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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Klark's Law -- sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology.
  2. g33k

    Lunar Demons

    I think it's slightly more specific than that... sometimes. Most particularly, beings from the Underworld carry the "Demon" label more often (and of course Chaos beings). "Spirit" is the general term for "otherworld entity," but I don't think "hostile spirit" = "demon" as a general rule. Angry ghosts aren't demons. Just because he's been a Naughty Initiate, I don't think a repentant Initiate will call his Cult's Spirits of Reprisal "Demons." Spirits of particular places (a sacred spring, etc) might be hostile if the place is threatened or defiled, but aren't usually "demons." But I try to keep in mind that the average person in Glorantha may use "Demon" in a very casual and culture-centric way, even an own-POV way (and such usage might contradict the ideas above). Spirits from other cultures, and/or hostile Cults within their own culture, will be "Demons" to them, but not necessarily to the culture-or-Cult-of-origin... they are servants of their respective God(s). So a shaman witnessing an errant Issaries Initiate being assailed by the Cult's SoR might descibe his companion as "attacked by a Demon of Greed." Humans attacking a forest might describe being fought by "Elves and other plant-demons." Etc.
  3. I like these! I'll add one of my own: I bet that (at least some) Wyters can coordinate a multi-person casting, too; maybe just 1 "signature" spell, or spells of a particular theme. Wyters are supposed to be a community-focus thing, after all...
  4. My rule of thumb is to buy adventures (which generally, I only use once) cheap; PDF or even used. Corebooks and sourcebooks -- things I want to go to again and again -- I get the Mostali-processed Aldryami.
  5. You seem to be addressing the similar-sounding but utterly distinct question, "Just how expensive will the Gods Of Glorantha guide be?" My bet is $85 - $90 (ish). My reasoning: RQGcore slipcase, 3 items, $120. Cults slipcase, 2 items... 2/3 the price = $80; then add a $5-$10. I am guessing Chaosium has their own formula for figuring this... and they won't try to set the final price until they have a finished (layout & art) ms. and a firm quote from a printer. But I could be wrong...
  6. And in fact, the "RuneQuest Starter Set" is coming... and relatively soon, at that! Likely to be #2 in the pipeline, right after Pegasus Plateau (which is the very-next, I think).
  7. The ancient-fantastical precursor to the Shadowrun world is officially Earthdawn. RQ needs a different cyberfuture.
  8. One cannot ... fondle... A PDF. No matter how cheap they are.
  9. IIRC, Jeff has stated that pantheons will come with their respective sourcebooks. Robin's new P & BR books will presumably cover the Cult of Pavis... likely Zola Fel, too. And so forth...
  10. IIRC, coverage of the Elder Race's deities is uneven.
  11. Central Genertela, human centric. Very few local "city" gods, e.g. Pavis, Glamour. See here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/9114-gods-and-goddesses-of-glorantha/?do=findComment&comment=147491
  12. who is currently Engajia Chewer of Flesh ...
  13. They aren't precisely "kind" words, Clarence. I'm not being nice here, or polite. I'm calling it as I see it: factually (given the limits of this sort of thing being, in the end, a matter of taste). You've hit a stunning blend of grounded familiarity and "weird science" oddity, but with a flavor different from most other "wacky" style weird science I've seen.
  14. what about "... of Swing" ?
  15. Do you have The Smoking Ruins? I think it's a race now, whether the PDF of Pegasus Plateau, or the hardcopy of TSR, is next to market...
  16. ... maybe even a mini "tribal edit" pass ... 😁
  17. I think the budding Egypto-Gloranthologist would take <Zola Fel & Prax> and <Oslir & DH> as a pair: If you carefully pull elements from each one, you end up with a pretty big part of Egypt.
  18. Yeah. The Tribe hereabouts is usually pretty good that way! (Always assuming the question doesn't spiral down into one of the Deep Lore rabbit-holes...)
  19. +1 Sort of. Since "... we all want this..." I will argue that (by definition) Nick's posts AREN'T spam (which by definition is UNwanted).
  20. Oh, it's not YOU, Nick; you did nothing wrong. I apologize if that seemed like it was aimed at you personally! That was not my intent, and mea culpa if I was so careless as to phrase it so it could seem that way. I recognize you're just spreading the word in relevant places, responding to the conditions that exist. There's some overlap between various fannish communities, to be sure; but plenty of BRPC folk aren't on FB, and vice versa; the fans in those places WILL all want to know (and I've NO idea how healthy-or-not e.g. the (undoubted) /r/Runequest and/or /r/Glorantha communities are (or Twitter, or, or, or... any other online spaces)). Nevertheless, I continue to bemoan the multiplicity of venues that make keeping-track-of-stuff almost impossible for the fans. I still recall the annoyance of discovering an "official" clarification on an issue repeatedly-flamed&debated here on BRPC... but the clarification was a reply-to-a-reply embedded deep in a FB thread, on a Group that I hadn't previously found. I think the particular issue had spilled onto FB from here, but am not certain. I'm not clear HOW Chaosium (and other companies in like situations) could (or would) address this quandary.
  21. That's a pretty safe offer, given the antiquity & the reverence that followed him. But part of the notion is the characters' limited familiarity with the language: "Big Chuck" means "Charlemagne" ... very roughly translated. 😇
  22. Apologies. It was previously re-up'ed by someone else, so it showed on 1st page of the forum, and I didn't look at the whole history (and specifically the post I replied to).
  23. I had understood the Pol Joni had forced their way into the Covenant. They actually give reverence to the Most Revered Elder, &c. I'm pretty sure that insisting on not using the Peaceful Cut wouldn't pass muster with the MRE.
  24. I have this scene envisioned for a RPG. Pretty railroad-y, to make it work. Historical (-ish... alt-history would work) Dark Ages. Players are doing <something, not sure, doesn't matter> on the fringes of a war zone. They're outside their home territory; language skills are ... adequate, but barely. They're captured by one side (q.v. "railroad") the soldiers suspect them of being agents for the other side (they aren't). There's some debate about killing them out of hand, but finallly they decide the PC's should be taken to "Big Chuck," who seems to be their go-to guy for taking the blame if big decisions go wrong. He's Charlemagne. (my point is - how the GM (or the setting) describes things the characters see/experience -- the language, the referents -- can intrinsically change how the players see the events and the setting)
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