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Backford Aeolian Campaign

Erol of Backford

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On 3/19/2022 at 6:35 PM, jajagappa said:

This is pretty much your answer.  There may be ~4k in 1622.  They are beaten back.  By 1625-6, population is in the 5-6k range, and ready to emerge again.  (And figure from a fighting standpoint that each scorpionman is roughly equivalent of 2 humans.)

Jaja, in looking at P15 of Tradetalk 04, by Jorg, it shows that the Holy Country Scorpionmen population as 15,000!? Likely noncanonical but this is a huge number. In order to combat that number where would there be 30,000 humans that were not fighting each other from say 1619~1625? No wonder Backford fell, it'd be interesting to see a map with major skirmishes fought with scorpionmen in Central Heortland in or abut 1621 per GtG p.731.

Will they offer a class at the Michigan Con ~ Gloranthian Studies!? 

Edited by Erol of Backford
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12 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

in looking at P15 of Tradetalk 04, by Jorg, it shows that the Holy Country Scorpionmen population as 15,000!? Likely noncanonical but this is a huge number

Yes, a large number and non-canonical.  As I noted, figure about 4k in 1621-2.  It will still be a substantial swarm.

As for skirmishes, anywhere in central Heortland.  If you think of the scorpionmen more as a locust swarm rather than an army, they'll just spread out without much coordination.  Any villages in their path will have had a skirmish or two.  The villages in the Hills of Jab are largely destroyed and the area occupied by Gagix' minions.

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On 3/19/2022 at 9:57 PM, Erol of Backford said:

Is there any reference for Broo and or Scorpionman population in the Foulblood Forest and the Jab Hills?

Also is there any timeline for when Gagix Twobarb actually consolidated the four tribes of scorpionmen into one?

The Guide (p740) says: Tatius gave permission to the Queendom of Jab to erupt out of Larnste’s Footprint. Thousands of scorpion men raided deep into central and southern Heortland, and devoured everything in their way. With each victory, thousands more scorpion men were born to Queen Gagix Twobarb.

Just curious and thank you again all.

image.png.dd5c7018c2445d80ef6c751cf4c2b233.png image.png.7568e514344ff92abf3247b712fdd2ce.png

With Scorpionfolk,census is always little more than a momentary glimpse. There is also the deterioration of scorpionfolk offspring in the absence of quality rebirth food which results in drones with little in the way of sapience or independence other than feeding urges, and an understandable hesitation by scorpionfolk queens to hatch their successors way too early.

The population of krarshtkids and krarshtides (spirits) near the surface is another unknowable.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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So what year would the Lunar traders begin communicating with or shipping slaves/food/breading stock to Gagix? How would be other unscrupulous groups doing so? Ogers, the likes of the slimy Gondo Host?

Would there be a way for the Orlanthi to ambush said caravans and swap slaves for herdmen in order to hinder the intelect of the breading stock? How could you trick the scorpionmen into thinking they were getting good stock? Would all the tongues being cut out of the heardmen be a possibility so they think they are normal humans? Seems gruesome but this is Medieval fantasy right?

Is there an IQ test for scorpionmen's rebirth ritual?

Maybe the Lunar caravan is defeated and warriors pose as slaves to spring a trap on the scorpionmen coming to trade with the Lunars?

It might be a little to impossible to have a happy ending for the PC's if they were to be captured and sold off to Gagix? That is unless maybe trolls come to the rescue?

What would a scorpionman's village be like if there is one in the Print or Jab Hills? Do they have craftsmen or would they be slaves of other races? Likely Broo would interact with them?

Has anyone run scenarios like this before? Excited to hear more thoughts on the Foot Print...


Additionally there have been some publications on krarshtkids, the new RQ Adventures, Rabbit Hat Farm and the Devil's Playground. Are there others published?

I am also envisioning lots of krarshtkid tunnels into the sides of Larnste's Footprint? Does anyone have a source for an enlarged map of the area?

The lake at the end of the Syphon flows into the underworld? Is there more on this besides it being an exciting way to go rafting and to enter the underworld? Wouldn't Gagix minions want to try and catch/net those trying to enter?

What would swim in this lake? Demons from the underworld trying to get back to the surface? Does the water just fall 1000's of feet passing into the underworld where it joins the Styx? As Jaja wrote: "demon" fish that can swim up its great waterfall to emerge at the Toe Hole?

Where would this fall onto the map of the Underworld? I recall seeing one somewhere? Just curious would these "demon" fish also be in Skyfall Lake?

Thank you all!

image.png.a479c5853b8bec454b1a36183b21e2eb.png  image.png.e7bb94a5b9627a0a4fd0ddc509711ab5.png

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7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

So what year would the Lunar traders begin communicating with or shipping slaves/food/breading stock to Gagix?

1622-3.  After the Battle of Auroch Hills when the rebel Broyan returns and Tatius needs to keep the rebels pinned down.  And it's not a matter of shipping lots of slaves regularly there.  Tatius needs slaves to build the Temple of the Reaching Moon.  He likely just sends one cohort (whether slaves or some army unit is unknown) to get Gagix' breeding program kicked into high gear.

7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Would there be a way for the Orlanthi to ambush said caravans and swap slaves for herdmen in order to hinder the intelect of the breading stock?

If you want this to be a regular occurrence, then the Lunar army captures rebels and sends them to some point (likely in the Jab Hills) where they are traded to Gagix' scorpionmen.  And, yes, the Orlanthi would try to free former comrades either ambushing the Lunar columns, or attacking the scorpionmen subsequently.

Once the scorpionmen get going though, they'll do the raiding and bring back food for the nest. 

7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

It might be a little to impossible to have a happy ending for the PC's if they were to be captured and sold off to Gagix? That is unless maybe trolls come to the rescue?

Odds are that those who are captured will be brought first to a scorpionman village or cave.  NPC's may be eaten, but PC's of course will be saved and passed along to be eaten by Gagix.  So, they'll be held at various points enroute, perhaps even for lengthy periods until the holy day devouring rituals. 

Plenty of time for friends, trolls, or others to arrive.

7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

What would a scorpionman's village be like if there is one in the Print or Jab Hills? Do they have craftsmen or would they be slaves of other races? Likely Broo would interact with them?

In the Print, they will be in the cave complexes along the high cliff walls that have been chewed out by the krarshtkids.  Probably not that different from typical troll cave complexes.  But no villages in the Footprint - this is the heart of Chaos further warped by mixing in Larnste's Blood.  The place oozes with mutating, destructive Chaos.  Attempts to form a village will be quickly overrun by chaotic plants (creeping ivy, strangling vines, etc.), turned into gorp or acid pits, or transformed into something else.  Easier to stay in more secure and less chaotic sections like krarshtkid tunnels.

In the Jab Hills, they will look like human villages because they were human villages (until they got overrun).  Now the scorpionmen settle in to guard captured humans while others are off raiding.  No particular need for craftsmen - they just reuse what weapons and armor they've taken.  Unless... you've got scorpionmen who used to be human craftsmen and still retain some memory of their prior craft.  So you could have a scorpionman redsmith who refashions or fixes broken weapons, etc.

As for broo, they aren't Gagix' spawn, therefore I picture the scorpionmen hunting and eating them.  On some occasions I'm sure you get scorpionbroo, but Gagix wants loyal hordes worshiping Bagog and generating power for herself, not Thed.

8 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I am also envisioning lots of krarshtkid tunnels into the sides of Larnste's Footprint? Does anyone have a source for an enlarged map of the area?

Yes, lots of krarshtkid tunnels, particularly south below the Jab Hills.  Unlike broo, Gagix can take advantage of their mindless tunneling - possibly directing them to undermine human settlements, or at least giving her minions new outlets for surprise raids.

The nice thing about the Footprint is that it constantly changes.  The Goo Grove moves about.  The Blight destroys one section after another.  Seeds of plants blow in, and take root, and erupt in chaotic splendor. 

Beyond the Petrified Forest, there are only a few constants:  the Syphon River leading to the Toe Hole (with its lake), and the hole itself to the Underworld.  (I do think there is a shrine to Primal Chaos/Krarsht/Bagog somewhere around there where Larnste's blood first fell.)  Therefore, any map is only relevant for maybe a season, at best, and you only broadly need to determine what's currently dominant (or not) in a given area at a given point in time.  By the time you get back, it will have changed.

8 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

The lake at the end of the Syphon flows into the underworld? Is there more on this besides it being an exciting way to go rafting and to enter the underworld? Wouldn't Gagix minions want to try and catch/net those trying to enter?

What would swim in this lake? Demons from the underworld trying to get back to the surface? Does the water just fall 1000's of feet passing into the underworld where it joins the Styx? As Jaja wrote: "demon" fish that can swim up its great waterfall to emerge at the Toe Hole?

Where would this fall onto the map of the Underworld? I recall seeing one somewhere? Just curious would these "demon" fish also be in Skyfall Lake?

The waters of the Syphon go over the Uplift Falls into the Toe Hall where they form a lake.  There is a hole within that plunges all the way to the Underworld.  That also marks the end of the Fish Road - Belintar could use the Fish Road to take that route into (or out of) the Underworld.  There's not much else to it.

Scorpionmen may well fish in the Syphon or the Toe Hole Lake.  Fish come up the Syphon from the Mirrorsea.  And demonic or devil fish undoubtedly find a way to "swim" up the waterfall into the lake as well.  There's any number of possible options, but I suspect most are somewhat unique.

I do believe the water just falls whatever distance until it enters the Styx.  (You can't really measure that distance.  It's like falling into the Hell Crack - it might take hours, days, or weeks until you land in the Underworld.)

There are any number of maps of the Underworld.  It's not a a consistent place.  Whether the Styx is a river, a puddle, a Dark Lake, or the Endless Sea where the waterfall of the Syphon enters it is immaterial - it is any and all of those.  The Styx, in whichever form, still represents a divide between the Paths of Silence that the dead take, and the place of Judgment, Havan Vor, where Daka Fal sits and waits. 

But there is no connection between this and Skyfall Lake.  Skyfall Lake is filled by the waters of the Celestial River cascading down from a hole in the Sky. 


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15 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

So what year would the Lunar traders begin communicating with or shipping slaves/food/breading stock to Gagix? How would be other unscrupulous groups doing so? Ogres, the likes of the slimy Gondo Host?

Imo, the main issue will be the year in which the transfers occur. While the area is under Lunar occupation, it is plausible (I have visions of captured ducks for some reason, they are so damn sacrificial in the Boardgame).  Post-Dragonrise, even during the Long Winter, it will be all but impossible for any merchants to supply slaves to the Scorpion Men.  The area is remote, the paths are poor, the weather is terrible, and their passage through the terrain will be marked by the watchful forces of the area.  At best, a trickle might get through via backwoods paths, but there is an increased chance that the slaves can escape or the caravan will be ambushed in such terrain.  As to who will make deals with Gagix, well, there are Lunar officers who are chaos specialists who will make and oversee such transfers.  One might argue that the Cult of the Crimson Bat would be the reigning world experts at large scale slave transfers to an awful fate.

15 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Would there be a way for the Orlanthi to ambush said caravans and swap slaves for herdmen in order to hinder the intellect of the breading stock? 

This is far too elaborate.  Even a herdman scorpion man is a potential threat, and then there is the logistics of transferring herdmen in quantity across Prax and into Heortland undetected.  It's not plausible.  The purpose of the Orlanthi ambush will be to eliminate the guards and repatriate the slaves to safe territory (if such a place even exists at the time). The operation will be dangerous, and even though they are liberated, the future of the freed slaves will not get any easier in the short term once they are released.  Can the ambushing Orlanthi provide the freed people with the bare necessities for life?  Their best hope is to become a hidden highland rebel community imo.

15 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Would all the tongues being cut out of the heardmen be a possibility so they think they are normal humans? Seems gruesome but this is Medieval fantasy right?

Plz, we're Bronze Age.  😄

As for atrocities, they aren't necessary if the whole herdman plan is abandoned as too expensive and logistically implausible. 

Remember that a meat quality herdman costs 6L and isn't good for much except munching grass and fertilizing the lawn in ways you wish s/he wouldn't.  The more herdmen you buy, the more the price increases, as the more you demand, the harder it gets for the supplier to provide at the same price.  You are unlikely to find more than a half-dozen herdmen at any Heortland livestock market at the best of times; they are something of a Praxian/Morokanth monopoly product.  Whoever is providing the herdmen will likely have to spend months negotiating with the Morokanths and other Praxian tribes to send herdmen in quantity to a pick-up area (like Barbarian Town perhaps), where they will need to be fed and watered until the requisite numbers are met for the herdman scam to even begin, and that agistment will cost money too .  Then the conspirators are going to need to pay a great many herdman wranglers to keep the group moving and cared for, and that is going to take more money AND time AND might well be discovered, wasting untold riches.  And, at the end of the day, a stupid scorpion man is still a scorpion man, and in many ways more useful because he can be used as cannonfodder a la MacNamara's Morons.  Chaos has no moral scruples about such things, even if we should.

Edited by Darius West
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This is all good/helpful info! Thank you both. (Herdmen ideas are fading...)

I'll assume most if any Gagix/her other "eaten" queen's breading stock from 1600~ is Troll/Trollkin (they'd be cool scorpionmen I think) Broo, or Human with a small chance of Ogre, some other mutations? Lots of scenario hooks in this.

Would Troll scorpionmen be able to see in the dark?

Either way I can see numerous ongoing skirmishes between the Trolls to the north or Stormbulls to the east of the Footprint and any scorpionmen in the incomplete krarshtkid tunnel complexes bore into the sides of the Footprint. Of course Trolls would lower themselves into the Footprint at night to raid any ongoing excavations into the walls of the Print, not unlike what is depicted as going on under the Devil's Playground.

The scene detailed in Tradetalk 12 - Saronil Whiteteeth in Chaoswood "It squirmed and struggled as huge chunks of fluffy white meat were removed from its tail, dipped in the butter and served to the matriarchs." will surely come up in the campaign.

Now knowing that Stone Wood ~ Petrified Forest slows movement (a lot) the obvious path, as noted months ago, for scorpionman raiders would be out of Jab Hills rather than the Footprint directly?

This notion also moves any Stormbull base-camp closer to or at Bullflood as Richard and Jaja discussed previously. Stormbull's wouldn't want to move in slow motion.. Any "Bullpen" would be closer to Jab Hills on the Bullflood rather than the Syphon?

Sources for chaotic plants in the Footprint anyone?

Thank you again Mr. West & Jaja.

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3 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I'll assume most if any Gagix/her other "eaten" queen's breading stock from 1600~ is Troll/Trollkin (they'd be cool scorpionmen I think) Broo, or Human with a small chance of Ogre, some other mutations? Lots of scenario hooks in this.

I would place Gagix coming to power post 1616.  Belintar would largely have constrained any concerted chaos action before then (probably why there were 4 scorpion queens - let them eat each other within the Footprint).  It's with Belintar's disappearance that Gagix gains the opportunity to advance her cause. 

Taking advantage of the magical energies of the Tournament of Luck and Death likely gives Gagix the power to become Bagog and devour her rivals.

From 1617-1620, you still have plenty of Storm Bulls and vigilant Heortlings and Kitori watching the Footprint.  But the civil war between Broyan and Rikard takes a toll on that.  Rikard moves against the Storm Bulls at Bullflood, thus weakening one of the main powers against Gagix.  The Lunar invasion of 1620 disrupts things further.  This is the period when Gagix increasingly occupies the Jab Hills.  When the Great Winter comes, scorpionmen raid as well - though likely suffer as well from its effects outside the Footprint.

Generally humans will be the main target - they are who occupy the lands above the Footprint.  Wild trollkin in the north will be a source too, but most trolls have some power against Chaos and will remain vigilant (probably more so) as they remain outside of most human affairs during this time (and is the period when their own powerful heroquester Obash Broos-smasher begins his own rise to power).

4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

the obvious path, as noted months ago, for scorpionman raiders would be out of Jab Hills rather than the Footprint directly?

Yes, particularly once the Storm Bulls of Bullflood have been weakened.

4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Sources for chaotic plants in the Footprint anyone?

Almost anything you can imagine.  Use the


cherry-bomb trees

from Griffin Mountain, or add mutations (chaotic effects) to any normal plant.  I don't recall if there are chaotic plants in any of the original or Simon's Dorastor works, but there might be.

Picture mats of ivy that move on tiny goat feet, or vines that can whip around targets to pull the victims into a central bulb filled with acid, or trees with sticky bark, or puffball mushrooms that discharge spores of disease (or spirits of disease), or sunflowers that can burn on contact or blind you.

Let your imagination go wild. 😉

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  • 4 weeks later...

Related to this campaign but might be each its own topic?

01. Are scorpionmen immune to their own poison and if not would they be resistive and say take half damage? Also no one answered or shared thoughts as to scorpionmen being able to swim when I asked in an earlier post, still looking as to other's thoughts on this?

02. If the PC's wanted to all pitch in a point of power for an enchantment would it be possible in RQ3 under the ritual magic rules? Nothing states that the power for an enchantment needs to come from the same entity that I could see.

03. Additionally could a strengthening enchantment be placed on a piece of jewelry rather than in tattoo? I realize I could allow it in the campaign but am curious if others have done so? I always feel combat could damage a tattoo and don't want to worry about that every time there is combat? I realize it being damaged could be ignored if I felt that way as GM... Maybe a shark tooth or bear claw necklace with a strengthening enchantment would be an interesting magical item rather than a tattoo?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

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6 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Related to this campaign but might be each its own topic?

01. Are scorpionmen immune to their own poison and if not would they be resistive and say take half damage?

Real world scorpions appear to be mostly immune to their own species venom. However if a large dose is injected into a smaller animal or into a sensitive area it can kill them (Google for more info). Overall just say no...

6 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Also no one answered or shared thoughts as to scorpionmen being able to swim when I asked in an earlier post, still looking as to other's thoughts on this?

Real world scorpions can't swim but can breathe through their exoskeleton for up to 48 hours. Scorpion men likely have their centre of gravity in the wrong place and would flip over if trying to swim. Overall just say no...

6 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

02. If the PC's wanted to all pitch in a point of power for an enchantment would it be possible in RQ3 under the ritual magic rules? Nothing states that the power for an enchantment needs to come from the same entity that I could see.

That's exactly right. See the last question here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-11-magic/

6 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

03. Additionally could a strengthening enchantment be placed on a piece of jewellery rather than in tattoo?

Not in RQG but AH RQ, Magic Book, Strengthening Enchantment, page 58



Strengthening cannot be used on weapons. object, or creatures that do not have hit points.


Yes. The piece of jewellery would be very strong.

6 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I realize I could allow it in the campaign but am curious if others have done so? I always feel combat could damage a tattoo and don't want to worry about that every time there is combat? I realize it being damaged could be ignored if I felt that way as GM... Maybe a shark tooth or bear claw necklace with a strengthening enchantment would be an interesting magical item rather than a tattoo?

There's no reference to a tattoo being needed. The whole location is enchanted. Nothing to worry about.

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Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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Looking for ties: Young Sora Goodseller from Jansholm meets a/the PC's from Backford. Seems simple enough, she's likely a merchant's child and one of the PC's would be as well? Are they cousins, maybe their parents do business together? As my campaign is set to start at 1600 (Ms. Goodseller would only be 11 then.) and the PC's will likely be interacting with the Temple of the Wooden Sword many years later, my quest is for all things Londra is easily linked through Ms. Goodseller. 

(Also under the Temple of the Wooden Sword post.) Does the book "Chaosium Classics: Volume I - The Stafford House Campaign" have info on the following Temple of the Wooden Sword events and or is anyone able to direct me to other source? One of the PC's will probably be a relative or childhood friend of Sora Goodseller (from Jansholm) as Backford is close I will have a connection to her to the PC's somehow when she is not yet a teenager, her parent(s) come to Backford or something for some reason, I have to figure this out somehow... (I will transfer this to the Backford Aeolian Campaign in case anyone has good ideas on this.)

  • Skirmish at Wind Temple – seems they went to Sazdorf the day after this and were welcomed
  • The Wooden Sword in Dorastor
  • Snakepipe Hollow
  • Quest to the Wounding of Arroin
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11 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

info on the following Temple of the Wooden Sword events and or is anyone able to direct me to other source?

Best source for the founding of the temple is the RQ Classic Trollpak, pp.53-55.  This is in 1611, and includes the establishment of the temple in the Sazdorf caves.

WF #12 provides information on the Skirmish at the Wind Temple.

Sartar Companion, p76-77, discusses Londra of Londros and the Wooden Sword, and mentions the dissolution of the temple in 1615.

WF #14, p.7 notes that Leika accompanied the Wooden Sword battalion to Snakepipe Hollow and was where she gained the surname Ballista.  This happened before her crown test in 1615 when she returned to Snakepipe Hollow.

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So I have all of the "tomes of knowledge" you listed Jaja and of course have read them. 

I hadn't seen the Crown-Test and so thank you. I have details on the Skirmish at Wind Temple, just wasn't sure as to the date. Dorastor is a very bad place so I might forego that but the Wounding of Arroin would be really cool if anyone knows any info, possibly a path or something related to that Heroquest?

There is enough to generate a close relationship with Ms. Goodseller from Jansholm before befriending Leika.

Thanks all for the great info!

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20 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

so I might forego that but the Wounding of Arroin would be really cool if anyone knows any info, possibly a path or something related to that Heroquest?

These were the first bits I came across:

Cults of Prax p.65: "but the tale of Arroin needs telling. During the Darkness, he was loved by all, and protected by every living thing which could help him. In return, he helped everyone whenever he could. Even so, his fate was wretched, for he attracted the emptiness of Chaos to him, and each time he tried to heal Chaos his magic powers broke. He was wounded several times, and at the end lay near to death himself. Finally, he hid in the physical plane, and so survived long enough to see the Dawning, and to greet his mother back to the world. But his powers were never the same."

Cults of Terror p.45: "Vivamort slowly gained allies, and he made others like himself. Once, Vivamort and his undead allies caught Arroin and broke his spirit, but could not kill him."

But what you really want is Arcane Lore p.113-115.  The description of the Wooden Sword quest is there (from a player perspective) as part of Alebard's Quest into the Great Darkness.

Wounding of Arroin - "The object of the quest was to accompany Alebard back into Godtime, enter the Spirit Plane, and travel to the spot where Arroin fought a creature of Chaos. There Arroin might lose some of his healing powers and Alebard would get the chance to gain one."


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Sorry to be all over the place but here's the next one, actually from the same section of Arcane Lore detailing the Wooden Sword on p41, the Red Dragon Servant:

So one of the PC's will be a member of the "Red Dragon Servant" (of Krisa Oraba, of Dragon Pass) Martial Arts Band which had come to Dragon Pass from the Far East. Meditate Skill, Sword, Refute Attack, Strike Dead with Sword, Avoid Attack, Heal Self, 2,000 members. Large monastery in Karse, Heortland; Smaller temple in Tarsh and shrine outside Furthest, many far overseas. Devotional martial arts and part of the Draconic orders.

So where would this martial arts school be in Karse in case its been placed? It would need to be a very large building or better a complex with several buildings? Would it have Kralorian aesthetic?


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13 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Large monastery in Karse, Heortland

Far more likely to be in Nochet than Karse.  Karse is only 6000 people and less than 4000 adults.

You might fit a small martial arts-based mercenary band (maybe 100 people) there, but to what purpose?  Are they hiring as caravan guards (if you're looking at 1600 time period)?  Otherwise not much to make a livelihood from.

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I see your point. 2000 would be 1/3 of the Karse pop. image.png.5c0341f2a03a6b6554694623b9ccc9d8.png and so maybe its 50 in total in the Holy Country? I'll go with 25 in Karse and maybe double that in Nochet. Smaller temple in Tarsh 15 and shrine outside Furthest 10?

Self defense classes!?

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21 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I'll go with 25 in Karse and maybe double that in Nochet. Smaller temple in Tarsh 15 and shrine outside Furthest 10?

That seems manageable.  

Something to keep in mind is that there is a major Nochet colony on Melib (Dosakayo), so the interaction between that region and Nochet is fairly strong.  

What you might think of here are merchants/factors in the Teshnos trade who recruit these martial artists as their warehouse guards.  Think of a barracks attached to or close to a warehouse in either Nochet or Karse.  These folk then make a side living from teaching select skills (as long as doing so doesn't put the warehouse at risk).  

There would be less reason for a temple in Tarsh/Furthest though.  More likely a mobile shrine where these folk serve as caravan guards for some specific merchant engaged in the trade between Karse and Furthest.

Btw, if you look at the center of the Karse map, you'll see some orange outlined buildings - those are warehouses.  If you choose a small building behind a warehouse and by the wall, that would likely be a good location for a barracks/shrine.

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The small building behind the warehouses indicated by the red arrow on the clip is perfect and the area on the west side of the warehouse could be a storage yard ~ training area for the Red Dragon Servant members. Maybe even a canopy of some sort or second floor balconies or walkways?

I wanted to insert a scribe PC from near or related to the barbarian trade enclaves in Lur Nop who is charged with investigating the markets in the Holy Country so this aligns as well with the campaign.

Lur Nop (large city): This city in Wanzow is the only port of Kralorela which is open to foreign shipping. Traders from Vormain, the East Isles, Teshnos, Teleos, and the Holy Country meet here. Each barbarian nation has its own enclave, carefully overseen by the mandarins. Near the city is the Thousand Dragon Cliff, renowned for its numerous draconic images which have been carved out of the rock since before the Dawn. I assume a bit like Nagasaki or Hong Long...


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Is there any reference to an Elmal/Yelmalio temple or if not maybe shrines in Heortland? Otherwise any PC near Backford who wants to be a member of the cult would need to travel north into Sartar or over to Nochet?

What would an Elmali shrine look like? Anyone? Baby Sundome, would kind of look like a bread over?

Edited by Erol of Backford
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1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

Is there any reference to an Elmal/Yelmalio temple or if not maybe shrines in Heortland?

No, there aren't.  Based on Jeff's comments in another thread, I'd treat as shrines of what would largely be equivalent to a spirit cult.  I'd go with a beehive-shaped temple made from stone - probably with some openings to let in sunlight at selected times of the day.


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That is no fun. I'd rather see it something similar to a miniature dome rather than a beehive. Like the small tower in the clip below. Something set into the outer wall of Backford with some militia training going on in the yard in front of it. They would still be thanes in training though small in number. I see it as a small group sent to Backford somehow from the Sartar Sun Dome as part of a fertility stone, salt, fish, etc. trade ring and they get to help fight chaos. Almost like a foreign exchange program, orphans to the Sun Dome for proper indoctrination... I have to work on this part a bit. There is an orphanage in central Heortland somewhere. I just need to sort out the reasons beyond family ties and trade that would have people moving regularly between Backford and Sun Dome County. It will come to me like a vision I am sure. Would the Sartar Sun Dome not also have a library and so there would be scholarly conventions and retreats exchanging information, etc? Trade of knowledge if you will...  

image.png.f093ab9fd552d39356095bc2502ebc24.png image.png.f66c25dbf61f43ca5b4f0dc461e0c264.png

Edited by Erol of Backford
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10 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

That is no fun. I'd rather see it something similar to a miniature dome rather than a beehive. Like the small tower in the clip below. Something set into the outer wall of Backford with some militia training going on in the yard in front of it.

Just a matter of working out what makes sense for your campaign then.

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