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Everything posted by albinoboo

  1. Depends on the wood. Untread softwood will rot , hardwoods like Oak will last longer but some species last. Douglas Fir, Iron Wood, Cedar and Chestnut last centuries even in the ground. The Vikings used a method to prepare pine, in which they would deliberately wound the tree so that pine resin would leak out and form a natural preservative. That's why there a is an 11th Century stave Church at Urnes in Norway.
  2. Back to the mistress race roll?
  3. You can span a great distance with wood than you can with stone, however in the Mediterranean climate, and further south, termites will eat the wood sooner or later. Hence the use of stone and mud brick for monumental buildings. The development of stone vaulting allowed greater distances to be spanned. However in the right climatic zone, a Greek design temple would have fewer supporting columns than the stone equivalent. A Gloranthan equivlant of Cedar of Lebanon that can produce beams around 30m in length gives a lot of freedom with design.
  4. The pink city of Jaipur could be a model https://www.rightpoint.com/-/media/jaipur/jaipur.jpg http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180221121624-victor-cheng-jaipur.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0d/27/24/4d/amer-fort-near-jaipur.jpg
  5. You could argue it is a gnostic position with two equals battling for control of Glorantha.
  6. Depends on how much you disliked the RQ3 D&Dish version. I never really found a substitute that didn't sound a bit daft when you still have Dukes and Kings.
  7. In the case of Cirencester, the unburied bodies lying in the street is a bit of give away that the place was, in effect, abandoned. I know wood was used in some areas like Wroxter but even then 33 wooden structures dont make up a city of 15,000 that it was under Roman rule. Even the place was abandoned by the 670s
  8. Jar-eel likes to be told if she looks fat in that outfit.
  9. I was refering to the real sub-Roman era. For instance, the Roman settlement of Cirencester. In 410 the city was a thriving town with a large forum to a few houses on the site of the amphitheatre by 440. Even though Saxon expansion was halted for 40 years, outside of the far North England, urban populations collaspsed. The country was reduced to a patch work of petty warlords and when the Justinian plague hit perhaps as much as 30% of the population died.
  10. Is there a best herdman class at the Royal Welsh?
  11. Schrödinger's bird?
  12. The early Bernie Gunther novels, collected as Berlin Noir is good for the feel of inter war Germany. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Berlin-Noir-Philip-Kerr-ebook/dp/B076H6BKNZ/ref=sr_1_2?crid=CQC3ZRISD7II&keywords=berlin+noir&qid=1563367279&s=gateway&sprefix=Berlin+n%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-2 https://www.amazon.com/Berlin-Noir-Violets-Criminal-Requiem/dp/0140231706/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2ZGCE5NFVWFCM&keywords=march+violets+by+philip+kerr&qid=1563367206&s=gateway&sprefix=March+vi%2Caps%2C232&sr=8-2
  13. Great write up @Crel. Great ideas and nicely balanced.
  14. Thanks for that. I will use Mycenaean Greek titles, like Wanax and Wanakt for officials and maybe the Sumerian Lugal. Perhaps use the glazed tiles of Ishtar gate as model for the city walls. A different tile colour could represent the local version of Arkats.
  15. I just watched a few of them through and the ones on about how to make your games scary contain good advice for any GM regardless of what rules you are playing.
  16. I know that most of the RQ3 era Safelster is now gone. Personally I never felt that comfortable with the pseudo medieval version so I don't mind that it has gone. However, I am trying to rework some old RQ3 material for RQG. I just need to get a flavor of Safelster's current culture for one section. So what direction should I be looking in.
  17. Blue Moon trolls like some jazz. https://youtu.be/ntDnwBiORu8
  18. The Crimson Bat isn't dead it's only resting
  19. Ducks are largely the same as Orlanthi but anything after Starbrow's revolt would change. Fazzur Wideread declared a Duck hunt and all Ducks had go to into hiding untill the liberation of Sartar.
  20. It's not just about stance and guards. It's about where you target and the angle of impact of the blow. You can't target weak spots in the armour with a mace in the same way that can with a sword. What would be a glancing blow with a sword would cave in armour with a mace.
  21. The tone of the sub Roman Arthur just doesn't fit with Pendragon. The 5th-6th century Arthur is a world in collapse, with Arthur desperately trying to hold back the incoming tide of Saxons. The rules are written with the 15th century idealised version of chivalry in mind, not the grim dark last stand of the Britons. The historic Arthur, if there is one, should be a setting for BRP rather than trying to get Pendragon to fit.
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