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Everything posted by GianniVacca

  1. T.O.C., the No.1 French language online resource for CoC.
  2. Nice. I love handouts, props, etc. I dream of being able to print out my own little cards with this kind of information.
  3. Oh, this is not a problem. My Glorantha varies *a lot*
  4. Anything available in dead tree format in time for the Eternal Con 2012?
  5. Actually I was thinking Second Age Glorantha
  6. Even Russia was in a quagmire of local petty rulers and Mongol suzerains.
  7. Thanks... So is this generic enough that it could be adapted to an existing campaign world?
  8. I've seen this on Mongoose's web-site. Is it good?
  9. Exactly my thoughts. There's so much yumminess, so many ideas per line that nothing less than 600+ pages would do it justice!
  10. Well I did not write Dragon Lines, but judging by the wording: "Commonly held by circus performers and strange martial artists..." I would say that Acrobatics has been added for flavour
  11. Hmmm... Not sure I understand your question. "Throw target" is supposed to be used in a combat context. Acrobatics has a wider field of application -- which I would allow a PC to use in lieu of an Agility roll.
  12. 1. I would recommend DL if you want to create your own styles. 2. I do not think that the Celestial Empire powers are "a lot more powerful" as their use requires Qì point expenditure. Player characters won't have unlimited supply of Qì points (no Power crystals or matrices in Imperial China...)
  13. Ooo... It's the author of URUK himself on this very forum!! Praise him
  14. Check out http://basicrps.narod.ru/index-wow.html and http://www.basicrps.com/core/BRP_quick_start.pdf
  15. All-- Version 4.0 of URUK, the Mesopotamian setting for the Basic Role-Playing System has just been uploaded. Available here: http://www.basicrps.com/uruk/Uruk_V4.0.pdf and yes it's still only available in French.
  16. Loz, any chance of seeing dual-statted (HQ/RQ) Gloranthan products in the future?
  17. Thank you thank you I would suggest Allegiances based on loose religious groupings: Storm allegiance, Solar allegiance, Malkioni allegiance, etc. These could or could not be linked to specific Runes, depending on your tastes. That would simply add colour IMHO -- the important mechanism is the allegiance mechanism itself. PS-- As regards the other thread, the hijacked one (atheistic sorcerers v Malkioni sorcerers), there was a panel at Bacharach discussing this, and the outcome was that sorcerers should be really played as getting their spells from cold logic rather than prayer. I believe there will be something about this in an upcoming Moon Design product.
  18. Chaosium's Secrets of Japan. But there won't be any firearms as their possession is strictly limited in Japan.
  19. Thanks a lot for the kind words. Don't forget to check my blog for additional creatures and background stuff (see my sig below).
  20. Definitely, yes. If you read French, you may want to check the following: http://www.editions-fei.com/s/13627_81753_juge-bao-et-le-phoenix-de-jade-t1 http://www.you-feng.com/plaidoirie_juge_bao_fantome_shi_yukun_rebecca_peyrelon_wang.php
  21. Yes I went to the one in 2009. Philippe is organising a shuttle service from Aix to the Con. Check with him. I think so... Jeff and Fabian are going to be there; Paolo maybe. As for myself, I have started negotiating with the wife... In 2009 there were several English-language games.
  22. Everyone who knows me can testify that I've ever only played BRP, T&T, and HeroQuest with my children. No D&D!
  23. That's pretty cool... Love to intertwine the various BRP books.
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