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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. On this, I can not agree. The 200L/point I spoke is only for the POW. It does not include the cost of the object, nor the cost of the enchant itself. This is why I spoke of base price. Agreed. Good ideas. Not RAW, but good ideas. Yes. In fact here, you are in line with my base price story. Yes, of course. In addition, the flashy objects will attract attention to thieves, authority, brigands and others.
  2. This is an old classic: Casting a low level spell that is incompatible with other you know or suspect your target has. In line with casting fanaticism on an opponent (to forbid him casting protection spells), especially if he is mounted (not against Praxians, of course). The target has to dispel/dismiss your spell before casting his own spells. But beware, somebody that receives an unwanted Spirit Screen knows that an ambush has started, so this has to be the last step of ambush prep, just before or better simultaneously with the range attacks.
  3. As far as I have understood, there is no POW vs POW, because you target an area. This is why you can just walk away (if you are still alive, of course).
  4. A bit of thread necromancy. While rereading the thread, I found this (perfectly valid) comment by Phil. You can go further, because if you put an attack condition (RQG p250), there is no roll. The Spell is just cast, but not by you. The no roll rule is not explicitly written, but as nobody is casting the spell, nobody can roll for it. And this is how it worked in RQ3 (iirc). Another one: If you bind a spirit in a matrix or dominate it for a long duration and have him possess an animal, you can bring him to a cult ceremony and ask him to spend 1 MP. Given time, he will become a Lay member, and you can ask the priest to teach him spells. Then, having the spirit in a matrix, you are able to use those spells without having them count for your CHA allowance (and of course, you can use it's MP). Going further, you could even have him become initiated and having Rune spells (but you still have to use your own RP to cast them).
  5. This is exactly (in other words) what I explained to players in our RQ3 campaign. For Rune spells, you are not the one that is casting the spell, you are requesting your god to perform his magic, in exchange of a part of your self. This explained why the percentage was 95%, gods being gods. Even if the rules have changed (in a good way), the explanation is still what I gave to my players when we tested RQG.
  6. This of course valid for all the common spells, at the very least. So, yes, it is definitely implied.
  7. This is why I prefer 'POW not given fully voluntarily is corrupted'. This avoids much problems like this one.
  8. In that case, your 'fork' word is correct. Better than my 'reboot'.
  9. The reboot I was thinking of is Herowars. You can call that a Fork, it is also fine for me: Both means it is not the same thing anymore, even if having the same origin.
  10. Exactly. DC Universe has been rebooted (Remember 'Crisis on Infinite Earth'), Marvel Universe has been rebooted. And Glorantha has been rebooted. I don't know anything of the evolution during HW/HQ period, but RQ Glorantha and HW Glorantha are clearly (for me) not the same world. As it is the same name put on something quite similar that appear later, it can be called a reboot.
  11. As I explained earlier (and was explained before by Jeff), this does not work. POW has to be given fully voluntarily. Iirc, the explanation war that otherwise, the POW is corrupted and can not be used. He explicitly ruled out POW given under Dominate/Command/Control spells.
  12. I am not complaining. I am just explaining what I understand of the rules and of their consequences. But on that specific point, I never complained. And in fact, it is fine for me.
  13. That is a big part of my problem with the passions.
  14. They don't need to have access to said magic. They only need tohave somebody that has access to said magic has access to them (RAW). I fully agree on this (no comments on 13G, about which I don't know anything). You go further than I do (but as I don't have the guide, this is logical). Apart to this, I fully agree.
  15. RAW, there are at least 3 ways I can think of: - Giving POW to a wyter. - Giving POW to a god (and taking RP in exchange). - Giving POW to an enchant in progress. This is exactly what I described: Few donors and few buyers, but both exist. Yes, and if you don't play HQ, nor 13G,it is the only one that matters for you. Yes. I never bothered buying anything for HW, and I don't know anything about 13G but the Glorantha I felt from reading Herowars is completely different from the one I felt reading RQ (both 2 and 3). Agreed on both. I don't feel his extrapolations are crazy. This is how he understand the rules and how they describe the world functions. So they matters. My readings are not the same as his, but they also modify the way I perceive Glorantha and how it works. It is not worth 2000L because nobody would accept to sell more than 1 POW, especially if that amounts to 5 years of income.
  16. This is exactly the point I was speaking of: For 1 point, you get 5 to 10 years of cost of living for you and your family. This is why I can easily envision people doing it. I don't think many people would accept, and I am not sure there are many buyers (even for enchanters, 200L is also quite a high amount of cash) , but if we accept that the rule exists, the phenomenon also has to exist.
  17. Because he can not be forced to provide this POW. Only a voluntary person can. This is how I play it, after a thread where Jeff (iirc) explained that you can not force a spirit to contribute to an enchant, even with control / dominate spells. I will apply the same rule to humans / trolls / ducks and others. Let's say the non complete voluntary gift corrupts the POW, making it unusable.
  18. In that case, it would not be the PSE (POW stock Exchange), but the PRS (POW Recovery Service).
  19. Not thought about that. In fact, Kralorela could also, after rethinking.
  20. I don't think the offer would be so high. Between the Rune Points, the gifts to Wyters and some diseases, not counting all the people that would not accept selling part of their POW (like I would not , if given choice, sell a part of my body), the enchanters will not have access to a so high number of sellers. And I can't envision (except for jokes) a POW Stock Exchange. Easy: Don't provide too many sellers.
  21. Yes. This point is very important: The enchanter has to provide at least 1 point of POW, but all others can be contributed by anybody. And, as some people are today selling a kidney, I perfectly envision someone requesting a payment in exchange of participating a bit of his self to an enchant, if this allows several years of income for him and his family. I don't think they would be numerous, but they would exist. On the other side, I also find normal for the enchanter to compensate for the help he is receiving in his work.
  22. Agreed. We could still have broad strokes, like 'Tap technique is restricted to Borists and Brithinis'. Joerg copied us a warning that was in HQ, that would have been useful and sufficient in that case. Good proposal. Right. This is why at least basic info is needed. For the rest, Everybody's Glorantha Must Vary. Completely agree here. P.S. I didn't put a like to your post because I am out of stock, but: 'Like'
  23. This is one of the point I was raising: Some spells have social stigmata, and some not. It should be written in the spell or technique description, as people, depending on their homeland or religion, or ..., will not all have the same restrictions. Without this information, all those spells have to be equally considered evil (by modern standard) or acceptable (by older time standards).
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