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Everything posted by Qizilbashwoman

  1. honestly i generally assume the metals have little to do with the real-world ones except in the loosest way. Silver is shiny and white, lead is heavy and dull, copper is reddish. But lead isn't poisonous around foodstuff in my Glorantha, and in Canon Glorantha it lets you be sneaky. Sa-metal lets you float! I think about them in a mythical sense: iron is magical in the way it smites magical beings. We still hang horseshoes in 2019. (I hung one for my mom a month ago.)
  2. It seems amazing, but I speak Coloradense pidgin with what I can figure out based on my Québecois French. There's little chance it's available in English, is there? (I find it unlikely it's available in Yiddish, but I guess that'd work, too!)
  3. that's quite the hodgepodge of Praxian mounts there, good lord. fun infodump: yaks are closest to bison; in fact, there is bison DNA in them from a period in Asia before the initial movement of bison into the Americas. technically a yak (gYag) is a male, a dri ( 'Bri) or nak (gNag) is a female a half-yak half-cattle is called a dzo (mdzo) if male and a dzom (dzomo) if female or, in Mongolian, a khaenag. The males are infertile. Dzom are preferred to dri by more settled peoples because they give more milk and are gentler, but dri are hardier and herdsmen on the wilder side would rather have full-blooded dri, or perhaps quarter-cattle, because they are tough as nails.
  4. sorry, this is an internet thing you do in lists to indicate both excitement and mockery at yourself for having repeated a word a lot out of excitement, imagine a girl intoning H E L L S very slowly and feverishly with crazy eyes this thread rules, thank you everyone for your ongoing input
  5. Let's discuss Hell! Who has unique Hells, and are they separate parts of the same Underworld or, like, separate pocket dimensions? Are, like, Lunar Hells on the Red Moon? Where are Sheng Seleris' Pentan Hells? What is a fifth Hell, and who has them? What else do we want to talk about regarding Hells? H E L L If you crawl out of Hell, where do you show up? Let's review Alkoth again because I'm confused about whether you die every time you enter the center city (the part enclosed by the Green Ring, which I've nicknamed "Shadzoring Alkoth" since greater Alkoth has now grown up around it)
  6. well it depends on your interpretation, Pollux's description was of dependent freemen, but fair enough. still, if you have a statist society with a hierarchy, what's going to stop the large number of workers doing hard agricultural work from taking more power unless you remind them? Church only goes so far before people start thinking heretical thoughts about ways they could do less backbreaking work while the warriors wrestle each other in oil.
  7. do you mean like helots? you'd have to have some kind of standing army to keep second-class citizens and slaves in line, that's, like, why the police were invented
  8. reminds me of that great illustration of the Only Old One in uz form wearing tiny spectacles. Nobody realises the real reason he chose that form is so he can reach the top shelves of his library...
  9. the Entekosiad is really one of my favorite books. It's got some amazing stories in it, really resonant ones. The one about Gerra is literally one of my favorite, also because the Lunar revelation about her is "I met Arachne Solara and learned that although Life is Suffering, Suffering is not Life." I missed the connexion with Gamara. The Entekosiad does have an unfinished section that describes her amputated body as the Roof of Manarlavus! The old Lunar volume II book describes Gerra cultists:
  10. Lesilla, who is the Blue Moon goddess, and therefore also the Blue Streak. The Entekosiad calls her mortal descendant Der Orios, and elsewhere it is said Lesilla incarnated as Cerulia, and it was she who was slain by Lukarius. Her daughter is the Great Sister of the Lunar Way, and allegedly Lukarius was her brother, suggesting that Monsoon might be Lukarius... In the Entekosiad, Shargash is mentioned only once, I believe: he is called the Red God and it is in the story of how Der Orios appointed Brightface as war leader and he seized absolute rule, and we understand him to be Yelm taking over for the Blue Sun. The Glorious Re-Ascent affirms this, saying Shargash "even enclosed the light of Sedenya, the evil sun-goddess", although Plentonius is writing a bowdlerised and wildly atemporal narrative that says this happened after Shargash fought the Kargzantites and the Vingkotlings and their false sun god, Elmal.
  11. Oh, I wasn't clear. What, uh, is the exact status of Shargash the Hell Sun here? He has the Sky-Death-Disorder runes in older works, but I'm not really clear what his... job, I guess, is. We have a lot of Masks of the Sun, so to speak: bad ones, like the Drought Sun, the patrons of the chariot-riding Gamatae and the horseback Hyalorong like Kargzant and Elmal, the symbols of authority and military might like the phalanx-kings Pole Star, Antirius and now Yelmalio; the ascetic Yelmalio. But what's a Hell Sun? (Other than unpleasant, I mean.) We know he anciently took human sacrifice outside of his city; we know his city Alkoth is ritually, and the ancient centre literally, in the First Hell; we know he is a savage war god, not a god of order like Antirius, but something to be restrained until you want someone absolutely annihilated. But I'm still not sure what a Hell Sun exactly is. He might be on the Big Charts but the Three Brothers in the Glorious Reascent of Yelm were Dayzatar, Arraz and Lodril... he wasn't a contender. ... Also, the Guide to Glorantha identifies him as Tolat, full stop, but that's technically God Learnerism. I know my notes about the Blue Streak say: @Jeff, got any opinions on "is Tolat Shargash"? Or what a Hell Sun is, although I don't want to step on your new book's toes.
  12. oh i figured I really really like the new system. the whole special dice thing moves away from thinking about numbers, it makes it more ... space opera? i like the talent tree things, it's pretty fun, although I admit in some ways it's a little crunchy for me (I say, on a RuneQuest board). plus it does force powers so well, like, you can have a force user and someone of the same experience will be able to kiss/marry/kill them (depending on what kind of scene you are running). the force talents replace one of your talent systems, so if you are a pilot you start leveling up force powers. you trade off some special piloting talents for force ones (and there's a million different kind of force users). plus they updated it over time, there's a generic version of their system now, which is fun. but about the Lithic Weapons uh yeah, so Balazar
  13. the new Star Wars game - okay it's not really that new now, but whatever - has a textbox that just says you should remove the events of the movies and their characters and just find a different story for how the Emperor happened. At best, keep like Leia or whomever as a hero-ideal ("I heard the Princess was on board!") but not really interact with except maybe to glimpse or hear the voice of long enough to get urgent orders. Something about the protags sucking the fun out of the room. They even give ideas for alternative Emperors, some of which I recall are deeply sinister takes. I was deeply impressed with their Radicalist playstyle in what is literally an official game release: delete everything but the ideas, and maybe deeply poison the ideas.
  14. except it's not a slur. when someone describes you as having more institutional power than they do, that's not automatically a slur. the person saying it might be saying you're an ass, but that term? it's not a slur. i am a disabled, autistic, queer woman and i assure you i've been called out for privilege (as I should have been). the entire point of kimberley crenshaw and her theory of intersectionality was that there is no one metric of power and authority. a black jewish man and a white muslim woman each have extremely complicated interactions power in the US, for example, and interactions between them would be extremely dependent on the situation in terms of who would find themselves more comfortable and in power. ... and it's definitely not always directed at conservatives. It's certainly not as if there are competing Republican candidates in the field? who would they be focusing on as a challenge to their presidential runs? also, anyone running for president has enough privilege to swing that. warren has been excoriated for her privilege a ton - ironically, probably because she's female - and Biden is a walking talking tower of privilege. beto is like 25 and was like ME RUN PRESIDENT and just ... did. (can you imagine?)
  15. I literally don't know why I'm bothering, but Neurodiversity explicitly includes people on the autism spectrum. It's kind of the point. (I'm autistic, before you shout me down.)
  16. This is outside this subforum but I struggle with the somewhat grognardian simulationism of Runequest (I get to say that, I'm a legit grognard, plus it has hit areas) and its focus on mythic themes. Doing maths so my duck can reenact the Great Leap of Beaverman is something I'm having a lot of time wrapping my head around 😞
  17. Lunars find anti-Chaos forces useful in general, there's no reason they'd specifically target Storm Bulls. They might not want them trampling through Silver Shadow, but they're definitely useful - just because the Lunar Way accepts that Chaos is a part of the balance doesn't mean they want broo rampaging around. Storm Voices and other Orlanth cultists, on the other hand, are a no-no.
  18. that's, like, the square root of the mwa ha i'm on. i'm on galaxy brain mwa ha now
  19. Well of course you'd support the Squids, Akhôrahil
  20. mUWaHahahAHHahAhahAHAhhahaaHAHa who in the four, or perhaps five, hells is this
  21. if you were you'd have mentioned the Catherine Wheel
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