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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Only defending the Rune Priest/Rune Lord. If an Allied Spirit needed to attack in Spirit Combat, it would have to use Discorporation, which we did sometimes.
  2. I prefer a strict SR implementation for things such as Disengaging, Fleeing and Moving. Swifty the Great Troll has DEX 21, SIZ 30 and a Quarterstaff, so attacks on SR1. Slowy has SIZ 6, DEX 3 and is using a dagger, so attacks on SR 11. If Swifty and Slowy are in combat and Slowy wants to disengage, is that the same as if Swifty wants to disengage? According to the rules, the person who disengages can and the other person gets a free attack.
  3. Potentially. It all depends on the situation. A Great Troll with a Troll Maul and high DEX would attack on SR1. If facing someone with a low DEX, who cannot act until SR4, why should they lose their attack just because someone moves away? If moving away gives your a free attack, then sure, the attack happens without SR considerations. But someone trying to follow should get their normal attack in first.
  4. We played that an Allied Spirit not in a familiar could intervene in Spirit Combat. However, that was always a House Rule.
  5. My Number One Rule is "If you can do it in Real Life then you can do it with RuneQuest". In Real Life, if I turn and flee, then that should be possible. If the other combatant wants to chase after me, then that is possible as well. As a GM, I would say (5) some other option. David has a higher SR then Ella, but can move before she attacks, as he would start moving on SR3 and she attacks on SR6. Frank gets his first shot in at SR2, while they are in combat. Now, if Ella doesn't chase after him, then Frank gets his second shot in on SR7 and they are out of combat. However, if Ella decides to chase after him then things get tricky. If you apply the 5 SR penalty for changing your statement of intent, then Ella can't start moving until SR8, which is patently ridiculous. I'd apply her DEX SR penalty while she realises what has happened, then allow her to move, so she probably starts moving on SR5 and Frank can shoot her while moving. If Ella and David move at the same rate, then Ella can never catch David, unless one of them stops through Fatigue Loss, so Ella should probably throw her sword at him in a last-ditch attempt to stop him, or give up.
  6. We waited patiently for HeroQuest for 20 years. We waited patiently for RuneQuest to appear for many years, and then waited again and again. We have lots of patience. In the meantime, we carried on playing what we already had and making stuff up.
  7. The basic system is really easy - Roll 1d00 under your skill, better if you roll low, really good if you roll really low. There is some complexity in combat, but after a few tries it becomes second nature. There are a lot of extra rules around various things, but they only come up when you are doing those things. Chargen can be complex, as there is a lot of background stuff that comes in, but I think there's a simpler option that should be straightforward. I don't have kids, but it should be OK. The mechanics are very simple and you can draw up a table for Special/Critical rolls, if there isn't one in the book. Glorantha is a very rich, very detailed and very atmospheric setting. Although people say it is Bronze Age, it really isn't, although a fair amount harks back to Bronze/Iron Age ideas. People talk about Orlanth being Thracians/Dacians or whatever, but if you think of them as being like Heroic Celts/Anglo Saxons/Vikings then that is good enough. Myth is far more important than history and magic is all-pervasive, although magic tends to be personal rather than army-destroying spells.
  8. Waiting patiently for Gods & Goddesses and the HeroQuesting rules in the GamesMaster Book.
  9. You would probably initiate to a Pantheon and get some Spirit Magic out of the link. I am not sure if Runemagic is appropriate, as you don't have a link to a specific Deity. However, if a cult gives the same Runespell to all associate cults, then it makes sense for that to be available to Pantheonic Initiates. So, Gorgorma used to give Second Mouth to all Earth Cultists, so it makes sense for female Earth Tribe Initiates to be able to sacrifice for Second Mouth.
  10. Historically, wives of Knights and nobles were often Castellans, they were in charge of the knight's castle and its defence while the knight was away. I can see that working in Pendragon.
  11. That kind of thing really works as a Spirit Quest, to awaken a totem or make an inner journey of discovery. I could see Animists doing similar Quests to awaken powers, as they become higher level in Traditions or encounter new Spirits.
  12. We know that Pantheonic Initiation is a thing, where people initiate to a Pantheon rather than a single deity. So, you initiate to the Lightbringer, Praxian, Storm tribe, Water tribe, Earth tribe, or Lunar Pantheon and gain some minor magic that way.
  13. Yes they can, they just don't do it on the Spirit Plane, but as a HeroQuest in the Mundane Plane or in the Hero/God Plane. If they did this on the Spirit Plane, the HeroQuest could shape the Encounters on the Spirit Plane to match the HeroQuest. As a Wahs cultist, I would do the Good Canal Quest to divert a water source to wash away Chaos. If I had some pesky Magasta cultists then I could do in in Prax to get them to do something. It wouldn't be on the Spirit Plane. However, if I have a place that was full of hostile water spirits, for example the Five Eyes Caves, then I could perform the Good Canal Quest on the Spirit Plane in the Five Eyes Caves to flush those spirits away, washing some chaos away. In this case, the chaos to be washed away is a means to an end, the Waha cultist couldn't care less about the chaos but wants to get rid of the Spirits. Don't forget that Animists have access to all the Planes, in the same way that Theists do. not everything Animists do has to be on the Spirit Plane and not everything Theists do needs to be on the God Plane. Most of their stuff is on the Mundane Plane.
  14. The Seven Mothers stitched something together to bring back a Goddess. One of the participants was in Llankhor Mhy, so knew of the LightBringer Quest. Another was in Ernalda, so probably knew of the LBQ as well. A third was in Humakt, so was probably aware of bits of the LBQ. They probably knew enough to be able to start the Quest and then make it up as they went along. Presumably, they knew who they were going for and had ways around the bits they didn't know. It may well be that they could use Gerra or Ikadz in place of the Baths of Nelat, for example, to punish those taking part. There are lots of ways of getting through a Station or section of the HeroQuest when you don't know it. Substitute something else, try it and see what happens, force it into place.
  15. The last I heard, it was nearing completion and awaiting artwork. This is a new book and is still being written, as far as I am aware. Normally, Chaosium don't tell us when something will be out until they have a firm date they can meet and things only appear on the Product page when it is available. Don't forget the various supplements "Coming Soon" or "Coming Next Year" that appeared in various Chaosium publications way back when. heroQuest was coming "Next Year" for over 20 years, I think. That's one reason why Chaosium won't commit until they know something is ready to go.
  16. The way I'd play it is that an Orlanthi cannot learn Sorcery, but someone who knows Sorcery can possibly join Orlanth as an Associate Priest. Arkat is the most famous example, he gave his Sorcery Regalia to the Orlanth temple. Can't remember where I read that, but it was fairly recent.
  17. What are we talking about here? Are we talking about the basic concept of Theism "I join your cult, obey your rules, give you POW and you give me magic", or are we talking about different cult structures and so on. In my opinion, all Theist cults and most Animist cults follow the basic "I join your cult, obey your rules, give you POW and you give me magic" structure. If you expand it to "I follow you, obey your rules, give you POW and you give me magic" then that applies to Shamans contacting deities personally and also Shamanic/Animist Spirit Cults. Or are you talking about things like the worship of Hearth Woman in Griffin Island, where the elder women gather in winter and gain Spirit Magic from communal worship? This seems to mean that you are talking about different ways that cultists can do magic, but I am not sure.
  18. The new RQG rulebook has most of the same Dragon magic as well. But, as Peter says, prehealing is what you are after. I recall is used to be called Vim, or something similarly random, but prehealing is a much better name.
  19. The Spirit Plane "canon" is that it is a vague, formless, misty place where you can see spirits as glowy things. That's about it. Delving more deeply into the Spirit Plane, how it is formed and what it contains, means that we have to make things up. For me, the idea that the Spirit Plane in an Orlanth Great Temple is the same as in Dorastor or in Prax makes no sense. The Spirits encountered should be different, in my view.
  20. HeroQuests don't usually happen on the Spirit Plane. The major exception is the Shaman's Awakening, where the Shaman confronts Bad Man and awakens a Fetch. For me, this is a HeroQuest and it happens partially on the Spirit Plane. The Shaman confronts the Spirits, they attack and kill him, tearing him apart, he meets the Bad Man and fights him, awakens his fetch who then heals him and brings him back from the dead. If he fails to defeat Bad Man, he is still healed but is crippled and cannot reawaken a fetch. I suppose that a Shaman contacting a Deity to make a link to the Deity might count as a Spirit Plane HeroQuest. In this sense, the Shaman discorporates, goes through the Spirit Plane to get to the Inner Plane, contacts the Deity, bargains with it and, if successful, gains a RuneSpell or Spirit Magic Spell from the bargain. This would be run as a series of encounters, using the random Spirit Plane Encounters, but I cannot remember of these made it into RQG. Animist HeroQuesting is the same as normal HeroQuesting, as most animism in Glorantha is tied to a Deity of some kind. Shamans with a Tradition who are not tied to a Deity would not perform HeroQuesting in the normal sense of the word. If they did, they'd probably reenact the deeds of the Spirit Lords or Deities involved in their Tradition. So, a Shaman following one of the Sacred Societies of Prax might know some myths about how the Shamans gained spells from various Deities and might reenact those. A Newtling Shaman might be able to follow some Zola Fel, River Horse or Frog Woman myth snippets to gain abilities and so on. For Spirit Plane Quests, it is more a series of Encounters, at least it is in my games.
  21. Nah, he became King of Dragon Pass and Golden Dragon Emperor of Dara Happa. At least, he did in my campaign.
  22. We used to play that it was instant, but always recharged them outside Combat, so it made no difference. 1MP/SR makes sense. We played that anyone touching a POW Storage Crystal could recharge it, so I'd say yes. Normally, we used Bound Spirits and drained them of their MPs to fill up the POW Storage, as they regenerate MPs.
  23. To be honest, that's what my Players would probably do. I'd probably grumble a bit and then begrudgingly allow it, but it had better be a good roll, while secretly being very pleased indeed.
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