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Everything posted by Qizilbashwoman

  1. Don't speak to Turos and his fire-stick or his ten small sons and their fire-sticks ever again
  2. i'm definitely no Eurmal, because I get the nice butch ladies to do that for me
  3. Oh! Is Pavis' daughter of a Clay Mostali?
  4. Dwarves don't have gender so this one is a question. They're chipped out of mineral.
  5. I continue to find it implausible that the most feasible plan for clan housing would not be used. The large main hearth area would still be square! Individual housing is direly labor-intensive and materials-intensive and practical only in intensely-settled places like cities, where clan is broken up. The entire structure of Orlanthi life is around clan on top of the history of how archaeology tells us people lived. The pre-modern Hemshin only didn't make longhouses because of the extreme peculiarity of their geography, it was one of the most notable things about them.
  6. AFAIK they just... married. You might know more than I do.
  7. Two photos of Hemshin Armenian architecture. The Hemshin, due to the terrain, did not have build the same kind of longhouses typical of lowland areas; they made large houses instead. They were scattered due to the nearly vertical nature of the agricultural areas and a lack of enemies; they could build small farmhouses and not get murdered. The Hemshin survived the Armenian Genocide because nobody realised they were Armenians: they are Muslims and their language is quite distinct from other kinds of Armenian. Today they produce tremendous amounts of tea (and drink like 10 cups a day!) and no longer try to grow large amounts of food. The first picture is a traditional house; image that, but loooong. The second is a Yayla (pasturage) near Rize. You can see that in the modern day, traditional tents - again, no need for a longhouse here - have been replaced by houses.
  8. Orlanthi steads are likely very large stone-based wooden longhouses surrounded by wooden pallisade walls; separate residences are likely limited to a limited number of specific groupings, like night-time field guardians, the airier un-pallisaded summer longhouses up in the yaylas, and where weirdo shamans or librarians (i.e. Lhankorite/Sartarite Brown Men) insist on living like hermits or because their materials are too dangerous or rare to risk fire and children. In areas where these residences exist archaeologically and now, particularly in comparatively mild Dragon-Pass like environments, there are separate food storage buildings on stilts accessible by removable ladders away from the longhouse and a small storage area on top of the main longhouse for treasures. The food storage is separated to prevent infestation and sealed in pottery; they are accessed over time one at a time to reduce spoilage. Longhouse dwellings are par for the course in clan cultures. Food is communally prepared by specialists, not by individuals. Layouts and social structures are largely similar from Indonesia to Armenia to the Haudenosaunee of North America because these communities face similar issues of social and work organisation.
  9. Troll society says: "if you birth twins, they are enlo. except if they are Mistress Race, when they are a miracle." Outsiders who understand trolls at all beyond "they are all krjalki!" find this confusing, because enlo look only vaguely similar to other kinds of trolls. The first rule is usually "the small weird ones are called enlo, or trollkin, and are slaves. Or food. Or both. And they don't really count as trolls."
  10. The novels that spawned Don Quijote include Las Sergas de Esplandián and were wildly popular: it's how we got the name California, named for Queen Califia of that book, who ruled an island of ferocious amazon woman off of Africa (California was believed to be a very large island by the first Spaniards because they hit Baja first). Las Sergas de Esplandián was a fanfic follow-up (!!!!) to Amadís de Gaula, which would make a really interesting alternative setting for Pendragon because the characters are quite unfamiliar but the rest is not really.
  11. I meant Delicti, admittedly a heretic but who was just using GL magic, who gave us ... a lot of questionable things, including the Tuskers, as well as in the same era the spontaneous crossbreeding of Dwarf, Elf and Human in Pavis (which was EWF) and earlier, the Council Era interbreedings. But yes, I simply meant "of that Era". A lot of that time has things we don't have anymore, like Zistorite bodily enhancements (GL tech) and other weirdnesses.
  12. nnnngh this is... not exactly accurate. It seems like people attune to culturally-appropriate things as they grow. Esrolians are known as Earth people because... they are Orlanthi and ruled by women. Human women are associated with the Earth rune in central Genertela, from Pelor to Prax, although some societies - like Orlanthi and Dara Happan, are real firm about it, while others are more flexible. Dara Happan and Lodrili men love the Fire Rune because of the Solar Pantheon. Orlanthi men love the Storm rune because of the Storm pantheon. Prax tends to be more diverse, but still, more women are Earth than men and the men are likely to have the rune of their tribe, which might not be a question of ancestry at all. And arrival of the Lunar Way suddenly created a massive surge of people initiating with the Moon rune - both male and female -, moving from the Lunar Heartlands outwards with Lunar influence. That's not ancestors, that's cultural! Ethnicity plus personality. I rebel at the idea that it's somehow Genertelan "genes". A big part of initiation is affirming individual choices. You are shaped by your environment and culture but you still get to decide. That's why some Storm women end up with Storm runes, or some men end up with Earth runes everywhere, or why there are people with Water or Darkness runes in Kerofinela.
  13. that was Godlearner/EWF stuff, though. Same time got us Tuskers out of Aramites as Dwarf-Elf-Human crossbreeds. Not sure that's really en vogue right now, and even then the trolls didn't participate. i mean sure, I think it could happen, but Kyger Litor doing something with fertility that isn't about restoring the uzuz fertility? gonna hafta say no. I guess you could be Kitori-blooded, but that's not really how you get your runes.
  14. Redalda is a "Daughter of Vingot", a title given to three powerful Ram priestesses. Naturally this title comes because they are claimed to have Vingkot's bloodline, because... they are powerful! As a Rider you don't necessarily buy this, or care whether it's literally true or mythologically true, but it's likely worth patronising them.
  15. it'd have to be Kitori, you can't... breed with uz, that's not a thing
  16. We should be clear that sometimes the goal of a Dart War is to kill the current Mask so the next-in-line can assume the throne. Once Monsoon messed with the Sultanate of Tork sometime during his fights with Sheng Seleris, the Chaos hordes managed to kill or maim some of his Egi somehow as they killed him. That lead to him requiring "hosts" to reincarnate, thus creating the Mask system. Masks have enough personality left in them that they can and do favor their original bloodlines and the like, so after a bold assassin's attempt on a noble accidentally killed the Red Emperor's Mask and the result wasn't a mass genocide of those responsible ... yeah, let's just say The Game Suddenly Was Afoot. Notably, the vengeance of the assassinated Red Emperor comes in the form of... the Tax Demons. I'm not 100% sure what that means but I'm pretty sure it means you better be scrupulous in honoring the throne with offerings if you are going to try to replace His Majesty's current body.
  17. my name is qizilbash woman I mean like you might coulda extrapolated I was aware of the origin of Ērān
  18. ah yes, you know how these politically-correct children today demand representation of Arianism
  19. The Lunar Hunter is one of the aspects of Sedenya, Ulurda, her Beast Rune. Alternatively, he could be old-school and worship Orogeria, who is identified as Ulurda but the rural Pelorians are a bit cranky about the Lunars inhaling her as a mask of Sedenya instead of her own independent deity. This is permitted by the Lunar Way, who are largely permissive. Permissive enough to let an open Orlanthi? Mmmmmmmmmm maybe not. Doburdan is a Storm deity, Yanafals is a war deity, and the Seven Mothers in general are urban-oriented gods. The Lunar Way is largely a religion of city-states. It has a lot of focus on agriculture, literacy, rule, good armies, and so forth and things like hunting are mostly Green Age masks of the Red Goddess.
  20. yeah like the joke has always been "the only thing exposure gets you is frostbite" but they. forbid you. from crediting yourself. on your own WORK.
  21. lmao in case people aren't aware of what he's talking about, it's that they are running a game jam that bans creators from benefitting monetarily OR from credit. that's right, folks, you can't put your name on the game you designed, a fact that is also true of the Wendy's™ game: it's uncredited entirely except for like two pieces of individual art. No designers here, just Wendy's™!
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