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Everything posted by Skunkape

  1. I often use this site for coming up with names. Squid.org I have a copy of the Judges Guild book. It's a little worn, but I've been working on entering the data into a name generater as I get time. I figure once I get it completed, I'll contact the powers that be and see if I can make it public on the web as a free resource.
  2. When I introduced BRP to the group I game with recently, they all made the comment, we need to get helmets, something they never even thought about with DnD! Course, we were also using hit locations, which they really liked the concept of as well!
  3. I forgot that it looked like that. Mine's put away in the dark and I don't ever touch it anymore and by the way, I bought it when it first came out!
  4. My Runequest hardback from Mongoose started falling apart while I was still reading it through the first time, so while that's a nice thought, a hardback version isn't always better.
  5. I gots me one of them first edition books, but of course, mine doesn't have an autograph!
  6. I've kind of avoided the whole SAN rules thing for my fantasy game due to the very statement above. I would expect characters in a fantasy world to become used to creatures eventually, but never considered using Special/Critical SAN rolls to allow the immunity. I'll have to use that for the next time I run a fantasy BRP game! Good idea/suggestion and thanks for posting it!
  7. Sweet!! Gotta say I'm looking forward to the book. I'd even buy the PDF except that I really gotta have the physical object when I read it. I sometimes go with PDFs, but that's usually when I can't get the book in physical form. Something about having it in my grubby hands is just the way I prefer it!
  8. I'll have to check it out, seems very interesting at first glance to me. Thanks for adding it to the file section aknaton!:thumb:
  9. I think the main reason for complaints about DnD is due to the fact that they released 3.5 what oh 3 or 4 years ago and now we're getting yet another new version of the game. Oh and 3.5 came right on the heals of 3.0. I just think it's a reaction to a perceived notion that Wizards is just out to milk the fans of their money.
  10. Also, if I remember correctly, a difficult task is resolved at 1/2 your skill level, so 100% would be a 50%, correct? Taking that to a logical conclusion would mean that you can't solve a difficult task at 100% unless your skill is up to 200%, right? Plus, I've never seen that as a limit either, frogspawner!
  11. I'll allow my players to go beyond 100%, mostly because of the fact that they're heroes. The average NPC that they run into won't have anything over 100% most of the time, because to me, that's the cap for normals, whether they be human, elven, dwarven, etc. But, as my players are playing heroic level characters, they'll also be dealing with heroic level NPCs as well from time to time. The main NPCs that they'll be dealing with will probably have skills over 100% as the players reach the same level. After all, if there's no challenge for the players, what fun would the game be. My upper limit on skill, I'm guessing around 200 to 250% is a good limit, but I'm not there yet, so time will tell. Oh and at the rate I'll be seeing skill increase beyond 100%, it'll be a while before they reach those levels.
  12. Plus player ability has a lot to do with making the game fun as well. Remember, our game play is all about a group effort and if the group doesn't make the game fun, then the game won't be fun. As far as role-play vs roll-play, the ability to do that is entirely in the hands of the group as well. Personally, I've never liked level based systems, though I have pulled things from those systems in the past and have even run 2 3.5 campaigns, very successful campaigns at that. I never have to worry about needing players and when we've had players leave the group due to real life issues, I've always been able to replace them at a moments notice. I've even had too many players on occasion, I prefer to run only 6 players at my games. Anyway, I'm sure we'll be able to look at 4th edition and get what we want out of it, but each person's mileage will vary.
  13. So what you're saying is it's a roll-playing game?! I'm still pretty sure all I'll do is look over the rules in my FLGS and if I see anything I feel will help my BRP game, I'll use that as a house rule, but I'm leaning more and more to not buying it every day. I think if I really want to learn about the game, I'll find someone who's running it and just play, borrowing people's rules to find out the things about the game I really want to find out about.
  14. Looks like a great time! I especially love Charlie's PETA shirt!
  15. Let's try this again, good thing it remembered my post when I hit the back button. After determining min/average/max values of one game system then comparing the same amounts from any other game system, you can also do pretty close conversions of equipment. Or you could also do the same thing with just using the averages. So if you wanted to convert a Traveler Fusion Gun Man Portable (FGMP) you could do so by determining the amount of damage it does, the amount of hit points the average Traveler character has then you should be able to extrapolate to a suitable amount for BRP. If you don't own a particular rule system, you might be able to find enough info about it on the web. But once you've got a set of values to compare, you can convert the equipment over. Then you can do a little play testing to insure that the conversion is not broken.
  16. Mmm, now that's a good idea to copy from, err I mean, get inspiration from for expanding the BRP Psi abilities!
  17. "Undocumented Feature"!
  18. That's what I got, until I entered the catalog url, which flashed the warning, but I hit ok and was fine after that.
  19. Thanks much for the links, they are very much appreciated!!!
  20. Where would you find Sandy's rules? I'm very interested in reading that take on sorcery.
  21. Whenever I use music for a fantasy campaign, which it seems is the genre I usually run, I mostly use movie soundtracks... Lord of the Rings, all 3 Masters and Commanders Conan, both movies but you could also use... Midnight Syndicate's Dungeons & Dragons cd or Loreena McKennitt's music. Midnight Syndicate also has some good music for survival horror from what I understand, though I don't own any other cds except the DnD one. Mostly I'd say try and use music that fits the genre!
  22. Heh, I think it's kind of unique myself. Sure, you can't get to the catalog unless you've got it saved as a bookmark, or you know the url, but I'll be as long as they don't have the site down for to long, their sales will be ok.
  23. The biggest problem I see with trying to balance characters is that you've got to determine what constitutes a benefit as far as your game play is concerned. Until you get that idea resolved, making one characteristic, (meaning stats, powers, etc.) worth more than another is really only just speculation. What I would suggest to find a way to 'balance' characters would be to examine how every aspect of the character will work for your campaign. Let me explain in a way that hopefully, I'll get my point across in. Let's say as a GM, your campaign will be one that's mainly hack and slash. Obviously, any stat that helps with combat, whether we're talking melee or magic, would be worth more than a stat that helped strictly with role-playing. So for instance, the STR stat would be worth more than the APP stat in that campaign because STR helps in combat, while APP helps with role-playing. If your campaign is one that deals with political intrigue or other role-playing aspects, more than combat, then APP would be worth more than STR. I'm generalizing to the extreme here, but you should get my point. So how do you come up with a method of balance? To me, you’ll have to look over what kind of campaign you’re interested in running and then try to determine which stats, powers, skills, etc. are going to be the most important. Then those same abilities would be worth more to have at higher levels. Until you get that information set, I don't see how you'll be able to 'balance' characters for your game. I hope that gets my point across?
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