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Corrections thread: Lands of RuneQuest - Dragon Pass


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With the release of Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Passthis thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the relevant page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will correct the PDF file and the print file for reprints.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take discussion to another thread.

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Already provided:

Page 14: longabandoned hill forts - should be - long abandoned hill forts

Page 22: Battle of Pennnel Ford - should be - Battle of Pennel Ford

Page 54: Dragonkill should probably be Dragonrise.

Page 72: The Typical Sun Dome Templar should probably have a Javelin weapon noted, or change the 06-10% Gift and Geas to refer to their Shortsword.

Page 45 Sazdorf Clan box:

First para, 5th line: lineage, not linage

Second para, last sentence is repeated. “There are about 190 trollkin…”

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Page 26: tributegatherers - should be - tribute gatherers

Page 26: alliancemaking - should be - alliance making - or - alliance-making

Page 26: Dragon Pass is a rugged and seismically active region filled with rounded hills and deep, twisting valleys. All of Dragon Pass is seismically active, and earthquakes are common. [Duplication]

Page 27: Two major river systems drain into the region - should be - Two major river systems drain out of the region

General: storm gods or Storm gods? One instance of Storm gods on page 50

Page 41: Jomes Wolf - should be - Jomes Wulf

Page 41: Pole Star and Polestar - both present here, perhaps intentionally.

General: wind children or Wind Children? Both forms used throughout.

Page 73: Vantar - Vanntar in the Guide to Glorantha.

Page 76: where bandits and others outlaws - should be - where bandits and other outlaws

Page 83: has left a vacuum with the Far Point tribes - suggest - has left a vacuum within the Far Point tribes

Page 89: Sartar,the Far Point - should be - Sartar, the Far Point [missing space]

Page 101: Tobosta Greenbow fired the arrow - suggest - Tobosta Greenbow shot the arrow

Page 102: galana might be in italics.

Page 133: when he led the troop into chaos - suggest - when he led the troop into Chaos

Page 134: formatting error - blank line:

                 sprawling but largely empty

                 city built by Ethilrist’s

Page 138: crafters of all times - might be - crafters of all types

Page 138: Gryphon or griffin? Both forms used here.

Page 141: abandoned God Learner - should that be Remaker?

Page 148: back to the Godtime - should be - back to the God Time

Page 158: Dwerrow River - this seems out of place for Dragon Pass as it refers to Balazar? Perhaps here because it is on the map? Perhaps the entry should mention the Valley of Hammers to the north of Greatway, as the river begins as a dwarf drain from the city?

Page 170: The Stitched Zoo in Dragon Pass are among - should be - The Stitched Zoo in Dragon Pass is among

Page 172: The black vultures of vulture hill - should be - The black vultures of Vulture Hill

Note - Index entry for Vulture Hill does not include 172

Edited by M Helsdon
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The below could be stylistic choices, but I wanted to point them out if not.
pg 24 "proLunar" -> "pro-Lunar"
pg 26 "tributegatherers" -> "tribute gatherers"
pg 26 "alliancemaking" -> "alliance making"


pg 145 "The trollkin, in turn, are unusually arrogant about being Values, ..." -> "being valued, ..."

The below refer to inconsistencies with how to spell Sambari/Sambarri. Based on what I can tell from other publications, "Sambari" is correct. But there are more instances of "Sambarri" than "Sambari in this book. It does appear in the index as "Sambarri" but in the index of Pegasus Plateau it's "Sambari". There may be other references which I've missed.
pg 39 "Sambarri" -> "Sambari"
pg 43 "Sambarri Tribe" -> "Sambari Tribe"; "Sambarri tribal lands" -> "Sambari tribal lands"; "Sambarri and City Rex" -: "Sambari and City Rex"
pg 49 "Sambarri Vale" -> "Sambari Vale"; "Sambarri Tribe" -> "Sambari Tribe";
pg 56 "Sambarri Tribe" -> "Sambari Tribe"; (Also, I don't think this is necessarily a mistake, but "Ranulf the Good" is referred to elsewhere as "Ranulf the Shrewd")
pg 59 "Sambarri Tribe" -> "Sambari Tribe"; "Sambarri Pass" -> "Sambari Pass"
pg 62 "Sambarri Tribe" -> "Sambari Tribe";
pg 70 "Sambarri Tribe" -> "Sambari Tribe"; "Sambarri Pass" -> "Sambari Pass"
pg 71 "Sambarri Pass" -> "Sambari Pass"; "Sambarri Tribe" -> "Sambari Tribe"
pg 73 "Sambarri Pass" -> "Sambari Pass"
pg 78 pg 56 "Sambarri Tribes" -> "Sambari Tribes"

Edited by hemulaformis
additional correction
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The Sazdorf Clan [p45] Repeat of the sentence "There are about 190 trollkin in the clan at any time." in the popout box

Ducks [p54] "Others fled into the dangerous Upland Marsh, only returning to their homes after the Dragonkill." in context this should be "Others fled into the dangerous Upland Marsh, only returning to their homes after the Duck Hunts."

Typical Duck Point Warrior [p54] Air Rune not present "Ducks must take the Air Rune as their primary Rune affinity" [Glorantha Bestiary, p32]

New Occupations [p99] Both Athlete and Gladiator "(bold skills are used to determine annual income)" no bold text in skill list

New Occupation [p125] Mountaineer missing occupational skills for Sacred Time checks

New Profession [p138] Laborer missing occupational skills for Sacred Time checks

Bird Women [p171] Clarification regarding companion harpies is required. Are they intrinsically Chaotic despite their domestication? 

Bird Women [p171] Attack Strike Rank for Dagger Attack is 4 - Assuming this is a standard SR 4 melee attack this this would be 8

Black Vulture [p172] Strike Rank is given as "Strike Rank 1" SIZ 10 yields SR 2, DEX 10 yields SR 3 total SR = 5 [RQG p57]

Black Vulture [p172] Attack Strike Rank is 7 - Assuming Bite/Claw are standard SR 4 melee attacks this this would be 5 using the SR 1 provided or SR 9 as above [RQG p57]

Giant Fly [p173] Strike Rank is given as "Strike Rank 4" SIZ 12 yields SR 2, DEX 7 yields SR 4 total SR = 6 [RQG p57]

Giant Fly [p173] Attack Strike Rank given as 8 - Assuming Bite is a standard SR 4 melee attack this is correct using the SR 4 provided, or SR 10 as above [RQG p57]

Giant Honeybee [p173] Strike Rank is given as "Strike Rank 4" SIZ 12 yields SR 2, DEX 7 yields SR 4 total SR = 6 [RQG p57]

Giant Honeybee [p173] Attack Strike Rank is 7 - Assuming Bite/Sting are standard SR 4 melee attacks this this would be SR 8 (using the SR provided) or SR 10 as above [RQG p57]

The Hydra of Dragon Pass [p174] Missing COM stat (possibly intentionally as a unique creature- and its Poison POT is linked to POW]. This would make it an incomplete creature.

Myrmidons [p177] SR for Javelins used as melee weapons missing

Myrmidons [p177] "The myrmidon can throw all four javelins in rapid succession, taking only DEX SRs between each throw (on strike ranks 2, 4, 6, and 8)" Strike rank for Myrmidons is given as "Strike Rank 2 (DEX 0 SIZE 2)".

Tiger-men [p178] Humanoid SIZ SR incorrect "Strike Rank 6 (DEX 3 SIZE 3)" SIZ 13 yields SR 2 [RQG p57]

Tiger-men [p178] Attack Strike Ranks in Humanoid form are 10 - Assuming these are standard SR 4 melee attacks melee attack this is correct using the SR 6 provided, or SR 9 as above [RQG p57]

Trimmer, Ancient giant [p179] Strike rank is shown inverted "Strike Rank 3 (DEX 0 SIZE 3)"

Trimmer, Ancient giant [p179] (MINOR) Illustration inconsistent with the description of Trimmer as "a one-eyed giant" [p154]

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High Resolution Map

Spawn has shifted position to the east of the river (as shown in the Low Resolution map) and has left behind the Text Spawn to the east (and duplicated west)

Lizard Kick's Inn icon has disappeared

Both Maps

Hill Pear and Hill Pear Inn are shown on the maps but p62 these are named Hill Pearl and Hill Pearl Inn respectively



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Page 108: Enchant Bow is not listed as a Rune Spell for initiates. just Priests, but the text mentions initiates casting the spell, and the initiate stat block includes it.

Page 132: "Such adventurers are always paired with one of the 200 black horses" - should be 2,600 as per page 136 and Bestiary page 182.

Page 140: Goblin average POW is stated as 10-11; for 2D6+1 it should be 8.


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Page 168:  "Despite its name, it is relatively safe for horse-sized creatures to traverse." in the description for Varna's Path seems to be a duplication of the same comment on p168 for Twentytwo Turns (where is makes more sense in context).  And calls into question which one the following sentence about the small stone tower used by Storm Bulls applies to.

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Quintus Vale must surely be in the wrong valley on the maps. The Battle of Quintus Vale took place in the valley of the Quintus River (KoS). 

Quintus River

from the Sartar:Kingdom of Heroes Book.

On the original maps provided by Greg to the Unspoken Word the vale was the one with the river.

A vale is by definition a river valley, but the location on the map has no river.


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p132 again (sorry second post)

the typical black horse rider has speak black speach and r/w black speach.

I m not sure it is an issue to fix, or something to explain but

the black horse speak darktongue but no black speach.

So is it normal that a mount can speak some language but not the language of its rider ?

- it is a typo, both speak darktongue

- it is a typo, both speak blackspeach. But what is blackspeach, is there any relation with purehose, darktongue, theyalan ?

- it is not a typo. But what is blackspeach, is there any relation with purehose, darktongue, theyalan ?


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