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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. yeah I understand and ... sympathize 😛 in that case I would say that @g33k and @JRE methods are fine too (i prefer to be totally free, but freedom implies, for me, responsability, so at the end of the days that's the same) however if that is absolutly not my taste but I understand other ways 🙂 . when my rolls are bad I m frustrated, when they are too good (I had once 106 or something like that)... I m a little bit embarassed. I prefer to "build" than to "gamble" (I hope there is no negative connotation with this word) but yes the world is full of different people and sensibilities, and that's the wealth of humankind
  2. How many senses behind this sentence... Lodril is Lodril for sure
  3. the point is the total amount you gm give to the player ok this one will choose 18str 18siz and then ? 8 INT ? 6 DEX ? etc... and what about part of scenario where you have social relationship, knowledge, magic or agility tests,etc.. Will dumb & dumber be efficient ? 🙂 there are three ways in my opinion. - a lot of experienced players are cautious, they will focus on what they risk to lose : [you will not be able] or [ it will be very difficult ] to bargain / seduce / resist magic / become runelord etc ... if you have not enough points in xxx. Any characteristic lower than 12 is, in my opinion, something to explain what would happen, what would be lost,etc... - help your player (if few experience) to build something efficient. Probably have +1d4bonus damage, enough STR and DEX to manipulate the needed weapons. Enough POW and CHA for the magic. then you will see that a lot of the amount is already spent. Let the rest "open" - the "wish list" of what they want to do with their warrior : CON is important when you are the "bull / tank", DEX is so much important to hit. what a fighter without POW ? ok big damage but confused 80% of the time ? What about magic if your even not able to cast protection 2 or bladesharp 1 ? Do they want to lead others in battle ? INT and CHA should be usefull too Of course there will be low characterstics. The point is how low will it be, is the loss important or not for this player ? etc.. Then if you have a storm bull bison 21/20 unable to do anything except kill and drink, that is fine but I m pretty sure that a lot of players will be more reasonable. so at the end of the day your "fighting players" would choose different archetypes or no archetype, just their way, and those who choose to maximize STR/SIZ are only those who will be usefull to open a closed door so true
  4. i dislike roll for any creation topic, a player may be lucky another one not. so here my option: hombak => characterisic
  5. I m not so sure about that why should be separate ceremonies ? I m clearly not malkionism expert (old or new version) but when I read the separate worship I imagine something like the irl "christian worship the sunday" and "pagan worship the other days". And that's still like the old version "malkionism= church" I disliked. why not imagine, in the same @JRE split, that the one cast's ceremony day is a mix between gods worshipping under zzaburi "control" (if they are not the priests themselves), mundane business, and a part of philosophy and rules malkion/zzabur/hrestol "lessons" ? I mean they are "one people" from the beginning (or at least for a long long long time), that's not like some pagan people conquered 50 years ago by a foreign power worshipping the only one and trying to convert them to the civilized true religion.
  6. and the answer is easy: when was Nysalor Illuminated ==> tomorrow and when did he realise it => yesterday time is chaotic after all
  7. yep I would not let any roll. Who (irl) would use dice to determine if a pc (or npc) will be initiate of X when Y is expected by the player or the scenario ? in my opinion, the pit you visit, or anything you experiment during any initiation or any heroquest (when not mundane quest) is what yourself (consciously or unconsciouly, your faith, your knowledge, your beliefs) , the other questers, the people who support you project on the other world. And sometimes, your experience is challenged by some opponent, or even some god
  8. I agree with @radmonger with a little difference, worship implies sacrifice, sacrifice means "fuel" (mp, pow,...). Then fuel implies the gods need it. Probably to be present more in mundane world than if not. Probably with more worshippers, daga will be more present = more drought. Not only when worshippers invoke its power (rune spell) but "just" because they do their worship
  9. you just opened my eyes.. if you are right, if not, you just corrupted my brain... argh ! maybe the "pits" are not different places but more the path to leave the only one air pantheon start place : a prison to break (after all Umath was the first to break what he considered his chains, breaking the chains was the first step to " air " way in that way, Orlanthi will see the inhabitants of this place as strange gods, Humakti as fighting opponents, etc... then there failure to escape means death or anything you cannot come back (you didn't succeed to escape the prison) And one way to escape is "sex pit" (maybe you offer your body to your jailers because you want to flee, maybe you happily join them in their perverse activities) and then now you are more or less perveted by chaos : you didn't succeed to resist, you didn't rebel as the thunder gods, you just accepted to collaborate with the ennemy, because you are weak or because you are evil.
  10. but... is Argrath a reincarnation of Arkat soul, or a "retry" of some deeper mechanism trying to "fix the world". is even soul something able to exist for ever in glorantha or something that will disappear / merge / move outside of glorantha / xxx in what some could call "solace", "unity", "cosmic dragon" or "I don't know what", once the soul is "ready" ? (no I m not a dwarf)
  11. mmm I dislike this option. for me, the"rightness" key word in the next rules means only : "in the path you follow, your rightness score represents where you are on your path, and what level of power you succeed to gain from your path" then for us, irl, considering that a sect (if I can use this word) has wrongness, is just considering that this sect is unable to provide any benefit for its members of course for a sect-A follower, the sect-B followers follow a more or less wrong path because they don't follow sect-A path. So yes Vadeli are probably* seen as having a "wrongness" by the Rokari. But from the Vadeli perspective, they follow their own rightness. If not the Vadeli big guys should be less vadeli and more rokari. * "probably" = because I know so few about vadeli; what they are, how they are seen from others, that I don't want to say "that is the way it is" or even "that should be the way it is"
  12. seems to me perfectly acceptable I see priests using seduction (and sometimes intimidation) than pure hierarchic authority to "lead" their initiates.
  13. I didn't challenge the answer, i mean my question is about the two first columns, i read the table [sexe male, gender vingan] . I thought it was sexe female, gender vingan.
  14. It seems to me to have read it here (or maybe I thought to post something or i dit it… how mad I can be …) here the concepts I have in mind a beast* spirit powerful enough to possess the mundane person is able to « lead the body by period » then the body is able to be transformed (something like nephilim … fr powa) Could be for ever or like a divine spell a Shaman bargaining with a great beast* spirit is able to gain a shaman ability (able to transform one a day/weak etc…) that’s for the binding. This kind of power could not be dominated by a simple 3d6 or even 4d6 POW race in my opinion. The binding would be neutral (bargain) or defeated (possession) of course a more powerful POW (…) person (or community) may be able to defeat a spirit able to do it and to bind it as any spirit. but, from my perspective if you want the power start a spirit cult (to gain access to the rune spell ) or a heroquest (to gain access to the heroic spell) *i say beast for claws effect but could be an elemental (fire breath for example) or anything else
  15. Would say a good job for jakaleel people. Dominate / control / bargain Daga is better than serve him
  16. Hi David , thanks to share it. However there is something I may misundestand (both English and not a lot of discussion about gender irl etc) vingan is a male in a female body I agree but why their « sex » is male ? Isn’t « sex » the body part ? And vingan the « male » gender ? same for nandan ? I would switch the god-dess then but it may be a word definition issue ?
  17. by the way I consider it as canon (is it ?), however I never read that becoming Vingans is "transfer all my ernaldan runepool in orlanth runepool". I always have understood it by "being initiate of Vinga" without any information about the rest (power in the new cult, what happens to the ernalda relationship, etc..) The only thing I have in mind is the possibility for these women to stop their Orlanth relationship - initiate status - once the revenge (or the word you want) is done without any reprisal from Orlanth
  18. p289 core rules (don't know if the cult book will say differently) In my glorantha the restriction is both sex and gender (there is Maran Gor for other options in the gor-list). But if canon people answer differently I will follow them !
  19. well... "other" seems a good definition, if you consider helering is not "both" but "alternate gender"
  20. for me, the point here is what you (the pc) are now yes you still know all the cult lore you learnt before in the Ernaldan temple but if you choosed to not be anymore an Ernaldan initiate, it means you broke the channel/gate/link with Ernalda. It means, even if you still worship her from your new Vinga cult, you are not more than an ernaldan lay member. And a lay member is not able to channel the full power of the Goddess, not to be the Goddess. Yes you are able to call your wife to help you, you Orlanth (==> Orlanth's runepool) Power / runepool / fetch are not knowledge, they are soul and connection with the others worlds and not mundane entities How to not break the channel with the goddess and become Vingan ? stay an Ernaldan initiate, ok you have to spend 10% on your time (and money) in the Earth temple, but, because you spend your time in the Eart temple, you do what is necessary to keep the connection, you see the pictures on the walls, you hear the goddess and her spirits minions, you still are impregnated by her. If I m not wrong, there is no issue of gender here, there is the gender "both", you are Ernalda the woman and you are Orlanth the man (in a vingan body) so that's the point, if you don't want (player) to lose your previous rune pool you have to "lose" 10% of your time and money there is no background issue here: your life (character) may be fully broken, all Ernalda past is over, now you are only Vinga. Or your life (character) may be injured, you stay in the Ernalda path, but something new grows in you, something violent, not like a violent woman(x-gor) but like a violent man and now you follow the Vinga path
  21. oh I understand. Well , I m more like @Joerg. I dislike (my taste) your option and prefer what the rules are. Yes you were Orlanth, you can maintain Orlanth and join LM (2 rune pools, 20%) or you can leave Orlanth and join LM (Orlanth RP is lost, 1 LM rune pool, 10%) and it is fine. You can be a lawspeaker and be only Orlanth initiate. The LM magic/powers is to discover things, not to say what is the law and tradition, that is just lore skills. So yes for me it is fine to have 2 rune pools
  22. I don't understand your "no, if you stay with the clan" I fully agree with your story telling, and all you describe about the knowledge you have because experience / age fit exactly with what I say: now, you are qualified to become LM initiates exactly like the rules are (in fact LM is not a good example, it is so easy to have 50% in 1 lore or RW skill, compared with other cults requirements) . What do you need differently from the rules ? the only point I imagine is the "runepool transfer" : in your example, as a orlanth initiate you sacrificed pow for the only LM spell you can learn by the associated cult and get 1 more point in the Orlanth runepool. You may wish to transfer this point from Orlanth runepool to LM runepool once you are initiate. I don't see anything else. (that is not a "challenge", just I don't see what is the issue with the rules, and I would like to be prepared if I face it on my table ^^ )
  23. from my perspective (or my taste) I would not facilitate transition from one cult to another. Yes of course there are obvious transitions like (voria -> ernalda ->asrelia) but that is not because the "next" god is in the same pantheon that it must be easy. You are Orlanth and want to become LM ? you have to work, learn new secrets, learn/develop the runes. That is not a rune pool transfer. Of course your "first" priest will probably not disagree, maybe grunt, maybe not, but that's all. You change your god, your devotion. the big difference with other pantheons is, for me, priest attitude, and family/bloodline/community attitude too. but,if the cults book doesn't say it is easy to move from A to B, well, it means, you have to sacrifice pow, etc..
  24. yep another question then, is there one runepool for Orlanth thunderous and Orlanth Odayla or because one is an orlanth's mask and the other a god, does that mean two runepools ?
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