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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. I'll just point out that INT seems to be the hardest stat to increase (by Gift, it costs triple the geasa of most other stats), and there's not even a Spirit or Rune magic spell for it (yet, officially). That suggests to me that Enchance STR, DEX, CON would require a lower intensity than the Enhance INT.
  2. Just a quick question, which I haven't quickly found the answer to... To use a bound spirit's MPs and spells, do you have to be in physical contact with the binding object? Corollary to that - what about commanding spirits? And telling those bound in animals to cast their spells? And, if you don't need to be in physical contact, what's the range?
  3. It wasn't about learning new spells. It's about having an extra supply of them. I.E., about double your CHA worth (well, more... An extra xD6 CHA worth more per spirit).
  4. I know there's a rule (I thought it was double, not full melee - my bad!), and I was trying to incorporate it. I was merely looking for the justification for the time difference. "Why does it take a week, when the spirit gives it instantly?" "The focus takes a week. If you don't have the focus, then it's really gonna hurt to heal yourself in the middle of combat!"
  5. I've just had an idea. I disliked this 1 week thing so much I started a thread on it (sometime last year... or more). Someone suggested that it was because of the focus... My new idea is - you do learn the spell instantly, however without tthe focus it takes the usual double amount of time to cast. And I doubt many people would want that. (Could also introduce a negative to casting - which would actually make sense as well) Apologies for not being either egregious, or munchkinnerry...
  6. I'm a bit confused... Are you showing me sheets for 1 character, or 2? The top one is a bit better (you've added the experience check boxes, but my innate anal-ness notices that it's formatted differently to all the other skills on the sheet. I think it largely comes down to whether you want as much as possible on one page (probably the first), or are ok with having it spread out.
  7. Bestiary p185 - Thunder Brothers (which can manifest as a large Umbroli) "The Thunder Brothers are also summoned by Storm Voices as cult spirits.... This is an example of a minor Thunder Brother that might be found as a temple guardian." They have CHA full of spirit magic, as well as 4D6 Rune Magic from Orlanth Thunderous... thus implying Initiate status. So, although it might be seen as a little bit rude, I don't think there's anything overtly wrong with having a minor Thunder Brother as a bound spirit (if you're in good enough standing with Orlanth). Presumably there are similar spirits for other (major) cults as well. Similar could possibly be said for Wyter spirits. ETA: I could see being rewarded with such a spirit as a good Heroquest reward...And if you make it to Rune Lord, this spirit could become your Allied Spirit.
  8. Odd... I know I replied to this... Thanks David, but I'm after something a lot more than merely a few extra lines. Specifically, I think the sorcery magic section of the character sheet should probably have - a) Runes and Techniques mastered, 2) each spell with its percentage (plus tick box), base MPs and MPs per added intensity, and c) a brief description (eg, # of Intensity per extra X). Elsewhere can have longer write-ups of spells, and the Runes and Techniques to go with it (not necessay for the short form, because knowing that is rarely necessary).
  9. Why not simply bind a cult spirit? It'd have the added benefit from f being an initiate from the start... (I presume that that's actually one of the major uses of cult spirits... And the binding is less about control, and more about constant physical presence. After all, it's not a problem with elementals.)
  10. Sheesh dude! Animal cruelty, much??? No wonder it was giving death stares...
  11. I can understand there will be many reasons for not publishing a new version. That wasn't my point. My point is - if a new version is put out, then such fixes ought to be made. (Otherwise, what's the point of putting out the new version???) While not quite the same, I'm sure you'd agree that if a book is printed with lots of spelling and grammar mistakes, you'd expect any updated version to have them fixed (once their pointed out). Such things are usually very quick and easy to fix, and have little impact overall (ie, layout).
  12. I'll go a step further, and say that not fixing errors, clarifying things that have obviously been an issue for players*, and not being consistent across products is a sign of care-lessness (as in, couldn't care less), and would be extremely unprofessional. I understand that there may be constraints and limits, eg layout, but not fixing those things that clearly need fixing is basically telling fans "we don't really care about you - just give us your money". (I'm not specifically referring to Chaosium - but any product in general) (*I don't necessarily mean each and every little nit-picky thing that comes up, but those things that are significant and a large number of people have confusion over).
  13. So, less of a "glance", and more of a stare 😛
  14. It was only 20L... My first thought is - use the regular SR ranks, replacing SIZ & DEX with POW & INT, and add 3 for re-focussing on each aspect (POW, MPs, current spells) . Obviously, per person, not the whole group (Although, if they're together, you'd see the POW aura of them. After that you'd have to focus individually. So, in 10 seconds, you could take it all in of an individual, or have a good idea of the POW of a group close together. Spells in use take longer (as some are very localised, and others over a greater area, and then there's layering...)
  15. Hi We are all one.... Has anyone done up a character sheet that incorporates sorcery?? Yes, obviously it wouldn't take a lot of effort to make one, but mine wouldn't be so pretty 😛
  16. et al. According to https://www.really-learn-english.com/degree-symbol.html, " Rules for using the degree Use the degree symbol for temperatures in Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F) Fahrenheit is the temperature scale that is used in the United States. It is abbreviated by a capital F. All other countries use Celsius as their temperature scale. Celsius is part of the metric system. We abbreviate Celsius with a capital C. When writing something informal, you can either use the degree symbol or write out the word "degrees." When writing for science, use the degree symbol. Examples: Water freezes at 32° F or 0° C.. ..... Spacing with the degree symbol and temperatures Style books do not agree on the spacing with the degree symbol and temperature abbreviations. Some style books, such as The Chicago Manual of Style, tell us to not put a space between the temperature, degree symbol, and unit of measurement. Examples: 10°C 35­°F Other style books, such as The AMA Handbook of Business Writing, tell writers to put one space after the degree symbol. Examples: 10° C 35° F Some scientific guides advise writers to put a space before the degree symbol. Examples: 10 °C 35 °F The space between the degree symbol and the temperature scale is really just a matter of the style guide you use. In most cases, it should not matter which style you choose to follow. "
  17. But if you're going strictly by the RAW of a resistance table, then POW 21 still has a 5% chance to increase... Of course, if doing that, the obvious thing would be to off-load the point into RPs (presuming you have them).
  18. That would suggest being able to go above Species Max...
  19. I thought they were going to Gravy Street...
  20. ??? Why? It's merely the luck of the draw that Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia didn't have potatoes as a native species. And Glorantha is Glorantha - it's not any of those other continents. Tubers were very normal foods to consume otherwise.
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