline thing that doesn't really mean much in the environment. In fact, I'd say the exact opposite - that it's something that is an intrinsic and important part of the setting (whether or not players and GMs use it). Without Heroquesting, would we have even 1/10th of the 'heroes' that are in the books? Even the lesser of those (Kallyr, Leika, etc) had to HQ in order to get to the positions, powers and abilitites they did. So, yeah, I think not including them earlier was a mis-step.
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