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Adamantium & Chaos

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16 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

I am not aware of any canon use of the word adamantium.   If you can find it please tell me where.  It is certainly not in the Metals of Acos list which you can find in W&E.

Elder Secrets which will always be canon IMG. Secrets Book p.40.


16 hours ago, metcalph said:

Immortal Crown of Oronin

From Digest 03 - Yargan killed King Oronin and robbed his adamant crown and sovereignty....in Ent, p. 53. And his blood poisoned and fishs vanished from the lake, until Carmanos recovered it. [IIRC, Tales #16]

That crown is surely a rabbit hole like the Red Sword... thanks.

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Also if a dragon’s tooth can scar it, it must be a thing:

  • Orlanth … with a shout of victory tore the dragon asunder …
    Orlanth took … the sinews from the right side of its spine …
    He took the tooth which can scar adamant.
    And he took two burning jewels, from its skull and heart.
    King of Sartar: Orlanth and Aroka (2nd ed. PDF, p. 60)
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4 hours ago, mfbrandi said:

He took the tooth which can scar adamant.

That is the ultimate weapon if it could be used as such... just one tooth unfortunately, like a golden dragon tooth, would shine like the morning sun when Aroka smiled.

How big is this tooth or does it transform into what a character wishes it to be? (that would be easy) Maybe it's the size of a 2HD sword or could be used as a greatsword or a scythe?

Mostal must have made it with his dental assistant Herbie.

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Think of it this way:

If a  True Dragon is on the order of 20km long 

Then it's head should be >1km 

And its teeth should be 100m or more

Easily manipulated by a storm god who can manifest as a hurricane,

But much too large for a human to put in his pocket.


Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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4 hours ago, jajagappa said:

Except for the example of Argrath’s Dragontooth Runners.

And that is fine — although perhaps also a magically capacious satchel to store them in. 😉

We might expect the teeth to scale with the size of the prey — just big enough to get a grip while swallowing whole, for example — so if dragons mainly ate damsels, they would have teeth big enough to get a good grip on one through a silk dress whether the dragon was the size of a bus or the size of a mountain range. A tooth the size of a house wouldn’t really help in damsel swallowing, not even if it “looked right” in the mouth of a really big dragon.

Of course, if giant dragons ate even bigger dragons, they might need huge teeth to shear them into bite-sized chunks.

I am holding out for a krill-eating dragon with baleen.

Body parts are functional, and they won’t all scale up with body length in the same way, right?

Edited by mfbrandi
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On 6/10/2024 at 12:50 PM, John Biles said:

Wakboth is moral chaos and thus vulnerable to being squished.

Kajabor would eat the Block.

You could argue Kajabor is eating the Block, just very very slowly.

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On 6/22/2024 at 5:29 AM, jajagappa said:

I'm with Joerg on this - the Sky Dome is the purest, most refined, crystalline form of Fire (otherwise it would be too impure for Dayzatar to touch it).

The cosmological diagram in CoR: Mythology p. 12 has three or four dividing layers between Dayzatar and the Air: the Crystal Sky Bowl, above which are the Lower Heavens of Planets; the Blue Sky Bowl, above which is the Sky Realm (of Luxites, Shanassae, and Certami); which has its own Sky of Light cutting it off from the Upper Heaven, atop which sits Dayzatar.

I think it makes an awful lot of sense for the Crystal Sky Bowl to be made of adamant.

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27 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Do we know who was "his crew" and of them which are still alive in Glorantha? Was Isidilian one of them?

The Rock Bowl, the Leaden Pot, the Quicksilver Alembic etc.

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1 hour ago, metcalph said:

Ancient Minerals are given in the Guide

Got it GtG p.84 for the 8 plus Mostal. So they existed before God Time?

Saw in Sourcebook to that Isidilian was forged in the God Time - "one famous Quicksilver Mostoli can be found in Dragon Pass"

Noted also that trolls melted Mostoli in their own pots and drank them... Mostali protein shakes!

Thank you.

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30 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Got it GtG p.84 for the 8 plus Mostal. So they existed before God Time?


The only thing before the God Time is the chaos before Glorantha existed.

Did you mean 'before the Great Darkness, maybe?

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I suppose I am not understanding God Time or that the 8 original Mostal were made during God Time and so was Isidilian but at a later date in timeless God Time. I assume the "one famous Quicksilver Mostoli can be found in Dragon Pass" is Isidilian.

Wasn't God Time before Time and if that is true how long did God Time last...


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4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I suppose I am not understanding God Time or that the 8 original Mostal were made during God Time and so was Isidilian but at a later date in timeless God Time.

God Time is the time of myth - everything from the Creation of the World through the Green, Golden, and Storm Ages and then the Greater Darkness and the Silver Age before the Dawn. 

The Dawn is the start of Time with the Year 1 ST. 

It is not explicitly stated when Mostal fashioned his containers/helpers, but the Golden Age is likely correct as the Spike is present at that point and that is Mostal's greatest creation.

From Mythology p.89: "Mostal’s Palace. This is the great stronghold of the Mostali and is under constant construction and expansion. Within is Mostal’s workshop and his furnace where the metals are made." and p.90: "Tinsnip Mountain. The Mostali had Lodril make a vast workshop with countless furnaces. Within, the Mostali worked metal and stone with incredible skill."

Later during the Greater Darkness, Zzabur tried to destroy the Mostali, p.111: "Mostal’s Mountain. Following the Break, the Mostali relocated their center of operations to this department of the former Somalz. Few True Mostali survived the Break and the destruction of the Spike, but many dwarfs lived and afterwards dwarfs made up the vast majority of the Mostali." and "Nida. The dwarfs (and a few True Mostali) maintained this powerful stronghold throughout the Chaos Age, slaving at the hopeless task of fixing the universe more quickly than it was being shattered."

Since most Mostali were destroyed in the Greater Darkness, Isidilian was from an earlier point somewhere from the Golden Age to the Storm Age/Lesser Darkness.


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8 hours ago, jajagappa said:

It is not explicitly stated when Mostal fashioned his containers/helpers, but the Golden Age is likely correct as the Spike is present at that point and that is Mostal's greatest creation.

From Mythology p.89: "Mostal’s Palace. This is the great stronghold of the Mostali and is under constant construction and expansion. Within is Mostal’s workshop and his furnace where the metals are made." and p.90: "Tinsnip Mountain. The Mostali had Lodril make a vast workshop with countless furnaces. Within, the Mostali worked metal and stone with incredible skill."

My reading of Mostali mythology is that Mostal Made the containers as the elements emerged, ad used the (ancient) Mostali to shape the universe. Starting with Rock, to make the Spike from his brother Rock, then Lead to make the bowl of Darkness, etc.

His Golden Age workshop was mainly for fine tuning, until Umath was born and Mostal thrown of kilter.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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2 hours ago, Joerg said:

My reading of Mostali mythology is that Mostal Made the containers as the elements emerged, ad used the (ancient) Mostali to shape the universe. Starting with Rock, to make the Spike from his brother Rock, then Lead to make the bowl of Darkness, etc.

Yes the Mostali myth can be read as the creation of the Elements (metals) by Mostal the Maker and culminates with the revelation of Iron/Death.

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21 hours ago, jajagappa said:

Since most Mostali were destroyed in the Greater Darkness, Isidilian was from an earlier point somewhere from the Golden Age to the Storm Age/Lesser Darkness.

I was hoping/assuming that Isidilian was from God Time per the statement, about God Time, "one famous Quicksilver Mostoli can be found in Dragon Pass" I mean who else could it be? "Can be found" means, to me, still there and the section speaks to being existent in God Time.

The Glorantha SOurcebook, p.208 says he is from God's Time...

Didn't Isidilian help the Greatway refugees to settle after the Implosion of the Spike and if so he was around before the Spike disaster?

From a 1998 comment: "We met the character in a Aldachuri campaign and we didn't even wonder if the famous Dwarf of Dragon Pass and Isidilian were different people. That seemed obvious at the time." and so I assumed the same thing. If Isidilian isn't the famous Dwarf of Dragon pass then who is?

Noting that Mr. Metcalfe stated he was a Quicksilver Mostali, could he have been one of the first few and as was was evidently around before the Spike imploded/exploded?

I bet he knows how to make adamantium from truestone...

Thank you both for the comments.



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15 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

I was hoping/assuming that Isidilian was from God Time per the statement, about God Time,

What do you think God Time is??? 

God Time = Creation + Green Age + Golden Age + Storm Age / Lesser Darkness + Greater Darkness + Silver Age. I.e. everything before Time.

So when I note Isidilian would be before the Greater Darkness, that is fully within the God Time. And he continues living on since then.


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On 7/9/2024 at 2:35 AM, jajagappa said:

It is not explicitly stated when Mostal fashioned his containers/helpers, but the Golden Age is likely correct as the Spike is present at that point and that is Mostal’s greatest creation.

I have always been partial to this story:

  • Before creation the World Machine, personified as Mostal by the ignorant, is set into motion. This event, which dwarfs alone still remember, begins all the impersonal processes which make the world.
    Gods of Glorantha: Cults Book (p. 6)

I imagine dwarfs and/or mostali claiming — like Qfwfq — to have been there before the beginning. Possibly it was a careless dwarf accidentally bumping the Machine which first set it in motion, marring the perfection of :20-power-stasis: and causing the whole bloody mess of myth and history.

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On 7/8/2024 at 10:18 PM, Erol of Backford said:

I suppose I am not understanding God Time

Nobody really understands God Time.

  • It is the land of Myth where myth-logic applies
  • It is the Time Before Time
  • It is a single point where everything happened
  • Events happen in sequence, or completely out of sequence, so someone could be in a myth that happened before they were born
  • It is fixed and permanent
  • It can be changed
  • It contained deities and demigods, but also contained mortals of various kinds
  • Many of the locations no longer exist but can be reached through rituals, HeroQuests or Holy Day Rites

It can be confusing, so use it, or abuse it, as a GM however you like. As a Player, go into it and get stuff out of it.


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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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