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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. what is "normal", normal, as a person who is not fanatic ? or normal as an initiate who acts like their deity ? in my opinion we have two hero types : hero 1 is the "avatar of their god" hero 2 is those who choose to follow other ways, those who lost something and gain something else Argrath is not a good Orlanthi for a sartarite priest in my opinion : he is able to work with lunars, even illuminates. That doesn't mean is not apreciated by Orlanth who were able to work with other tribes, but, clearly, I don't see any Orlanth Priest in Sartar who would accept his opinion, before he proved that he is so powerful that he can do what he wants.
  2. that is for me acceptable. To be different, yes I m worshipping XXX, but I m not able (or don't want) to follow everything XXX do the character doesn't fit with "all" the expectations, the character must not obtain "all" the benefit. the only issue is, for me as GM or player, if the player of this character complain because (s)he cannot obtain all the benefits so yes this Humakti is honorable but not too much (60-65).. no problem, he follows the code but with breach. I, as the GM cult leader, know his weakness. I will not give him the opportunity to advance in the cult if there is another humakti more.... trustable. so yes this Bab's sister prefer to understand than to destroy. Maybe she may be usefull for some job the "standard" cannot, some diplomatic way, investigation, etc... but of course she will be mocked (gently or not) by her sisteres. maybe she will have the opportunity to prove that her way is a babs good way too, by sacrifice, courage, and.... success and success is the key word : It is easy to be respected as a "good" cultist, even if you fail. If you want to be respected as a "about" cultist, you must succeed and you must succeed better than other for the same result (cult reputation, divinity acceptation, etc...) now, as a player, if I want to play a weird cultist, that is because it opens opportunity to join other cults * / knowing weird secrets and powers... etc. But in that case of course I expect that I will not be so favored than another player by the GM-as-high-priest however, I expect too that the GM-as-campaign-designer will offer me the opportunity to obtain these weird stuff * that's why the "only associed cult" restriction is for me too hard, as player or GM , and I will never follow it (official rules or not)
  3. thought of the morning : one "new" rune spell or one "new" heroic power with that, no more need of a shield, a staff, etc... you're safe from coconuts * ! and for those who can't use the spell, well... you have to pay for the life(s) you took, after all. seems to me consistent with the myths. * about the coconuts, I just discovered that their is no irl stats about the danger of coconuts (the 150 we may have in mind is based on nothing) . But when I saw, decades ago, our mauritian guide ridiculously (in fact not at all) used his two arms to protect his head when he heard the coconut release's noise in the forest we were visiting, I understood that a shield may be usefull even when there is no ennemy
  4. That could be fine or not (I mean the gm plays opponents applying dumb strategy to « save » the pc) i always adapt stat to pcs but if I play opponents who see that this guy even not fighting is able to « reboot » an incapacited warrior, some of them, the smartest, will try to attack him or to capture him. In the other hand if weak dumb people see the opportunity to kill someone before fleeing and the only weak target is the healer, of course focus him ! there is the ca taboo of course but for those who don’t care, the healer may be a good target. Hoping the pc will adapt their tactics to protect the weird guy who refuse to parry any wound. Next time you will hire an ernaldan healer, who may have too some lovely other benefits (if you are lucky)
  5. an idea: maybe the taboo is not to train but to use you must not "touch" a shield, a spear, etc... because it is taboo : it is weapon (so of course, in this case, you cannot train, gain experience, etc...) but as I said, I m not fond of it, maybe because I don't see how to play it (but I may change... After all I did not imagine that playing a Ty Kora Tek initiate may be usefull in a standard campain)
  6. well i have definitly another game than you but your request is very interesting even for anti murder hobo side 🙂 day after day, I imagine CA cultists as some monks/nuns in closed monastry (=temple) inside city or not so yes here you don't need to protect yourself by any way: your walls protect you from the "natural dangers" ( sharks, and even more dangerous : coconuts), and city or clan guards against "sentient dangers" (broos, or anyone who doesn't have the taboo protecting CA) in that case, I see only those who have some temptation to become a martyr (or those who have enough guards and servants to avoid any danger) to go outside the temple so yes it would be interesting to see / read some play with CA PC as I am unable to see how it can work (of course if GM protects the CA pc it is less interesting) Or does it mean that one player must decide to be the "shield" of the CA devotee, a huge constraint for a player, isn't it? Of course CA cultist can do more than just heal (if your campaign is not only about battle), but this taboo to not be able to protect herself (just protect) seems to me so hard ! Note that I don't challenge the canon (and for me the canon is rqg cult description now, even if I have not yet the book 😛 ) just I don't see how it can work in a long campaign
  7. and rocks, coconuts and other dangers a shield may block 🙂
  8. you decided to use a weapon, a weapon that some of your fundamentalist peers forbid, and even if you didn't hope the result, you harmed someone. manage it now however I would not say that a successful crit or special should add dammage when you are trying to avoid it, in my opinion a special / crit provides a better result than what you expect. If your intent is not to harm, your crit will not harm. Same with a fumble, your intent is not to harm, your crit may harm
  9. Another reason to have one skill for both Parry & Attack 😛 However I agree about your point, I would allow a chalana cultist to parry or disarm (so to be trained). I would just add some more "fundamentalist" school/sect/subcult inside the cult, forbidding it, "offer the other cheek " is better than "block the attack"
  10. don't know too maybe it is related to alchemical stuff, but I think the best way is to free your leg from a trap (or from any complex or little mechanism) without too much wounds or is it just to use "devise flesh" as some kind of surgery ^^ note that in the starter set i found a healer with 55% (Herin Mercy) however there are a lot of people with device (humakti, issaries, lankhoring, etc...) in Jonstown so probably a lot of "civilized" people have a minimum experience with mechanics
  11. I don't think it is the case (however I m not an elf specialist) Is there any source for it or is a part of a glorantha variation ? Pretty sure at least it is a form of disrespect to eat "part" of another elf (if it is allowed, and I m not convince) I understand @Joerg cannibalism issue. That's not because elves are "plant" that they are cannibal. They are cannibal if they eat elves (or related like dryad & co). Or yes as humans are "flesh" then humans would be cannibal. In my opinion elves eat some plants, seeds, etc.. which one, i don't know, but some of them, not all of them, not everything called "plant" as human don't eat everything called "flesh". (Troll eat everything so they are excluded for sure 😜 ) But in all case, I agree with you for the rest, in my opinion it is difficult to be an aldryami in human countries, and it is difficult to be a sartarite in kralori countries, and it is difficult to be a genertela aldryami in pamaltela elves countries but you may be accepted by a community (a village, a clan, maybe a tribe) with a lot of effort, sacrifices, success and reputation. However locally accepted by few doesn't mean globaly accepted in all the region
  12. Gentle people few weeks ago I discovered here that god learners had a business with Eurmal my scribes found only the surnames fire bringer , man friend (if my scripts are good) but I would like to know what happen. what did Eurmal, if he did something ? is it something known by people now (1600+) i even imagine that only orlanthi may consider did something (scapegoat) but godlearners saw nothing in fact (if fact means anything) could you enlighten me ?
  13. First mgf, however some thoughts : the pc were masked so those who were not in the secret would not know them were the pc Argrath’s minions or just mercernaries with some loyalties ? If not minions no one has to share their name except if… did they do something so heroic that among the mercenaries they are considered as the saviors of the cradle ? Normally the true hero is Argrath not them then when do the pc meet the giant ? Is still Argrath on see ? Because except Argrath and few of his party who knows that Gonn Orta is the giant he met ? so in my opinion, Gonn Orta doesn’t know and did not try to know then the pc meet Gonn Orta. They may explain that they saved a giant baby (again without knowing this giant is the giant) for sure Gonn Orta would want to know how it happened, how is the child, … pc should give some information than only those who were in the cradle can know, to prove their words then yes their would gain some benefit (access to more gears than other merchants, maybe some bargain advantages, etc…)
  14. in my opinion trollball is played in troll cave, or at least under Xentha. Maybe sometimes there are few "demonstration" for the outsider but the main point is trollball is for troll. So the logical consequence is if there are colors, these colors can be seen by troll. Now I m not sure that teams have their own uniform. We are in lead age, not in 18st century or more. The team mates know themselves. They may have some recognition gears (skulls, teeth, weird skins, tattoos an scares,colored in their spectrum stuff) but I don't imagine them with something standardized (as I don't imagine warband with the same uniform except maybe some elite unities)
  15. yes you can ! keep in mind (but it depends on the gm) that an aldryami is .. an aldryami. Trolls hate them, dwarves hate them, a lot of human despise or fear or hate them. After all a human farmer who is not an elf friend will see you as the "people" who want to destroy his field, his herd, his house... to plant a wild forest, a forest where he will not be welcomed. So in fun play that is not an issue, in more "realistic" one it brings you some difficulties if you want to interact with other (depends on the settings of course). That issue (if you play it) is not only an elf issue, it is for any people and races. There are memories of war, there are beliefs (or truth) of "barbarian attitudes" (look these trolls I've heard they steal babies the nights and eat them - which may be true by the way 😛 , look these praxians, they are not able to harvest their lands, and they kill horses... look this lunar, look this orlanthi, etc...)
  16. maybe but (i m not a fighter at all so i don't know if my next sentence makes sense for an expert ) i believe that, if you are aiming and you need to move abruptly (dodge, parry, knock out, ...) you lose all your benefit of your precision / concentration / focus / .. If you are just hit by a little stone (you know a little line of blood on your face) you may try a concentration roll to keep your focus but, if you have to move from even few centimers, you lose your angle, your position, etc... so I like the option of aiming a specific location but in a battle it should be easy to break your effort (for a ranged weapon at least)
  17. you can change it as "if you dodge, you lose your bonus"
  18. welcome and very nice house rule; you convince me 🙂
  19. Don’t play a gorp or a true dragon that is the only advice I have 🙂
  20. I have the same memory but in addition I believe I read that zz followers use it as a way to challenge the kaargs followers too so yes it is not only « sport » but there are a lot of symbols , sometimes religious, sometimes politics, sometimes entertainment don’t know if there is some standard outcome for the winners and for the losers (well, not a lot of good issues for the trollkin ….)
  21. Seems to me easier to get an allied spirit (aka a spirit existing in the god plan) bound into the bow than go on heroquest to awake the bow (aka a spirit from scratch born into the bow) * When I say easier…. Well will you go in dangerous heroquest (as it is about weapon there should be some fight or other dangerous situation) before you are rune master (and if you are rune master you probably get the allied spirit) but that could be an unexpected benefit to hear your bow after the quest : you go to get some seed to save / renew the forest and you are so successful that your bow is blessed by the mother goddess. * i say that but I m not sure if, in glorantha spirits can be created or if there are here since the beginning awaking an object = binding a spirit with a « past » ?
  22. I want to be clear on one point 🙂 IRL I have no faith, I hope there is something, I fear there is nothing and unfortunately now that I m not very very young, my fear is overcoming my hope. So all I say is my understanding of Glorantha (may be wrong), I don't project in my answers my own absence of "divine certainty", I project the "what if I knew the gods are here, what if I saw the ghost of my grandmother and talked to her, what if I was able to cast some thunder by praying Orlanth, when my uncle is not able to do it but is able to close a door I cannot force, etc.." And this projection may have bias (spoiler just because to focus on my main point) YES
  23. like your last 2 posts @JRE even if I m not aligned about the "god = machine", but we have a common base about soul 😛 !
  24. The 200 is not for the priest but for the temple (priest = 90% tithes) and a priest, at least in my glorantha, will not do it for consumer but for initiate of the same religion, associate cult or for those who have demonstrate some loyalty / help or thing like that You can consider that business, capitalism and other irl world can apply but there is a difference : the sun can stop , the wind can die, the earth can freeze. so considering that the power energy that mortals can use to support their gods and their world is just « something buyable » is for me a non sense how many people in our world will sell their arms , limbs, eyes voluntary for money ?
  25. what kind of game is it ? I mean something like wow, cyberpunk, etc.. is very much complex than king of dragon pass or stuff like this (even if it is a very nice game, that is not the point). it depends on a lot of things. 3 years may be very long or very short
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