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Welcome to RuneQuest: a new video series introducing the new edition with Jeff and Jason


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5 hours ago, styopa said:

I'd really strongly suggest getting a high quality mike for this process, sound is muddy.

Sound seemed perfectly fine to me.  I did wonder why the camera is pointed above their heads though.  Cool bookcases ....


"I want to decide who lives and who dies."

Bruce Probst

Melbourne, Australia

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6 hours ago, styopa said:

Decent video, thanks.

I'd really strongly suggest getting a high quality mike for this process, sound is muddy.

Looking forward to the next.

Agreed but probably a built in one with the camera (Logitech likely). Only lower on speaker use when played over a phone. Attaching a headphone will help with hearing it better. Muddy is from the tonal depth but not totally horrible.

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  • "Did he say he was a Rune Lord or that he knew one?"
  • "Go, and never darken my towels again."
  • "Ach Crimmens! Ye smited me...ye craven. Worra, worra. What would me Mum say?"
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The second of Jeff & Jason's video series to mark the release of RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. Last time they discussed "What is RuneQuest?"; this time it's "What is Glorantha?"...

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These videos are great. If you search YouTube for RuneQuest or Gloranthan content there's barely anything in there.

If I could change one thing it would be making them longer - about 10 minutes per episode? 

Also, recently YouTube algorithm seems to like videos over 10 minutes long.

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5 hours ago, PeterPlatter said:

These videos are great. If you search YouTube for RuneQuest or Gloranthan content there's barely anything in there.

If I could change one thing it would be making them longer - about 10 minutes per episode? 

Also, recently YouTube algorithm seems to like videos over 10 minutes long.

Google are trying to promote engagement with the content, but what I really love about Youtube is the conciseness and information density of the material. However yes, from a search optimisation point of view apparently 10+ minutes is the magic number these days.

Simon Hibbs

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Check out the Runequest Glorantha Wiki for RQ links and resources. Any updates or contributions welcome!

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Jeff 3:16 absolutely nails the essence of Glorantha.

For new players, I've always summarized that other games are a pastiche of medieval Europe with magic bolted on, and then (more or less) backward-rationalized into the setting.

Glorantha has magic in its very fiber, from the roots on up.  Glorantha wouldn't run without magic.


Composition/Editing tips for whoever is compiling your video:

when you're doing online video, don't sit (human-interaction-norm) comfortably apart.  Cut the L-R distance between 2 people in half or even a little more. 

center the mike in the shot, drop the camera height to eye level or a little below, and zoom in so half your shot isn't bookshelf.  Frame the bottom of the shot with the table they're sitting at.  Have the rulebook or mockup on the table.  Cut to some of the art from the book more, it's a great feature.

for a simple comparison, look at good mythical morning, they've pretty much nailed the 2 guys with a mike format.

I've already mentioned sound before, but a big sound-deadening blanket hanging behind the camera would clean up that reverb a lot, esp with the timbre of male voices.

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On 6/7/2018 at 10:46 AM, styopa said:

Jeff 3:16 absolutely nails the essence of Glorantha.


<sigh>  This is the problem with RQ "True Believers," man.  Now we're down to quoting Chapter:Verse, just like the Christians???!?

I suppose we're gonna see bumper-stickers on Redbubble, "Jeff 3:16"


C'es ne pas un .sig

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1 hour ago, g33k said:

<sigh>  This is the problem with RQ "True Believers," man.  Now we're down to quoting Chapter:Verse, just like the Christians???!?

I suppose we're gonna see bumper-stickers on Redbubble, "Jeff 3:16"


That would be awesome.

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8 hours ago, g33k said:

<sigh>  This is the problem with RQ "True Believers," man.  Now we're down to quoting Chapter:Verse, just like the Christians???!?

Don't we already?  We must always remember the sacred word as noted in HQG 4:8 YGWV.

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7 hours ago, Jenx said:

It probably says a lot about me that when I saw Jeff 3:16 my first association was with pro wrestling, not with Christianity. That's what happens when you're not American, it seems. :)

If you're watching pro wrestling enough to make that connection, you're more than halfway to being American, no matter where you live.

And yes, it may have not been precisely 3:16 when he said it but it was too good an opportunity to pass up.  Such are the necessities of creating holy scripture - one may take some creative license with the actual truth to ensure maximum truthiness.

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On 6/2/2018 at 8:40 PM, styopa said:

I'd really strongly suggest getting a high quality mike for this process, sound is muddy.

It is a high-quality mike... a Yeti. I'm afraid the issue is that we're not in a sound studio, and because it's two of us and using a camera, we're not right on the microphone. Jeff's voice is louder than mine, generally, and I'm guessing that our editor Jamie balanced them a bit, causing some degradation. 

On 6/3/2018 at 2:32 AM, BWP said:

Sound seemed perfectly fine to me.  I did wonder why the camera is pointed above their heads though.  Cool bookcases ....

We were asked to sit to one side so the editor could project images to one side... which, given the dimensions of the camera, means a lot of empty space above us. 

On 6/3/2018 at 2:50 AM, Sayerson said:

Agreed but probably a built in one with the camera (Logitech likely). Only lower on speaker use when played over a phone. Attaching a headphone will help with hearing it better. Muddy is from the tonal depth but not totally horrible.

Nope. External Yeti mic. I think it was this model: https://www.amazon.de/Blue-Microphones-Yeti-Mikrofon-Silber/dp/B002VA464S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1528647150&amp;

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On 6/7/2018 at 3:14 PM, simonh said:

Google are trying to promote engagement with the content, but what I really love about Youtube is the conciseness and information density of the material. However yes, from a search optimisation point of view apparently 10+ minutes is the magic number these days.

Simon Hibbs

We were asked specifically to keep them in the 5-10 minute range. 

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Say no to censorship

  • "Did he say he was a Rune Lord or that he knew one?"
  • "Go, and never darken my towels again."
  • "Ach Crimmens! Ye smited me...ye craven. Worra, worra. What would me Mum say?"
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2 hours ago, Jason Durall said:

We were asked specifically to keep them in the 5-10 minute range. 

That's good to hear. As a viewer it seems to be a sweet spot. I'm quite happy to watch some stuff over that, but if it is feasible to break it down to that level it's a lot easier to digest.

Check out the Runequest Glorantha Wiki for RQ links and resources. Any updates or contributions welcome!

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6 hours ago, Sayerson said:

Nah, Jason's right, it's decent mike, they're just too far apart and the sound needs some eq love.

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