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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. Thanks for everybodies thoughts. i must admit in terms of something close to the playable detailed areas of the game so far - sartar/dragon pass. The holy country did strike me a being a good place, and pretty much for the reasons jajagappa suggests.
  2. true enough, but...... ( isn't there always ? 😃 ) they're accepted in sartar. But it occurred to me that in places where the Invisible God is widely worshipped that they might actually be more widespread. where the various sorcery focused heresies encourage worship of gods as well is likley to be a place where Lhankor Mhy sorcery wouldn't just be accepted but could actively flourish.
  3. What it says really. In which area of Genertela published or unpublished does everybody feel that LM sorcerers are most likely to exist, be accepted , prosper, be a widespread part of society etc etc ?
  4. Thank you, i shall give it a go. 👍
  5. Hi MOB, do you know are there any plans to release Once Men ? It was on my geek list but the monographs were pulled before i bought it. I've checked over at DTRPG but with no luck. Unless perhaps it's under another name ?
  6. Sometimes one has to pay for quality - When I'm next in New Pavis I shall frequent Chhotimais brasserie. is there a tasting menu or is it a la carte ?
  7. I should point out that the best curry house I ever went into was only about 25 minutes up the road. Outsanding service, outsanding food . had the best meal of my life there......they're still going to this day. We do seem to have drifted off topic though 😁 https://www.kutisnoorani.co.uk/eat/#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1582191415798_18371
  8. it was about 30 years ago, a late night around 12.30, stumbled into a place that was open in desperate need of a spice fix. In hindsight I should have been suspicious when I asked the waiter for a clean tablecloth and he simply shook it onto the floor and put it back on the table upside down. The meat seemed....grey, but i was wasted and hungry two days later I recovered. the place was shut down by the local council on health and safety grounds about 3 months later.
  9. The PDF/POD combo of duckpac1/2 and the PDF of duckpac 2. I've always been ambivalent about ducks in RQ but I have to admit my reading through so far is beginning to turn me into a convert of the Durulz......
  10. For what it's worth as the thread starter I incline to the next round approach as well, especially as the RQ3 version seems to have said that.
  11. For some reason this comment reminds me of this.........
  12. I wouldn't be so sure. What's that series - The last of us ? maybe these funguys are just lulling Glorantha into a false sense of security and then they'll be taking over the world when the mind controlling Cordyceps Voralans appear. Stuff the Windstop and the death of the gods, the subtle fungal enslavement of Glorantha is the real threat.......
  13. Would Sleep work on a wolf ? if so there's the answer saves the child....doesn't kill the wolf.
  14. Thanks guys, i was thinking along similiar lines so it's nice to know I was in the right territory 👍
  15. i was reading in the bestiary about Cliff Toads and it says that the tongue attack goes in on SR4 does constriction damage and at the start of the next round pulls the hapless target back to be swallowed and then digested. Which means that theoretically there's a time gap where adventurers with lightning fast reflexes may be able to save the target. maybe they sever the tongue, or maybe they can hurt it so the Toad lets go. Which got me to thinking - what Hit Points would the tongue have ?, would it have a couple of point of armour ?
  16. Now I've given this some serious serious thought. And I think the best marketing strategy would be to give me copies of all the books for free and let me say nice things about them. It certainly works for me. In fact the more I think about it the more it appeals to me as a strategy.
  17. Always reminds of the artwork for the Trigan Empire comic strip.
  18. I guess it depends on the animal and the armour thickness if you're Dream Dragon with scales like armour plating parry might be a grand idea - just batting aside that pesky sword blow before chowing down ......... I think Mythras has a animal trait that allows critters to do exactly that sort of thing.....
  19. I've always wondered whether you could access magic from different traditions via ancester worship. So say my great great great grandmother was a western sorceress ( or grandfather if you would prefer ) who had a dalliance with the other grandparent...would I be able to contact them and learn sorcery ?
  20. Jaffa cakes are the symbol of interstellar cooperation. Their round shape represents the circle of life. The chocolate represents the sweetness of mutual coperation and the orange bit the warm glow of the sun shining on a new era of peace and prosperity.
  21. tis true...can you imagine....... DRAMATIC MUSIC ( DUN DUH DUH ! ) The giant robot moved out of the spaceship " Hi, we're representatives of a peaceful interstellar travelling race, we don't want your water, planet or women. we're here to trade useful things for whatever you think it's worth trading for" "Well, that sounds splendid - I'm sure we can work something out. Would you care for a cup of tea and a jaffa cake ? " "Sounds very civilised, mmmmm those are good.....jaffa cakes you say, are they for trade ?" THE END music fades over credits......
  22. I must admit when I saw the title Manirian Paddle Magic I envisaged some kind of kinky Ulerian ritual involving spanking. Whilst the thread has turned out to be more practical I do feel let down in some obscure fashion........
  23. The castle was basically just a fortified.....base 😃 ( sorry ! ) What the knight defended was his lands or holdings. So in that sense he'd be using the horse for mobility. Even if bandits are attacking the sheep herders just 2 miles away you're going to get there a damn sight faster on horseback than running and you won't be exhausted when you get there. so i can go for the mounted combat bit.
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