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BATS IN THE BELFRY—You stand between the moon’s people and their own demon.

It is Dogs in the Vineyard for CB cultists: they travel from town to isolated town carrying mail, news, and doctrine, seeking out the sick, the weary, and the wicked, and feeding them to the Bat. Much hand wringing and soul searching ensues. How long till the PCs snap and throw themselves into the Bat’s maw to stop the voices in their heads?

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50 minutes ago, theconfusingeel said:

aren't there animal heroes in Glorantha?
a fish hero of Golod would just be a salmon who has survived multiple salmon runs

One of my favourite things about Studio Ghibli's approach to spiritual worldbuilding is this sort of thing. That yes, humans have gods/spirits that they interact with, but so do animals and forests and all sorts of other things. You get the impression that even if humans weren't there at all, stories and events and life in general would just go on anyway. It's a bit of an antidote to the general human exceptionalism that sees us as above and beyond the world around us.

Love it. Happy to see that approach happening anywhere I see it.

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  • White Maize = White Moon
  • Maize … can grow three or more meters tall, with ears of red, blackish, blueish-grey, or yellow kernels. Maize that is well-watered and offered blood via human sacrifice … produces on average 20% more crop per hectare than other cereals.
    The Lunar Way: Hon-eel (PDF, p. 69)

The White Moon Movement says that this is all part of the suppression of pacifism in and by the Empire. White maize is said not to need blood sacrifice, but wherever the Empire finds plants or seed corn, they burn them. (This is a mundane parallel to the heroquest that retconned potatoes out of all worlds.)

Imperial apologists say that the time for white maize will come, but it is not yet, so the burning must continue. (They have never heard of spuds, of course.) The WMM replies that this is retarding the natural evolution of the Goddess and will result in the Next Step being taken apocalyptically rather than peacefully. The Empire scoffs at the idea that anything worthwhile can be achieved except by paying a price in blood (preferably someone else’s, but needs must …)—as it was, so it must always be! The WMM warns that that is Gods War thinking not meet for a New Age religion rooted in the mysteries of Time.

The Empire’s pundits look ahead and seem to see the River Oslira foaming with much blood. (The jury is out on whether this is connected to the wearing of moustaches by the Irrippi Ontor cult.) They don’t even pretend to be filled with foreboding. “If blood is shed and people are suffering, we must be moving forward. This is foundational to the Lunar Way. If it was good enough for Our Lady, it is good enough for you plebs and a bunch of stinking barbarians.”

WMM fellow travellers are organising Rock Against Imperialism concerts and setting up a Campaign Against the Agricultural Arson Trade, but it is feared that these are fronts for less than peaceful revolutionaries.

The WMM weeps an ocean of tears, but it cannot put out the fires.

A voice whispers that freedom is slavery and that we must all learn to love Great Sister. Tune it out.

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4 hours ago, Ynneadwraith said:

You get the impression that even if humans weren't there at all, stories and events and life in general would just go on anyway. It's a bit of an antidote to the general human exceptionalism that sees us as above and beyond the world around us.

I can personally attest to having encountered animals which were paragons of arete within their field. I once encountered a tomcat in the wastelands of Pr...I mean Oklahoma, who did much credit to Yinkin's place within the Storm Tribe. He weighed about thirteen pounds of muscle and scar tissue, ate rabbit everyday(and occasionally a vulture!) and dotted the countryside with the visage of his offspring. On top of all that he had the uncanny ability to tell friend from foe and maintained friendly relations with most human denizens of the area. Hell, he might have been the wyter of that gods-forsaken patch of rural Oklahoma itself.

So Earth seems to be such a setting.

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3 hours ago, scott-martin said:

(And this has been a screen across my gloranthan time lately, speaking of Oklahoma.)

Authorship of this era has always tickled me to no end with its paradoxical capacity for naive topical matter covered by people who had clearly been educated in the classics, thank you for that.

Though it be a work of pure fiction(or is it?), I offer this short story in return.

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Posted (edited)

Speaking of Oklahoma! (the musical), I find the rivalry between Cowboys and Farmers (mediated by Aunt Eller) a profitable way to understand relations between the Pure Horse Tribe and the Vendref in the modern Grazelands (mediated by the Feathered Horse Queen), and have perpetrated filk to support my theory. One moment. (NB: in this performance, the role of the itinerant pornography seller will be played by King Sartar.)


Where the ponies graze in every vale.
And that eight-mile peak
can sure look bleak
When it sends us rain and snow and hail.
In the fabled land of Dragon Pass
Where the Pure Horse folk
Escaped the yoke
And their ponies eat the golden grass.
The Vendref belong to the land
And the land they belong to is grand!
And when they’re sore
They call Sorana Tor
And we’ll be sayin'
You're mighty fine,
Feathered Horse Queen!
Feathered Horse Queen,


FHQ: The Vendref and the Grazer should be friends
Oh, the farmer and the horseman should be friends
One man likes to plough his share
The other likes to chase a mare
But that's no reason why they cain't be friends
CHORUS: Grazeland folks should stick together
Grazeland folks should all be pals
Grazers dance with Vendref’s daughters
Farmers dance with the ranchers' gals

Vendref: I'd like to say a word fer the Vendref
He come out west and made a lot of changes
He come out west and built a lot of fences
Grazer: And built 'em right across our pony ranges
Vendref: The Vendref is a good and thrifty citizen
No matter what the Grazer says or thinks
You seldom see him drinkin' in a bar room
Grazer: Unless somebody else's buyin' drinks
FHQ: But the Vendref and the Grazer should be friends
Oh, the farmer and the horseman should be friends
The Grazer ropes a mare with ease
The Vendref stinks of butter and cheese
But that's no reason why they cain't be friends

FHQ: I'd like to say a word for the Grazer
The road he treads is difficult and stoney
He rides for days on end
With just a pony for a friend
Vendref: I sure am feelin' sorry for the pony

FHQ: The Vendref should be sociable with the Grazer
If he rides by an' ask for food an' water
Don't treat him like a louse
Make him welcome in your house
Vendref: But be sure that you protect your wife an' daughters
Sartar: And when there is a King of Dragon Pass
Who weds Sorana jus' like all the others
The farmer and the horseman and the merchant
Mus' all behave theirselves and act like brothers
FHQ: I'd like to teach you all a little sayin'
And learn the words by heart the way you should
I don't say I'm no better than anybody else
But I'll be danged if I ain't jist as good!
ALL: I don't say I'm no better than anybody else
But I'll be danged if I ain't jist as good!



Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nysalor is also known and worshipped in Kralorela under the name Rashoran, and his shrines are found there as well.
    The Lunar Way (PDF, p. 93)

“Rashoran” is a scribal error. The god’s name is not a Kralori word, and the texts should have “Rashōmon”.

The god was named for a gate. Did it open onto the City of New Consciousness or the Void? Which side of the gate were you on? It was said that a demon made its home atop the gate. Gate and demon are now lost.

Accounts of the deity’s demise vary, but it is said that the god died in a grove. Shrines are often found in bamboo forests.


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  • Some circumstances … will always provoke recognition of the Lunars as Chaos’ agents by certain non-Lunar cults … Not all Lunars will be so recognized. Only members who have voluntarily used Chaos or related powers … This includes … those who have worshipped some Chaotic thing.
    The Lunar Way (PDF, p.36)

  • The Red Emperor is worshipped as part of every Lunar worship ceremony (just as the Red Goddess is).
    The Lunar Way (PDF, p.112)


It would seem then that either:

  1. some Lunars don’t worship or
  2. the Red Goddess is not a Chaotic thing.

That Chaos rune isn’t hers. She is just looking after it for a friend.


I have finished my grind through The Lunar Way, so I should return to my usual cheery self soon.


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7 hours ago, mfbrandi said:

the Red Goddess is not a Chaotic thing

Clearly she's like Mallia- her propitiatory worship is non-Chaotic, but once you know her inner secrets...

Edited by Jens
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6 hours ago, Jens said:

her propitiatory worship is non-Chaotic, but

I wouldn’t be averse to the line that it is religion/worship that is Chaotic (or not) rather than gods, but then the anti-Chaos headbangers ought to revise their commandment “thou shalt not worship a Chaotic thing” to “thou shalt not worship Chaotically”—and watch the seemingly firm ground under them turn to quicksand. It is not the banner you pick, it is how you wave it. 😉


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54 minutes ago, mfbrandi said:

I wouldn’t be averse to the line that it is religion/worship that is Chaotic (or not) rather than gods, but then the anti-Chaos headbangers ought to revise their commandment “thou shalt not worship a Chaotic thing” to “thou shalt not worship Chaotically”—and watch the seemingly firm ground under them turn to quicksand. It is not the banner you pick, it is how you wave it. 😉

The Orlanthi "Summons of Evil" is one of the worse offenders here, creating new Chaos. For the purpose of empowering more powerful rituals.

Now this is a common accusation of the Lunar Way, to use Chaos to further their goals.

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10 hours ago, Joerg said:

Now this is a common accusation of the Lunar Way, to use Chaos to further their goals.

And The Lunar Way seems to agree. Very depressing. Empires, power gamers, pah! 😉


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Apologies if someone has done this one before, but it seemed irresistible, and if Declan will no longer sing it …

  • But there’s no danger
    It’s a professional career
    Though it could be arranged
    With just a word in Mr. White Bull’s ear
    If you’re out of luck or out of work
    We could send you to Johannesburg°
    Argrath’s Army is here to stay
    Argrath’s Army are on their way
    And I would rather be anywhere else
    Than here today


° Afrikaans for Jonstown, of course, but is a liberated Sartar an Orange Free State?

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On 6/10/2024 at 10:48 AM, Joerg said:

The Orlanthi "Summons of Evil" is one of the worse offenders here…

The name is such a give-away! Can you imagine the hysterical screeching if Cults of RuneQuest: The Lunar Way had given the Lunars a Chaos-powered ritual called “Summons of Evil”?

(“Oh, but that’s different: it’s not evil when my side does it.”)

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11 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

The name is such a give-away! Can you imagine the hysterical screeching if Cults of RuneQuest: The Lunar Way had given the Lunars a Chaos-powered ritual called “Summons of Evil”?

“This spell summons representations of the moral evil of the world: 1d3+1 Orlanthi, who all worship the Uncle of the Devil.”

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I can't decide if these are dumb theories, but they're both out on a limb pretty far with minimal support:

  1. Drorgalar, son of Orlanth and grandfather of Harand Boardick, is the Vingkotling name for Entru, son of Orlanth and husband of Ketha.
  2. Heler is Valind's mother.


Edited by Nevermet
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The source of power in fire rune magic is to let go of desire. Dayzatar kept his power by breaking away from the world. Yelmalio's main power he gives to worshippers revolves around giving up things. Aether laid with Gata, which created Umath, who separated them and begat Orlanth, who destroyed the world. Yelm let Orlanth get to him, which killed him. Zorak Zoran hates fire, which is why he's so good at wielding it.

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2 hours ago, GnomeGnosis said:

Yelm let Orlanth get to him,

Look at all the hot stuff in this thread! Something about an entrenched yelm longs for liberation and is so entrenched that (he) can't get it in any way short of being extinguished . . . so (he) engineers the murder.

This explains Kallyr.

I was working up a few but they're slipping my mind right now.

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singer sing me a given

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2 hours ago, GnomeGnosis said:

The source of power in fire rune magic is to let go of desire. Dayzatar kept his power by breaking away from the world. Yelmalio's main power he gives to worshippers revolves around giving up things. Aether laid with Gata, which created Umath, who separated them and begat Orlanth, who destroyed the world. Yelm let Orlanth get to him, which killed him. Zorak Zoran hates fire, which is why he's so good at wielding it.

Lodril gives in to it all the way and does fine!

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3 hours ago, Akhôrahil said:

Lodril gives in to it all the way and does fine!

That's a compelling point. Maybe it's the sublimation of hot destructive lusty "fire" into colder "sky / star / light" that represents the primal sacrifice of the Dara Happan system. Can't run a tapas (तपस्) kitchen without the तप्, so to speak. 

One or more Issaries cartels are deliberately perpetuating the idea that Prax and the Wastes are farther away and less accessible than they really are. In theory you could just walk across with the right expertise and equipment and do all right. When I confronted them about this they shrugged and said something about "saving it for later."

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singer sing me a given

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1 hour ago, scott-martin said:

One or more Issaries cartels are deliberately perpetuating the idea that Prax and the Wastes are farther away and less accessible than they really are. In theory you could just walk across with the right expertise and equipment and do all right. When I confronted them about this they shrugged and said something about "saving it for later."

The Wastes are difficult to navigate - a lot of the known places are Hidden Greens that were revealed in the Second Age only, folded into the Web of Arachne Solara by questing and rites to keep them there. There is great potential for more area in the Wastes, much of it desecrated and desolated by Chaos but not completely annihilated, and possibly some greener shreds hidden behind folds of devastation that remain to be discovered.

While there are no misty barriers barring entry into neighboring folds like in Syndics' Ban Fronela, wanderers traversing the Wastes may easily be caught up in folded terrain, adding leagues upon leagues to their journeys.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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