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Everything posted by Qizilbashwoman

  1. Klingon best for being Ternary (Base-3) And of course, we have Duodecimal from Sumerian: 12 hours, 60 minutes, and so forth
  2. I have four fingers. Did you mean three fingers? And the answer is "depends on the breed, probably, and whether they've been sleeping near enlo" Also, base-8 systems have been recorded in natural IRL human languages.
  3. *sadly* nooooooOoOoooo *kicks a rock* the depressing thing about the historical queer-coding of monsters is that queers tend to, uh, identify with the monsters. there's a reason gay ladies play, like, orcs in WoW and D&D a lot. anyway. in 13th Age: Glorantha, Tuskers and their Riders are bonded for life. Kill one and the other won't last long. I really dug that off-the-cuff riff, which was I believe explicitly stated to be a mechanical hack (13th Age is usually extremely explicit about its design). I really thought that brought a new level to the game of What Do Tuskers Do And Why? Suddenly we had a kind of Elfquest-y depth!
  4. Not sure about how much, Ikadz is a torturer while the Bloody Cut folk are just Darkness butchers, even if your "technique" is a giant cleaver that whacks off someone's head in one blow. I'd give a bonus for skills with large chopping weapons myself.
  5. you guys are mean to the Tusk Riders. you can have a truly abhorrent society focused on murdering to escape censure and even prove your true worth to your weird hybrid Darkness and angry Earth punishment spirit triad and still form social bonds. they certainly eat much fewer of their own children than trolls do.
  6. well obviously it's literally relative, because 7 and two (2W7) versus 13 and two (2W13) turns into just 7 v. 13, right? Then you roll... err, I mean the player rolls the die. If your target numbers are low, remember what the genius said: "I've got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell scorpionmen." Make game harder!
  7. those runes are annoying and not everyone wants them
  8. I know the Tuskers are savage, but I think they would accept the bloody offering of a successful Bloody Cut. That's the entire purpose of their lifestyle. They might well release someone who managed such a feat!
  9. this is literally true, except they were Ragnaglar's folk, not Thed's.
  10. peaceful cut is an archaism from after the golden age. the entekosiad discusses a story about how in that time, the male tribe would reassemble the bones of their prey and they'd leap back up into the air again while the female tribe would bear the prey as young. this no longer worked when death and life had been distinguished. when humans realised what death was and they were living off of murder now, they kind of freaked out. a new ritual was created - different in each area - according to the orders the first god-talkers (proto-shamans) taught from the spirits. the peaceful cut is one of these rituals. it lets the hunter respect the game and ensure it passes into the divine mother Eiritha to be reborn. it's actually kind of close to a repurposing of the practice from the Green Age above, except humans and divinities have been divided.
  11. Isn't an allied spirit by definition your equal at best, though? It's essentially a kind of assigned servant, although I am not pleased with the "servile" root of that word.
  12. Disease is a kind of life, just like in real life. Sure and it has spirits associated with it, but so do plants... Chaos just turns it into Really Bad Stuff, just like broos are a kind of Person Rune gone Chaos.
  13. it's my understanding that disease works exactly like in real life, except what causes it ultimately are spirits. you certainly can give thunderlung to others; I certainly believe that diseases can be transmitted by contact, like influenzas and STIs.
  14. I appreciate the clarification be excellent to each other
  15. I have this question about Chaos infection-affecting spells, for example if you cast an appropriate spell on someone with a Broo-implanted larva as well as a Broo-inflicted disease; does it get both in one go? Also, does anyone know which spells currently cure Broo implantation in RQ:G? I'm interested in knowing who aside from White Women can cure. Example: Cure Chaos Wound says "The spell also completely cures the victim of broo impregnation and removes its consequences. It also cures diseases received from a Chaotic creature." It does not clarify for me if it does both in one shot, mostly because I've not entirely grokked the rules yet.
  16. sorry I just sorry, i live on twitter and i can't help myself
  17. respectfully, am I to suggest good behavior on the board based on Gloranthan mores only when "be excellent to each other" is rejected
  18. oh no, any possible thing that comes from Islam, no matter what it is, must be ThE sHaRiA
  19. This move is very difficult so my head is melting like an ice cream cone in a cheesy movie, as evidenced that this specific detail was the reason for my thread. So yeah, many apologies.
  20. @Bill the barbarian @JonBolds Wait I was wrong, it is Xiola Umbar, not Argan Argar. Ugh. I knew it was something about enlo... I'm less brain than headcheese right now because I'm mid-move. Apologies. this is how headcheese I am from moving: it's what spurred my thread:
  21. It's mentioned in the rules for Argan Argar worship, I believe
  22. if that was too complicated: leave a place better than you found it ḥisbah: you enjoin what is right and forbid what is reprehensible (الأمر بالمَعْرُوف والنَهي عن المُنْكَر al-amr bi l-maʿrūf wan-nahy ʿan al-munkar) "Humans are responsible for the world even if/though the gods are not." - the Velortinian Principle
  23. That's the only rule I know. I think someone with the Exchange rune would do in a heroquest, absolutely. You are suggesting a literal game, though, aren't you? I think a heroquest game would be fairer: you can't honestly play IRL trollball with trolls on one side and humans on another, even if you only fielded enlo. I just realised the reward for this could be the invention of false-war among humans. Like stickball (> lacrosse), the Mesoamerican ballgame, and other sports, it provides a way for clans to settle disputes with much less murder and dismemberment than pitched battles, a significant invention for societies with legal systems that are clan law. These involved really significant investment of warfare techniques: spiritual practices, shamanism, taboo periods, charms, even human sacrifice, and they were used to settle hostilities.
  24. Just remember that an Argan Argar worshipper (of any non-lay level) is required for a legal game of trollball! They cannot sponsor a team, though they can probably play just fine - but I've always supposed the reason one must be present is that AA cultists have unusual abilities to compel as referee during a game. Like, refereeing trolls? Seriously. That's gotta be a special ability from the cult. An official ruling will ring through the thickest of heads.
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