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Nameless Streets out of Print


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Sad news from Alphetar's Pablo Guccione came up in a discussion over on rpg.net:


Nameless Streets in its HeroQuest version is irrevocably out of print and no longer available, even in PDF. This is the agreement I have with the author. I shipped the last existing physical copy yesterday, after which... eBay only. I was discussing how much we would like to see this game reappear in another - d100 or other - form, with another person who has worked in the d100sphere for some time and likes the game at least as much as I do. But since the standard Alephtar Games contract implies a temporary transfer of publishing rights with the author getting them back after some time, it is up to Charles now to decide what to do with his Urban Fantasy setting, and perhaps he has some plans of his own. If Alephtar is somehow involved in any new version I will let you know, but holding one's breath is not encouraged.

Prices on Amazon  have gone pricing-bot goofy, though Cubicle 7 seems to still have it available, at least for the moment.

I wonder if Charles Green would be open to having the rule innovations documented in some other form? (Are you on here, Charles?)

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10 minutes ago, JonL said:

I wonder if Charles Green would be open to having the rule innovations documented in some other form?

The Optional Rules Modifiers were never a big thing for me, however if they could be reproduced that would be interesting for some. Otherwise a simple rewording should suffice to get the gist over. Lots of them are very simple changes. We played a Dresden Files game using NS and didn't use the rules options at all. There are 9 options:

Flawed abilities

Flaws as Hero Point Generators

Organic Improvement: Separating Hero Points from experience

Easy Improvement

Gaining Hero Points 

Sharing Hero Points

No Player-Character Modifiers

Easy tests

Non-lethal combat 


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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I have to add that, well, you know, "It is not dead what can eternal lie" and so on. I would not be surprised to see NS reappear in some other format. But this is absolutely up to Charles.

I also have to add that according to the HeroQuest Gateway Agreement that both the publisher and the author subscribed, all variant rules for HeroQuest become the property of Moon Design, which has the right to re-publish them or integrate them in the core rules, as they see fit.

This means that the HeroQuest line managers at Moon or Chaosium can legally repackage them (but not the setting) in whatever form they see fit: web page, free supplement, outrageously-priced human-skin-bound special edition etc. etc. It is just a matter of whether they are interested in doing so. They need no further permission.

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1 hour ago, RosenMcStern said:

I have to add that, well, you know, "It is not dead what can eternal lie" and so on. I would not be surprised to see NS reappear in some other format. But this is absolutely up to Charles.

I hope so. Apart from being a fun game, it's a great example of how to take the generic HQ2 toolkit and implement it for a specific genre.

1 hour ago, RosenMcStern said:

I also have to add that according to the HeroQuest Gateway Agreement that both the publisher and the author subscribed, all variant rules for HeroQuest become the property of Moon Design, which has the right to re-publish them or integrate them in the core rules, as they see fit.

That comes as some relief that they just won't necessarily be unavailable forever should Charles decide to make Nameless Streets: Gumshoe Edition or similar going forward.  "Flawed Abilities," "Flaws as Hero Point Generators," "Gaining Hero Points" and the Organic/Easy Improvement options make for a better game in my experience (though that is of course a matter of taste). Wise move on Charles, Ken, and your part to put all the rule variants by themselves in Chapter 3 to make it crystal clear what parts Moon Design/Chaosium may use.

1 hour ago, RosenMcStern said:

This means that the HeroQuest line managers at Moon or Chaosium can legally repackage them (but not the setting) in whatever form they see fit: web page, free supplement, outrageously-priced human-skin-bound special edition, etc...

I'll look forward to the Charles's Chapter 3: Sacrificial Cover Prestige Edition Kickstarter. ;) More seriously, I hope they appear in legit electronic form on the web site or forum. It would be helpful to be able to refer players to them in more substantial form than a sheet of table-rules.

Thanks for chiming in, Pablo.

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I'm glad to hear Charles is still in the game, even if that game isn't HQ. NS is a great piece of genre-focused design, and I look forward to seeing what he does going forward.

Speaking of the HQ Gateway License, is that still an available thing? The Chaosium licensing page currently says, "Chaosium is not currently accepting unsolicited submissions or licensing requests while we are reviewing our processes. Please check back later."

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  • 2 months later...

 Ok raising this thread from the dead, as I'm coming in very late to this party 

Was Nameless Streets for HQ1 or HQ2?

(If it was for HQ2 I'ld be interested in chasing it up somewhere)

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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24 minutes ago, Mankcam said:

 Ok raising this thread from the dead, as I'm coming in very late to this party 

Was Nameless Streets for HQ1 or HQ2?

(If it was for HQ2 I'ld be interested in chasing it up somewhere)

I believe it was HQ2. It was one of my spontaneous purchases that never got the time it deserved.

“Fe Godwn ni eto”

”Yma o hyd”

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Yes I did a bit more research and it was for HQ2. I should have done that before I posted...

One of those releases that I wasnt into at the time, but kicking myself now

Edited by Mankcam

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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I bought it and HeroQuest at the same time then shelved them as something shiny distracted me :huh:

wasnt till HQ:G that I came back to take a second look. I really like Nameless Streets but the entire HQ series is way to narrative (as you'd expect) for the group I play with. 

Which is a shame as I'd rather play Nameless Streets than the Dresden files game one of my group loves.

Edited by HorusArisen

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I am quite odd in the fact that I really don't like HQ doing Glorantha, as I think RQ is already a perfect for it. However the more I read HQ the more I can see it would be great for Pulp Action or Adventure games, and it may also be able to do stuff like Supernatural Noir, so I will hunt this down and take a good look.

I really want to see HQ come out with a setting that's some kind of mix between Procedural Crime Investigation and Hollywood Action Flick, I think that would be a sweet spot for it!

(BTW Dresden Files looks good, although I think I might prefer the FATE Accelerated edition rather than the FATE Core edition)

Edited by Mankcam

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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22 minutes ago, Mankcam said:

I am quite odd in the fact that I really don't like HQ doing Glorantha, as I think RQ is already a perfect for it. However the more I read HQ the more I can see it would be great for Pulp Action or Adventure games, and it may also be able to do stuff like Supernatural Noir, so I will hunt this down and take a good look.

I really want to see HQ come out with an urban some kind of mix between Procedural Crime Investigation meets Hollywood Action Flick, I think that would be a sweet spot for it!

(BTW Dresden Files looks good, although I think I might prefer the FATE Accelerated edition rather than the FATE Core edition)

It is good I also own it I just think HQ is better but my friend is a little in love with it lol

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“Fe Godwn ni eto”

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Regardless of the system, it is hard to beat Nameless Streets as a book of instructions about doing urban fantasy or hardboiled. Unfortunately, I can no longer sell it and it will take some time for Charles to arrange a new, self-contained edition.

If you are one of the lucky owners of one copy, and you do not like HeroQuest, you can certainly use Fate to run it.

It is also worth noting that you can easily use Revolution, too. Which may be useful to persuade those who are afraid of "too narrative" systems.


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  • 1 year later...
On 3/30/2017 at 6:12 PM, RosenMcStern said:

This means that the HeroQuest line managers at Moon or Chaosium can legally repackage them (but not the setting) in whatever form they see fit: web page, free supplement, outrageously-priced human-skin-bound special edition etc. etc. It is just a matter of whether they are interested in doing so. They need no further permission.

OK, that is useful. The intent was to just list them as rules variants by system via an SRD. I guess I just need to figure out if we are covered for that.

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