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Dear Chaosium,


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... please please PLEASE provide un-keyed maps for GM's to hand out to players!

This should be standard practice for ALL adventures, and MOST sourcebooks.


Keyed and/or labeled maps/diagrams/etc for info that's easily/readily available (or common knowledge)... sure, I'm good with the "GM Map" also being a player handout.  But any (moreover:  every!) time a map has GM-specific info, but otherwise shows info the players want... that info should be available as a player-handout without the GM-specific info visible..


TYVM for considering this.

Edited by g33k
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2 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

I have been using GIMP to remove the offending keys and spoilers but yes I agree. 

Doesn't that still leave a visible mark at the keyed location?

Just like a Pirate's treasure-map:  "X" marks the spot, it's a mystery WHAT the spot is, or WHY... but that's WHERE the action is!

C'es ne pas un .sig

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11 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

I have been using GIMP to remove the offending keys and spoilers but yes I agree. 

Magic clones and a bit of gaussian blur repeat as needed cut something here clip something there..., and you have to hold your tongue in cheek just so, while reciting their is no place like Photoshop and Knoll is god! and then hope for the best, Of course some work is easier and some harder. Ye gods I miss PS 7!


PS it is rarely perfect

Edited by Bill the barbarian

... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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2 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

... and you have to hold your tongue in cheek just so, while reciting their is no place like Photoshop and Knoll is god! and then hope for the best ...

oh, WELL then... if yer gonna haul out the BIG guns that way...

C'es ne pas un .sig

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As an aside on maps, am I alone in that I really don't like the style of map in e.g. Smoking Ruin p 10-11, Pegasus Plateau p 4-5? They look nice as pictures but I find it almost impossible to read some of them and to actually find some of the places mentioned. I would much prefer clear B/W maps and the nice pictures to be separate.

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Always start what you finish.

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12 hours ago, d(sqrt(-1)) said:

As an aside on maps, am I alone in that I really don't like the style of map in e.g. Smoking Ruin p 10-11, Pegasus Plateau p 4-5? They look nice as pictures but I find it almost impossible to read some of them and to actually find some of the places mentioned. I would much prefer clear B/W maps and the nice pictures to be separate.

You are probably not alone but personally I looove these maps. I find them beautiful and inspiring. Granted the one in Pegasus Plateau is a bit difficult to read. The printed map (with the GM screen) is much easier.

Edited by DreadDomain
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20 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

I have been using GIMP to remove the offending keys and spoilers but yes I agree. 

Yeah, I've done the same thing. And now that we've played mostly on Discord, I've made cropped pics of the maps, so that the players can see the dungeons etc. room by room when they move forwards.

19 hours ago, lordabdul said:

+1000 to this.

Also: a scale.

YES. In the Adventure Book I've had to measure beds and dragons to get the sizes of the scenario maps. And the Colymar map was scaleless too.

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14 hours ago, d(sqrt(-1)) said:

As an aside on maps, am I alone in that I really don't like the style of map in e.g. Smoking Ruin p 10-11, Pegasus Plateau p 4-5? They look nice as pictures but I find it almost impossible to read some of them and to actually find some of the places mentioned. I would much prefer clear B/W maps and the nice pictures to be separate.

I didn't quite like the original RQG maps (of which the one in the Pegasus Plateau is a remake) for similar reasons... preferring instead either the original classic B&W maps, or the Darya Makarava maps which are found in The Glorantha Sourcebook, HeroQuest Glorantha, and are also featured I think in the RQG Gamemaster Pack.

The one in the Smoking Ruins is a lot more readable, and I think gets close to a comfortable balance between prettiness and usability for me. YMMV.

Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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