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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. That all sounds pretty fine to me. What do Cult Spirits do but to serve the Cult? Summoning a Cult Spirit and making it teach you a spell is a perfectly valid thing to do.
  2. True, but I am not a fan of the idea that all Runespells are tied to a Rune. I much prefer the RQ3 term "Divine Magic" to the RQ2/RGQ term "Rune Magic". For me, a Deity has several constituent parts: Runic Makeup - What the deity's runes are Ancestry - Who are the Deity's parents/grandparents, if applicable Background - Where did the deity come from Actions - What did the deity do in God Time, or Time Divine Magic Spells (Or Runespells) have their origins in one or more of those. Spells such as Wind Words clearly relate to either Air/Storm or Movement, so come from Runic Makeup. However, spells such as Dark Walk for Orlanth come from the deity's Actions, although you could link it to Movement at a pinch. Berserker for Storm Bull or Urain are possible due to their Air/Storm nature, but I think it is part of their background or just part of them. It is possible to justify many spells in terms of Runes, but some definitely come from a deity's actions. Orlanth owns the Earth Shield and gets Great Parry, but that does not reflect his Runic Makeup, but comes from his Actions or Background.
  3. I have a very free and easy relationship with ratings etc. What I would do is allow members of a cult to gain the runes for their cult. In Character Generation, they just gain the rune, in game play they might have to take part in an initiation ritual or learn the skill. Don't forget that Associate Membership of a cult is not as powerful as membership of your main cult, so ties to the cult might be weaker. In the Adventure Chapter, it says "Starting human adventurers do not begin with any affinity in these Form or Condition Runes, but they can be learned later. Upcoming RuneQuest sourcebooks will explore even more Runes. Non-human adventurers may begin with these runes, and are described in the Glorantha Bestiary.". So, Adventurers can gain the Mastery Rune in game play, However, I'd say that an Adventurer could have it as part of character generation by replacing a Form Rune with a Condition Rune.
  4. Yes, those are the ones. Really easy to use for RQ. I have run very many HeroQuests over the years, using RQ. They translate just as easily to RQ as to HQ. In fact, one of my bugbears about HeroQuest is that it didn't really have much in the way of HeroQuesting, RuneQuest had more for most of the time. You can run a HeroQuest as a normal scenario, with a layer on top. Hand-wave magic stuff, hand-wave rewards and introduce something unusual in the HeroQuest. In fact, I think I ran some of the HeroQuests in my last RQ campaign, not exactly as written, of course, as I adapted them to how I ruin HeroQuests and to suit our campaign.
  5. To add to everyone's comments: Gloranthan Classics Cults Compendium includes a lot of cults from different sources, including some RQ3 cults, that are not in the Classics supplements Gloranthan Classics Griffin Mountain includes stuff from Griffin Island that make for a richer campaign Gloranthan Classics Borderlands includes things from other areas, but they are present in other RQ Classic supplements Gloranthan Classics Pavis & Big Rubble puts everything into one place, I can't remember if it adds anything from outside Pavis or Big Rubble, but having everything in one supplement makes it better, for me So, if you have loads of money then buy them all; if you are on a limited budget then I'd buy Cults Compendium and Griffin Mountain over the equivalent RQ Classics version; if you had to make choices of either RQ Classic or Gloranthan Classics then I'd say buy RQ Classics as there are supplements that have not made it into Gloranthan Classics, but be aware that you will be missing out on many good things in Gloranthan Classics.
  6. The Sartar Books are wonderful HeroQuest books for Sartar, full of good ideas, excellent scenarios and history of Sartar. Very useful for a RQ campaign set in Sartar.
  7. While, in theory,l I would like to see Actual Play Videos, to see how other people play RQ, in practice I don't get the chance to watch them. The sound on my laptop is dead, despite me reinstalling drivers etc, so I don't watch You Tube videos on the screen. I suppose I could watch them on my phone, or Star them to watch on my Now TV box. In my opinion, carry on doing them, as they will be useful for some people. My advantage is that I have been playing/GMing RQ for a very long time, so I know how the game plays out. Other people who are new to RQ might want to watch other people playing to get a feel for the game.
  8. I had a Giant Broo, Son of Thed and the Devil, who had an Ability of "Comes in gallons", but maybe not in the same way!
  9. We used to try and delay combat if we had seen that the opponents had already cast their Battle Magic, in RQ2. As battle Magic lasted 10 rounds, even delaying combat by 4 or 5 rounds meant that our spells lasted longer than theirs, if we delayed casting ours.
  10. Blood shed by Deities generally falls as POW Crystals, Powered Crystals or rare magic items. Some crystals have special properties, but I can't remember them offhand. Chaos Crystals might link to their deity's powers, for example. It might be worth giving crystals from a deity some of the runes associated with the deity, so crystals from Storm Bull might give a bonus to Air/Storm and Beast.
  11. No, I meant HQ stats for scenarios, however it has been a long time since I looked at Pavis:GTA and it doesn't have any stats for NPCs at all, so rather than converting them you have to make them up. There are magic items that have HQ stats, though, so you would have to convert them.
  12. Great stuff. To save some time, have you seen my conversion of Hero Wars Cults, which also includes most of the HeroQuest cults? It doesn't include mythology or cult structure, but does include converted spells and skills.
  13. With the main deity, Orlanth, having Mastery, Storm and Movement, this is a rule that I would immediately houserule away.
  14. Fairy Tale is great for myths. They don't have to make sense and can follow an internal logic if they want to. I think the myths are fine.
  15. Hah! Soltak Stormspear had a 9 Point Power Enhancer, rolled up as a 6 pointer and then got an extra +1d4 on a HeroQuest. I could blast off Dispel Magic 18, Detection Blank 18 and Countermagic 18. Pity we played RQ2 not RQ3, otherwise I'd have had Bladesharp 18 and Parry 18.
  16. My brother makes berry wines at home, naturally fermented just like a grape wine, in fact he uses a normal winemaking kit and uses various berries. I can't vouch for their quality, as I don't really drink and don't drink wines, but they used to be quite potent.
  17. Caldara & Aurelion used to get the Diamondedge spell, sort of a super-Bladesharp, so they might be able to make diamond-edged blades and cast the Diamondedge spell on them to cut diamonds. I vaguely remember something about Caladra & Aurelion getting Diamonds from Mostal, but that is just a vague memory.
  18. Yes, in my opinion, it is worth buying for the scenarios alone. As well as any HeroQuest scenario. The adventures are basically sound and works in both HQ and RQ. However, you will need to convert the HQ stats to RQ.
  19. Given a choice between the two, I'd say OpenQuest. However, I prefer Legend, Mythras or Revolution D100 to OpenQuest/Magic World.
  20. We went on Strike Ranks, with movement taking up some Strike Ranks. It makes sort-of sense to move everyone at the same time when using figures on a battle-map, just so you can see where everyone is, but moving by strike Ranks is easier when casting spells/firing missiles.
  21. RIP The Sword of Hollywood. I remember seeing his name on He Man and also Babylon 5, but first knew of him from Different Worlds.
  22. Hawkmoon is probably one of the best Eternal Champion series not to have read the books for, so you should be OK. At its core, it is post-apocalypse Europe, but if you treat it as "Gran-Bretan Nutters vs everyone else" then that works.
  23. In our recent Argonauts Campaign, the White Bull was a spirit that was rarely seen. Anyone who sees the White Bull can sacrifice a point of POW to follow the White Bull. Anyone who follows the White Bull finds that their mount turns white when in the company of other followers of White Bull. Each Praxian Nation has a Sacred Society of the White Bull, but this is a Secret Society and is not commonly mentioned. Some followers of the White Bull won't even know about their White Bull Society, unless they meet another follower. What the PCs did in my campaign, and what Argarth did in Glorantha, was to realise that the White Bull had followers in all Praxian Nations, so it allowed them/him to unite Praxians in a way never before seen. In our campaign, the PCs found that some Pentians followed the White Stallion and that the White Stallion and White Bull followers' mounts turned white in each other's presence, which helped re-establish a Pure Horse Tribe in Prax. Clearly that is non-canonical. One of the PCs was embarrassed because he rode a zebra and a white zebra looks very similar to a white horse, so he always pointed out the white on white stripes. I gave it the Harmony and Beast Runes. As for magic, I didn't give it any, it is more of a Brotherhood than anything else, a way for Riders to come together. In the pan-Praxian sense, it is a Brotherhood across the Nations, helping the Praxian nations to unite. See, that doesn't gel with me, as the stuff I read indicated that Argrath united the White Bull Societies of the Bison and Sable Riders. However, I cannot find sources or quotes for that. Hmmm, I can see that Argrath uses the White Bull Brotherhood for his own ends, which is fine. However, I still like the idea of the White Bull Societies existing before Argrath.
  24. I am currently working on Merrie England: Age of Crusade. Trying to embrace new technology, I am using Google Docs, but it really struggles with large documents, so I have had to break some areas out into a number of documents, which is not ideal. Progress so far: Introduction - Complete Adventurers - Complete but might be tweaked The Crusades - Complete Gazetteer - Complete Religion and Magic - Complete but might be tweaked Magical Science - Complete Major Religions - In Progress Medieval Warfare - Complete Knights and Chivalry - Complete Personalities - Yet to Start Angels and Demons - Complete Magical Beings - Complete but might be tweaked Campaigns - Yet to Start
  25. It is meant to flatten out the damage bonus. However, there is an option somewhere that converts Nd2 to more traditional D100 dice.
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