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Magic World a slick little number in disguise


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Having played Runequest 2, Cthulhu and Stormbringer back in the 80s and geting back into playing a few years ago (mainly RQ2, Cthulhu and Runequest 6). I have been investigating a decent BRP system for my old Harn setting. I must say that after looking at all of the aforementioned systems I have found none of them particularly suitable or flexible enough for my tastes. Even RQ6 seems a bit too clunky. I was always wary of the the old Stormbringer system because it didn't seem to feel right to me but Magic Worlds systemless approach just seems to hit the nail. I have read through the book a few times and now ordered Advanced Sorcery hopefully to give it a bit extra, but I am quite impressed with what at first seems like a very "basic" Basic Roleplaying system but is actually quite detailed where it needs to be. Maybe looks can be deceiving. (the cover and inside look a bit too..dare I say childish, I love the old Chaosium art but not the new stuff, its frankly rubbish). I don't mean to be derogatory because I find the system a real beauty. The only thing I need is some "Foes" type stats to make my life easier Hopefully we will see more releases for this system .

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You're preaching to the choir! Go tell some -other- people how great it is!


The cover of the book is too subtle, really. I meant it as a tribute to the history of all the BRP fantasy games that came before it, but nobody gets that. Note the knight in the Chaosium-logo tabard, "Standing on the shoulders of giants".


Ah, well. 


Welcome to the madhouse!

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Please don't contact me with Chaosium questions. I'm no longer associated with the company, and have no idea what the new management is doing.

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You're preaching to the choir! Go tell some -other- people how great it is!


The cover of the book is too subtle, really. I meant it as a tribute to the history of all the BRP fantasy games that came before it, but nobody gets that. Note the knight in the Chaosium-logo tabard, "Standing on the shoulders of giants".


Ah, well. 


Welcome to the madhouse!



For one, I like the cover of Magic World. I had immediately noticed the Chaosium logo, but it took me a while to get the "standing on the shoulders of giants" message.

What I don't like too much is the interior art. I know too well the original context of the recycled pieces to appreciate them, and most of the new ones I simply don't like. 

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Yes the old Chaosium Foes book, pages of statistics of anything you were likely to encounter/fight. I have tried the online npc generator but I think the links are down. I have also downloaded tooley1chris' npc book which is great but at 300 pages and 1 npc to a page takes a while to find anything. I,d have to print the whole thing out to make it easier to read.  What i need is about ten to a page stat blocks of guards, townsfolk, villains, barbarians, orcs, trolls etc etc. I am thinking along the lines of the Runequest 6 encounter generator which is brilliant and prints out six npcs to a page.

Cheers guys

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The Chronicler's Companion has a chapter of stat blocks for a variety of NPCs. Shopkeepers, town guards, etc. It's not as extensive as FOES, but it'll do the trick.


I'm honestly not sure if there's much of a market for something like a MW version of Foes, but if people like the idea, maybe it's something I can think about for down the road.

Please don't contact me with Chaosium questions. I'm no longer associated with the company, and have no idea what the new management is doing.

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Regarding the artwork:

I really like the cover. I didn't catch the "standing on the shoulders of giants" reference until Ben pointed it out, but then it clicked, and I'm a sucker for hidden subtleties like that.

Throughout the rest of the book is an obvious mix of art with different styles and origins. However, there is one particular style that is noticeable and unique:

Adventurer on p. 4

An adventurer begins their journey... p. 6

Some of the peoples of Magic World p. 19

Where does your allegiance lie? p. 28

Two swords are better than one p. 92

Two sorcerers duel p. 96

A Mage teaches how to guide fire p. 102

...and there are many other examples.

I'm not sure who the artist is although I suspect it's Andy P. Timm due to the similarity of the cover.

Anyway, for future reference I'd like to see a lot more of that style. Full spreads even, and color is a must.

The layout wasn't bad, but could have been better. (Sorry Nick, nothing personal) I'm curious to know what software was used. InDesign? Something else?

Anyway that's my 2¢ worth.

BGB = BRP Gold. New book = BRP Platinum.  Stay metal. 

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I'm another who really likes the MW cover.

The art inside is a mix... which might bother folks who are used to some modern stuff, like Pathfinder books that have a set style all the way through.

I'm definitely in the camp who prefer B&W non-glossy pages. I'm reading the thing to use in a game, not to leaf through as an art book.

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Guest Vile Traveller

I'm definitely in the camp who prefer B&W non-glossy pages. I'm reading the thing to use in a game, not to leaf through as an art book.



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The Chronicler's Companion has a chapter of stat blocks for a variety of NPCs. Shopkeepers, town guards, etc. It's not as extensive as FOES, but it'll do the trick.


I'm honestly not sure if there's much of a market for something like a MW version of Foes, but if people like the idea, maybe it's something I can think about for down the road.


Can I ask when is this being released? I'd definatley buy this even if its only for the stats.

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Some days I think about a Southern Reaches book / pack / series with more like old wood cut style design (and maps and stat blocks, of course). I don't think MW has a really strong visual theme to stick to.


I'm another fan of the MW cover though. I never noticed that either about the tabard. 

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Well, I think its a good book but with more resources it perhaps could have done with more colour art, especially regarding a title page and chapter headers. Yes it is keeping up with other products on the market, but thats what one has to do to compete, and if you are going to have a dead-tree version of a ruleset then it should be a nice thing to behold I think.

But I do agree that the bulk of the book is better with clear black and white text and art, it works well for referencing.

The Stormbringer variant of the BRP rules is not my cup of tea (I always preferred RQ3 mechanics of hit locations + static AP), but I do like much of the additional resources that come out for MagicWorld and will continue to support it for that alone. 

Call of Cthulhu will always be the BRP flagship, but having a fantasy genre version of the system currently in print can't be bad either.

I like the 'standing on the shoulders of giants' reference, that's a very cool way to pay homage to all the previous work from Chaosium

I do love the classic rocking sword and sorcery vibe that Ben tends to get on these forums, I hope we see much more of that in upcoming MW products!

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" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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