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Everything posted by Qizilbashwoman

  1. there's so much Chaos in Prax that it sort of handles itself. Also, by "crusaders" I'm referring to giving them a positive goal; they're absolutely still a small gang of rowdy alcoholics, not a massive army of Europeans trying to conquer the Holy Land.
  2. Isn't the corruption of the Crimson Bat related to the death of Muharzam while the Face of Yelm by Orlanth?
  3. Storm Bull cults are sort of important for rounding up the disaffected and troublemakers and putting them to work, as an aside. This is a practical application of the existence of Storm Bull. There are always those on the outside and you need to harness them socially, even if that means making them a kind of crusading biker gang
  4. i always wondered if Monsoon being eaten by a Weeder goddess was a Dart asasassination
  5. hahaha for real it's always things like this that break my immersion and not, like, the presence of uz
  6. She's a daughter of the Sons of Vingkot, her lineage is Orlanth proper
  7. it's CORN. It's got the juice.
  8. gingers are all posted into the Etyries Caravans
  9. The Cruel Empire of Tsan Chan uses a secondary system for SAN based on socio-religious training. It's referred to as The Way. To quote CETsCh, "The Way does not precisely record Sanity, it records the ability to function in society." To sum up the general function of The Way: The Way is a kind of Sanity soak, if you will. It is an ‘add- on’ mental discipline that helps people survive in an environment which should mentally and spiritually destroy them. Because it is taught as a folk religion, mental discipline, philosophy, cant and screed, understood differently on different levels by the varying classes, it is based on Intelligence rather than Education. While a Eunuch scholar can certainly discuss the laws and ideology with far greater eloquence, a dirt-poor factory worker may understand the spirit and purpose with greater clarity. I should add that the Way is limited: you can handle upsetting things, but real horror is going to hit your SAN. Loss of Way to zero is 'death', but loss of SAN to zero is not.
  10. https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2020/08/18/pro-trump-atheist-blames-cancel-culture-for-drama-over-his-anthology-foreword/ Basically 'sword and sorcery novels will stop the feminisation of the male youth by the forced trans woke Left and women who cry rape constantly' by a Trumpet IN AN INTRODUCTION TO A COLLECTION OF STORIES
  11. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a cult.
  12. why would you do that? that's extraordinarily unkind of you
  13. not to be difficult, but do you think maybe we should listen to the intersex people? Hermaphroditism is a scientific term but people have asked not to be called "hermaphrodites".
  14. The six genders are the six primal runes (yes, Moon is in there) Nandans are Earth, and Vinga is literally Orlanth. I don't think they'd necessarily have separate rites. As a trans person who loves representation of traditional gender roles in other games, I would actually reject traditional or modern earthly understandings of gender here. I'd just suggest Orlanthi cultures are basically pushing people into Earth and Air roles (just as pre-Lunar Dara Happans pushed people firmly into Earth and Sky) with the Orlanthi 85% being the result. How you act and feel culturally represented by your Rune affiliation seems like an appropriate thing. Water, Darkness and Sky rune people in Orlanthland are well-established, cultically, in minority religious cults. (I don't know what the four sexes are in Glorantha, this is just about the genders.)
  15. isn't there a jonstown update that isn't Avalon Hill? Does it not contain the same material?
  16. In a lot of bronze-age communities, and even into the premodern era, many of the things we associate with a personal home was actually focused in communal space. Some of what was described for these communities might be our modern bias. For example, cooking was often done on a large scale. Sometimes an entire community ate at one location, meaning that homes had only small food preparation areas for fresh items, snacks and the like. A couple ways this was arranged was a professionally paid staff, which is why the "barmaids are mentioned unusually frequently" is an entire mood. In fact, these were not servers per se, they were the (predominantly women, because of bacteria...) workers who prepared food and drink for everyone. This might either be at what we call "taverns" or at a temple. People slept in the taverns on beds, either with partners or alone, and beer and similar beverages (like kvass) were crucial as a source of clean water. The alcohol levels of most beers or wines was naturally or artificially reduced to a tiny percentage. Even Muslims largely permitted (and permit) drinking kinds of weakly alcoholic beverages, because they were just antibacterial techniques, not intended to inebriate. Sumer gives us examples of large-scale social mobilisation where individual homes were just for sleeping and taking private time. The rest of the time you'd literally sleep and live in the temple or "tavern". This freed up the vast majority of women and men for other kinds of work: educated, shepherding, grain work, child management, caring for the ill and disabled, and construction. If you want literacy and art, you need people with free time. The idea of the individual family is a super alien one to almost all of human history, it's terribly inefficient to have everyone cooking their own meals and living alone. Cooking and laundry would take massive effort; easier to have laundry and food service workers than each "household" do their own. And even in the modern era, as I've discussed in the past, communities lived in communal settings like longhouses all over the entire world, from China to the Caucus to the the entire New World.
  17. avians are a kind of dinosaur, and both are closer to mammals than to reptiles
  18. That's a great description! There's also traditional techniques that use organic poisons; you make a small dam, dump the poison in, and gather the fish you need. The poisons in question don't affect humans and they typically don't kill the fish, they're intended to stun them. This is typical for fishing in streams and other small bodies of water (you can't effectively use these weaker poisons in a large body of water), and was practiced everywhere in the globe.
  19. Yes, I studied anthropology. Very often women/childen did essentially ALL of that small game hunting while adult men did something else. However, human societies are extraordinarily diverse.
  20. i mean historically small game and vegetal foodstuffs comprised the absolute majority of food in prehistory and for most of actual history. yes, everyone wants to bag an elk, but practically speaking mostly you ate rodentia (rabbits) and small birds to supplement your grains and roots and fruits I mean, the same issue of shortage arises when it comes to firewood! that's why stickpickers existed.
  21. to be fair Ukraine claims it killed 12 Russian Generals in combat already, and so far their claims have turned out to be 75% accurate, so IDK if this is the best example of "rare happenings" hahaha
  22. did i misunderstand that the kimantoring were important? the military is still called that now. i wasn't talking of direct rule but of the presence of a stabilising force in the guise of an organised military
  23. this is an interesting question. certainly the presence of Kimantoring was a stabilising effect; we know they trained in the city itself and organised men under arms, perhaps even as a sort of equivalent to a ghulam system. Well, that's what it would look like for humans, anyway; the men taken away and trained.
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