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Everything posted by GianniVacca

  1. Agreed. That's the part that bothers me... I have notebooks chokefull with notes on Chinese weapons, Chinese religion, Chinese family life, customs, professions... Notes taken whilst reading Chinese novels... But no solid scenario (I tend to improvise a lot in my own games, so I do not have the skills to write a solid adventure but submissions are welcome )
  2. With the move from French BaSIC to the latest Chaosium edition of BRP, I think I will drop that. Also I will probably tap into Dragon Lines.
  3. Those are exactly the elements I have in mind (the Water Margin is my all-time favourite book). Chinese shamans are out by 618 AD, but there will be rules for Barbarian shamans. Have you seen A Chinese Ghost Story?
  4. So in parole povere I may ignore the Parry skill altogether. Correct?
  5. The translations are perfectly correct, though I'd use a more mediaeval sounding name, like Castel de' Cavalieri or Mastio dell'Ordine. Paolo can probably give better ideas. cheers
  6. The list of skills mentions 'Parry' as one of the skills. Yet non of the sample NPCs on p360 of BRP has that skill amongst their personal skills! e.g. -what skill would the Knight on p362 use to parry an attack with his shield? 'kite shield 65%'. Indeed p263 of BRP lists the Skill needed to use a Kite Shield as being 'Shield'. -what skill would the Knight on p362 use to parry an attack with his long sword? 'long sword 75%', I reckon. So what is Parry used for??????? Only as an optional skill (p198?) Help!
  7. Actually, the book's emphasis is on those periods of Chinese history where the government's power is strong and characters are outlaws (à la Water Margin) or constables (à la Judge Dee). Chaotic periods of time (Taiping rebellion, inter-dynastic troubles...) are rife in Chinese history, but each of them would need their own source book since the setting would be so much more different every time!
  8. I had published a rolegame set in Imperial China (roughly 618 AD-1911 AD) in French on my website: BaSIC Chine Impériale but it was based on the French version of the BRP that had been published by Casus Belli about 12 yrs ago. I am now busy translating it to English, adapting it to the new BRP, and adding setting- rather than game mechanics-related information. I am modelling the chapters' content and order on Pete's most excellent BRP Rome. I am curious as to what may be of interest to the members of this forum, so that I may address it. The current, tentative title is 天下 [Tiān Xià] -- see Tianxia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cheers
  9. Ok, so to summarise the various contributions: a pick-and-mix by various contributors: min POW (13) min allegiance (30-40) RQ Rune/Divine magic-like spells, but using the mechanics from BRP Sorcery, changing chance of success from auto to equal to allegiance as suggested by SDLeary: by Nick: God, I did read it, when UW came out. Must re-read it! a lot of contributors: The problem is that I want to stay as close as possible to just the BRP rule book also by Paolo: Sneak peek, maybe?
  10. OK... This might be a question that has been already addressed, but here I go: How would one render, in BRP terms, the kind of Magic that was called 'Rune Magic' in RQ2 / 'Divine Magic' in RQ3 and in MRQ? I have re-read Paolo's Glorantha d100 pdf, but my understanding is that he simply suggests to use Divine Magic from the MRQ Companion and to rename it Theist Magic. I would like something more in line with what is available in the core BRP book.
  11. Well, I speak Chinese and I am a big fan of wuxia pian, so I thought I might be helpful.
  12. Do you need any playtesters/re-readers?
  13. Hey all I've seen 'official errata' mentioned in several threads, but I haven't been able to locate them in the Downloads section. Am I missing something? cheers, Gianni
  14. I can host a PDF on Basic Role Playing System if you want.
  15. The wife is avidly watching a TV series called 'Tudors'... It seems an era fantastic for role-playing!!! (if you are rich & powerful, obviously)
  16. I disagree with a lot of the comments here. I simply can't stand "good" writing, esp. stuff written by people who obviously went through 'creative writing' courses. LOTR has long 'detours'. So what? We are being immersed in the best fantasy world ever, period. My favourite book is the Water Margin... its numerous detours are one of its well-known features. I simply love all those stories within the main story. Lovecraft was a racist. OK, but would you rather read Lovecraft or a dull novel by a contemporary author who abides by all the rules of political correctness? Anyway, I believe the test of time is the best test. If Lovecraft, Tolkien, Leiber (and Poe, and Hoffmann) are still famous today, it is because their work is so great. I can't possibly find anybody alive today who is half as good.
  17. Casus Belli (France): -Mousquetaires & Sorcellerie
  18. Strategiochi (Italy): -West -Dinosauri -Alien
  19. I'll be there with my son Nicola, who's only 12. Not sure if that'll endeavour me to fellow gamers...
  20. Do you read French? If yes, you may want to check URUK (by Olivier Dubreuil, available on my website): http://www.basicrps.com/uruk/URUK_BRP.pdf It is a fully-fledged, 100-page standalone rolegame set in ancient Mesopotamia. Unfortunately, it was written before the publication of the new Basic Roleplaying (and even before its playtest began); its core mechanics are from the French BaSIC booklet rather than from the new Basic Roleplaying by the Chaosium.
  21. Vicuña According to wikipedia, the vicuña is about 20% smaller than the camel. For a camel, I use SIZ 23 so I'd suggest SIZ 18 for the vicuña -- although I know that SIZ is not exactly linear, so I might be wrong here. But SIZ 8 seems definitely too little. Yak I would use a higher CON (~38) and a lower DEX (~7). The rest is OK (in terms of attacks, for instance).
  22. Yes but what with Lynn not working at Chaosium any longer? Who reads submissions nowadays?
  23. I would say that this is heavily setting-dependent: in greedy Glorantha you buy spells for a given amount of Lunars, in my Chinese rolegame you have to seek a master who lives in seclusion, in another setting devised by a friend, you'd have to enrol into a magic school...
  24. Well, here it is BaSIC Donjons et Dragons sorry it's in French
  25. This is really a useful game aid, something my laziness (+ real life) has prevented me from doing for a long time. Thanks a lot!
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