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Sources on Pamaltela

Squaredeal Sten

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To my knowledge there isn't much material available on Pamaltela besides the Guide to Glorantha.  There are a few pieces in Tradetalk issues, whose canon status is highly questionable.  In J C there is War Elephants of Fonrit, but that's not about Fonrit but just about the elephants.

Was there a great Pamaktelan boom in fanzines decades ago, and I just missed it?

It seems that Pamaltelan population maps were once worked out but have now vanished from the Web.  


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45 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

To my knowledge there isn't much material available on Pamaltela besides the Guide to Glorantha.  There are a few pieces in Tradetalk issues, whose canon status is highly questionable.  In J C there is War Elephants of Fonrit, but that's not about Fonrit but just about the elephants.

Was there a great Pamaktelan boom in fanzines decades ago, and I just missed it?

It seems that Pamaltelan population maps were once worked out but have now vanished from the Web.  







If you can get your hands on Tales of the reaching Moon #11 you will have info. It's a special Pamaltela issue with lots of info on the Doraddi. 

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48 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

Was there a great Pamaktelan boom in fanzines decades ago, and I just missed it?


The first bit was Heroes v1 #6 which included Fonrit summary (which was part of the Missing Lands and now in the Guide), and a scenario set in Fonrit called "The Big Hit".

TotRM #11 was the main bit on Pamaltela during the 90s. Plus whatever was in Tradetalk. There's also Jeff Okamoto's Campaign Log from Sandy Petersen's Pamaltela campaign.

The Missing Lands and Revealed Mythology had most of the background material before the Guide.

And that's pretty much it for published material.

I seem to recall Ian Cooper working on some Fonrit stuff for QW/HQ, but not yet published. 

Hannu Kokko may have also worked on Fonrit.

I did some stuff in Maslo quite awhile ago, but again never to the point of getting anything published.

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Revealed Mythologies has quite a bit on Pamaltela in history and myth. Doraddi-related Agimori (and their Garangordite offshoot), Thinobutan "agimori race" peoples, and Armali. The Guide skipped this older history intentionally.

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2 hours ago, SDLeary said:

Much is probably not canon, but there are some interesting details and bits in the Campaign Log from Sandy Petersen's campaign from the early '80s.

I expect Sandy's campaign to be the only source for the Exigers and other such places, with the information in the Guide extracted from that.

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16 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

It seems that Pamaltelan population maps were once worked out but have now vanished from the Web.  


These were cross-posted from the now defunct G+, so when it went, the picture links went. Fortunately it was all imported into Tapatalk, so I've copied the missing info:


Note that this is in the Guide.

If you find any old G+ posts on the Well  missing data, let me know and I can easily fixed them. In meantime just check Tapatalk https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/glorantha/

You can also search the Well of Daliath for Pamaltela

5 hours ago, SDLeary said:

Much is probably not canon, but there are some interesting details and bits in the Campaign Log from Sandy Petersen's campaign from the early '80s.

P.S. I thought it was in the files section here, but I can't seem to find it now. The link is to the PDF hosted on the author's page.

This is integrated into Well of Daliath and so is also searchable:  Petersen’s Campaign Log (1984)

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The new Prosopedia has a fair bit of good information about Pamaltela, especially Fonrit and the Glorious ones, and the Doraddi. 
Revealed Mythology is still an essential resource, unfinished as it is. The Guide is essential too, obviously. 
The Pamaltela and Oceans book from the Stafford library is out of print, and almost everything in it is completely replaced by the Guide - but it does have a handful of pages about Doraddi myth that isn’t published anywhere else (and a few other such things about other subjects). 
The material by John Holmes I think is unlikely to ever be canonical, and I find is a bit of a clumsy fit with other Doraddi material, but it’s very much worth reading - that’s the original material from TOTRM 11. I use it more for the Fiwan than the Doraddi. Of course that issue also features the Pamalt cult full write up, which is again essential - for a few weeks, until a revised version is published in the Earth Cults book that will make it quite redundant. I think the Earth cults book also features a few lines about how Ernalda and Asrelia present as Faranar and Aleshmara? Likewise when the Fire Sky Cult book comes out, I think it will have information about how Lodril is worshipped as Balumbasta in Pamaltela. 
I think Jeff posted a while back something about Seseine. What we really need for Fonrit is an Ompalam writeup, but while I think a draft official write up may exist, I’ve never seen any details anywhere. 

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There are some very fun ideas in the campaign log, like the Exigers, and the Suckerbunny Tree (someone beg Sandy to find the stats!), and a few ideas that probably don’t fly any more - his material on the hidden civilisation in the swamps not only is very dependent on RQ3 sorcery, but also I think features a demon who has wandered in direct from a Michael Moorcock book (Sreng of the Seven Swords)! Worth a read for Mister Man alone, Sandy’s Pamaltelan Trickster. 

There is a lot of information that Sandy dropped in chunks in the digest back in the day. Interesting things like Slarge magic and purple Slarge metal. 

Sandy mentions a few Pamaltelan things in his various Forgotten Secrets talks turned chapbooks for the Kraken. There is also a Robin Laws adventure set in Pamaltela in that series (about the spawn of the Mother of Monsters).

An old Heroes magazine had a scenario by Sandy, the Big Hit, set in Fonrit. Heroes v1 #6. 

I can almost feel Jeff’s irritation at even mentioning it, but there were some fun ideas in the Mongoose Pamaltela material for minor peoples of Pamaltela, like plant people (not Aldryami). No idea if it was original to those sources (in which case, maybe best forgotten) or from some obscure Chaosium related source. There are a few other bits and pieces in Mongoose material, but mostly what is good isn’t original, and what’s original isn’t good. 

I believe Pamaltela was mentioned in a Hero Wars era document about the Chaos metaplot, but I’ve never read that document. I think about the huge Chaos enclave in the Nathan desert? 

I’ve been very interested in Pamaltela for decades, and have obsessively collected every scrap of info I can find (and written some of my own, which should make it to the JC eventually). Please feel free to ask me about anything I’ve mentioned, or that you’ve heard about. 

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32 minutes ago, davecake said:

 ....... Please feel free to ask me about anything I’ve mentioned, or that you’ve heard about. 

At this point I am just trying to get oriented on the continent enough to run some trading adventures to and in Pamaltela.  I have a long way to go.  Let me think about questions.

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48 minutes ago, davecake said:

I believe Pamaltela was mentioned in a Hero Wars era document about the Chaos metaplot, but I’ve never read that document. I think about the huge Chaos enclave in the Nathan desert?

Yes... complete with Slarge Broo, Dinosaur Broo, other various nasties that crawl out of the desert.


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