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There is an entire universe inside you...


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5 hours ago, soltakss said:

What do the Dorastor supplements tell you about the inner me?

Very acidic apparently. 😉 

I wonder if producing Edge of Empire ended up as a personal Hill of Gold myth??? Certainly has the feel of one in retrospect. 🤔

(And aside from the more obvious fact that I like cheese.) 

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10 hours ago, MOB said:

10, 100, 001?

Roll the best!

10 hours ago, MOB said:

Chaosium will provide the spark.

New d100 system game??? 

Doesn't quite sound like Lords of the Middle Sea...

Something related to the Petersen Games announcement at Chaosium Con???



Huge announcement from Petersen Games

An informal chat about if/when Sandy might return to Call of Cthulhu. This will be super top-secret info. You won’t want to miss out!


Or something else altogether???

Edited by jajagappa
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I want to think that it is a new setting-agnostic BRP corebook (maybe based on the CoC7 branch?), but since the BGB has just moved to PoD, this seems unlkely ... also, there has been too little time since they announced that something like this might become a priority further down the line ... maybe it's just that they're adding the text of the BGB to the BRP SRD or something like that?

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4 hours ago, Jakob said:

but since the BGB has just moved to PoD, this seems unlkely


4 hours ago, Jakob said:

also, there has been too little time since they announced that something like this might become a priority further down the line

But they might just be announcing it is coming as opposed to "it's here".

4 hours ago, Jakob said:

maybe it's just that they're adding the text of the BGB to the BRP SRD or something like that?

Could be.



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Given the language used in the teasers it really looks like a setting agnostic BRP book. A new edition of the BRP corebook in the works is my best guess...possibly adopting a different approach than the BGB, something closer to an update of Worlds of Wonder with mini-settings...

Or they are updating the BRP SRD and putting most of the BGB content in it...


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FWIW:  the  "011011100110010101111000011101000010000001110111011001010110010101101011" above is binary of the ascii of "nextweek"
So, we'll know soon (the March 9 teaser being last week).

Binary (i.e. computers)... is it a hint towards a tech/sci-fi book?    Sci fi is a notable hole in Chaosium's BRP lineup!  But maybe just "clever" clue-ing on a nerdforum...

Also, there's a unified font style going on.  I would presume a "BRP" (either SRD or BGBv2) would want some font-continuity, which I'm not seeing here.
Does anyone recognize the font?  Has Chaosium used it anywhere else?


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C'es ne pas un .sig

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