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Mythras & Glorantha


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I'm thinking about using the Mythras rules for Glorantha.

I found the fantastic Notes from Pavis the other day.

I couldn't find a listing of starting skills by culture. 

But I assume I could simply port the Culture and Professional skills form RQG. 

Also: the site has the amazing listing of Cult Onepagers, which refer to the cult spells from RQ2. Would there be any downside to porting in spells from RQG?

Thanks so much!

"But Pendragon isn’t intended to be historical, just fun.
So have fun."

-- Greg Stafford

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10 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

how will you implement runalité?

Much in the same way RQG does. The two games are kissing cousins and porting ideas back and froth is easy-peasey.

Mythras has Passions in the same way RQG does, as well as Augments: You apply 20% of the Passion's value as an Augment. RQG adds Runic scores for PCs that are effectively Passions. The Runes can only be used in circumstances tied to the Rune's qualities. Adding the same mechanical element to Mythras is trivial.

As I've said from the day I started pouring over RQG there is a lot to love in the game. But it is badly written and many of the rules seem ill-concieved. (I say this with someone as no experience of previous RQ editions. I was simply a guy who bought a game, read it, and thought, "What the hell happened here?")

My idea here is to take the parts of the RQG rules and setting details I like and work them through the Mythras rules... which seem clear and easy to use. 

I am not sure if I've answered all specific details you wanted to know about, but that's the broad approach. 

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"But Pendragon isn’t intended to be historical, just fun.
So have fun."

-- Greg Stafford

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More thoughts: 

Mythras has clear and robust rules for handling different kinds of magic, including Theistic magic. Which involves temple obligations and such. Again, rules are already in place to port Glorantha over to Mythras.

In addition, Rune points (a feature I like) can be added to Mythras, and so on.

The key thing is: A rule book where, when I turn to a rule to explain something to my players as we learn the rules, the rules are clear and make sense and cross-reference clearly to other notable rules is apparently something I really like!

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"But Pendragon isn’t intended to be historical, just fun.
So have fun."

-- Greg Stafford

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6 minutes ago, creativehum said:

The key thing is: A rule book where, when I turn to a rule to explain something to my players as we learn the rules, the rules are clear and make sense and cross-reference clearly to other notable rules is apparently something I really like!

Something that has been common in other iterations of RQ and what made me decide to play the game in the first place. Alas, I feel your pain.

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Mythras, like most of the rest of BRP's "extended family" of games, is highly intercompatible.

If I wanted the RQG runes imported into a Mythras-engine'ed game, it'd be trivially-easy to do so.

If I wanted Mythras "Combat Effects" to imported into RQG to replace the "critical hit" system, it'd be trivially-easy to do that, too.


Thus I say unto thee:  go forth, and game!  And if perchance thou havest fun... then thou art Doing It Right.


(also, it sounds like BOTH Chaosium and TDM sell their core rulebooks; really, I don't see any losers here)


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/4/2019 at 7:19 AM, Raleel said:

@hkokko will be able to answer most of this. 

Sorry, have been overwhelmed by RW stuff. It is easy to do. It can be done with Mythras RAW but  I have been using the AiG preview with some home made additions to bridge the missing gaps I have found. May post at some point the home rules I use for this. But you can just use the Mythras RAW as well. Mythras Encounter Generator has been mostly filled with RAW. 

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