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Everything posted by GianniVacca

  1. If it's anything similar to Iria or Cowboy Bebop I'd certainly be interested.
  2. That's where the setting is important. In Glorantha, a PC that kills indiscriminately would be chased by the relatives of the dead person looking for weregild if the dead was a Barbarian, or by the Lunar police, if the dead was a Lunar citizen, to be tried and jailed/crucified. In Imperial China, a murderer would be tracked by the police constables of the local magistrate. If he managed to kill them, he'd be then tracked by martial artists who'd like to be "the one who killed the famous assassin".
  3. It also features creatures from the Indian mythology, brought to China through Buddhism: asura, gandharva, nāga, rakshasa...
  4. It fit in well with the setting: magic-rich GodLearners!
  5. Not that I know of... The Celestial Empire has stats for Chinese creatures, many of which also appear in Vietnamese folklore. Burmese nats are basically spirits.
  6. If I'm not mistaken, Paolo was in touch with the authors of Basic Egitto some time ago. Paolo?
  7. Ancient Mesopotamia: http://www.basicrps.com/uruk/Uruk_V3.3.pdf (OK, it's in French) Egypt: http://www.rill.it/?q=node/251 (OK, it's in Italian)
  8. What you have written is certainly true. A "normal" GM would only want to buy one monograph and use it for his campaign. But I don't see this as a problem: the commercial product is the BGB, which any BRP GM/player needs to play. Monographs are labours of love so it's OK if they don't sell by the thousands. OTOH a company like Alephtar games has now started publishing connected books: a GM may start his campaign in England using Merrie England and after a while have his party move on to the continent and use Crusaders of the Amber Coast...
  9. Just as a side note-- RQ2 is not only for grognards. We've been happily introducing new people to the hobby using RQ2 for years now.
  10. Use a Luck roll every time any of your players complains about one of the items mentioned above.
  11. I thought the 4th edition had been shelved because of Oliver Jovanovic's personal problems.
  12. I have uploaded version 3.3 of URUK: http://www.basicrps.com/uruk/Uruk_V3.3.pdf. 101 pages of Mesopotamian BRP goodness. Sorry, it's still only in French.
  13. Fisher is not dead, and they manage to revive him. Saito OTOH dies in the deep level of the dream and is hence lost in Limbo -- where Cobb finds him later on.
  14. In that case you can just make things up as you go... provided you've seen enough Chanbara films, or read enough samurai manga or Usagi Yojimbo comics. Frankly, as much as I usually like Loz' works, this one is so-and-so; the chapters about religion & magic are (in my view) a big disappointment. As for the other chapter: The gazetteer is unusable for playing in the 16th century. The description of the Heian period does not fit at all with the violent anarchy of Sengoku Japan. The chargen rules are specifically tailored for MRQ. The nice chapter is the one about creatures, but I reckon that wouldn't fit with a gritty ronin campaign either.
  15. Well... If it is a "quick campaign" to be finished "in a couple sessions" then maybe you needn't buy anything. Watching the film several times should be enough :-) The film itself takes place in Warring States Period Japan (16th century Japan) so using Land of the Samurai by Mongoose would be completely anachronistic (that particular book details 8th to 12th century Japan). On the other hand Land of Ninja by Avalon Hill/Games Workshop, although not being set in a particular time frame, is more of a 17th century Japan setting, so it would function better. My personal advice would be using the fantastically accurate Sengoku by GRG, which is set exactly in that time period. It shouldn't prove difficult to adapt to BRP.
  16. I think so. I understand the aim of Classic Fantasy is to emulate the fun years of early gaming, but I still think Gygax's errors should be corrected. I say re-name the medusa race "gorgon", and drop the bull-like creature.
  17. This is a question for Gringle's pawnshop...
  18. BEWARE MEGA-SPOILER!!!!!! Basically the big question is-- did the top fall at the end of the film? If yes, then the film is "as told"; if not, it means the film itself was a dream (thus moving all the other dreams one level deeper).
  19. It was. The game is set at the time of the Lunar invasion of Prax. The players play the roles of Lunar, Praxian, or "neutral" characters, all army or tribe leaders, or high priests. The characters are supposed to all be meeting at the Paps, on neutral grounds, whilst their armies go on waging war. Each character has their own game goals, which gives some serious in-fighting amongst the Praxians and some sneaky manoeuvres amongst the Lunars. The game unfolds at two parallel levels: 1) the freeform amongst the players, and 2) the Diplomacy- and boardgame-like game that uses the map, with written orders, and battle resolution using a modified C&C system.
  20. Could the issue be that BRP is a system rather than a game? Look at D&D. It's a family of games nowadays rather than a game, but people tend to say 'I play D&D' irrespective of which version they're using. And heck the same can be said about RuneQuest after all. But I don't think many people would spontaneously say 'I play BRP'. Even myself [and you know what a staunch BRP supporter I am] used to say "let's play my game" when I used to GM BRP + my setting. I reckon many people do the same.
  21. http://gloarmy.blogspot.com/search/label/PAW
  22. Inception, anyone? I've just seen it and I think it's to soon to comment on it... Too much thought-provoking stuff. I still like the Dreamlands better though
  23. We've also played Eat Poop You Cat (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/30618/eat-poop-you-cat). Great game.
  24. The food is great (I've had lots of it!). But maybe washing one's hands before eating is a sensible action... At least, that's what I've always told my kids!
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