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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Many Durulz don't like humans and the rest barely tolerate them.
  2. That is interesting, I didn't know that, as I am on an embargo, as my GM might be running certain scenarios.
  3. In my Glorantha, if an event has had an impact on GodTime then it can be HeroQuested to, as it is in GodTime. So, events such as the Birth of the Red Goddess, First Battle of Chaos, Four Arrows of Light, Dragonkill, and the birth of Zistor can be HeroQuested to.
  4. Derak the Dark Troll bound wraiths to the bones of his living lead skeleton, just because they made a really scary special effect.
  5. My gut feeling is that not accepting the HeroQuest Challenge results in a deviation, especially if you are on a Re-enactment HeroQuest. You don't necessarily fail the HeroQuest, you are simply on another, possibly untrod, path. So, in the Birth of Babeester Gor HeroQuest, if Babeester Gor does not accept the challenge of opposing Zorak Zoran attacking Ernalda, then Ernalda might die, Babeester Gor might not be born and Zorak Zoran might keep his Axe, in reality the Zorak Zorani might be able to use Axe at Maul chance, effectively a permanent Tree Chopper Song effect, the Ernaldan might tale an unhealable wound and the Babeester Gori might be unable to use an axe. The consequences could be minor, or could be severe. It depends on the HeroQuest and the situiation. I just play Spell for Spell, Skill for Skill, Ability for Ability. So, in RQ terms, if you wager a spell and lose then you lose the spell, however if you win you gain the opponent's wagered spell. If you wager a skill you could lose all the skill, and the opponent's skill could be increased by your skill value, or you wager an amount of skill, say 50, and the loser loses 50 from their skill, with the winner gaining 5. Abilities are simply lost/gained, so Soltak Stormspear could wager his Immunity to Detect Life ability and could gain Permanent Mobility, for example. In HeroQuest/QuestWorlds terms, you could gamble some of your Rating , a Breakout or a Keyword. If you gamble part of your Rating, the loser loses the amount gambled and the winner gains it, so Soltak Stormspear could gain +10 in his Storm Rune and Derak the Dark Troll might lose -10 from his Darkness Rune. If you gamble a Breakout, the loser loses it and the winner gains it. Same with Keywords, the loser loses the entire Keyword, with Breakouts, and the winner gains the Keyword. Hero Points appeared in HeroQuest and Mongoose's RuneQuest versions, I think. You could use them as they are described in the rules. I am not sure what you mean by detailing the Hero Point stuff.
  6. Not from Renaissance, unfortunately, but Players from our RQ2 game had a houserule that meant that Mobility worked better on creatures with more than 2 legs, using a formula, of course the PCs tried casting Mobility on giant Millipedes and found that they exceeded Mach 6, or something, so they launched them from little ramps.
  7. In our RQ2 game, we made Resurrection cost 10,000L, the equivalent of 1,000L in RQG. I would probably say, instead, that in my games, Resurrection costs the same as a Ransom. Not everyone has that kind of money and cannot be Resurrected. Unless he gained it some other way, perhaps on a HeroQuest. That makes him a formidable assassin. Chop the head, off, burn the heart, mutilate the body in some way, cut it into 49 bits and hide them (That might not work in your game). Or, as Nick says, come up with a reason why the Chalana Arroy cultists don't Resurrect the dead people. Perhaps they harmed a Chalana Arroy Priestess, so the cult banned then from healing them.
  8. Yes, of course. Vivamorti have a HeroQuest to go to Hell, as that is where Vivamort came from. Vampires cannot cross the Styx, as she annihilates them, so they are banished from Hell, unless they have a clever trick. However, other Vivamorti are quite happy in hell. Why would the HeroQuestors automatically be defeated? I can't see the logic there, unless GMs like having unbeatable foes. Of course Delecti can be defeated. Killing him is tricky, as his spirit just moves to the nearest corpse to possess it and make it rise again. He is, of course, guarded by Revenants and Vampires, at least he is in my Glorantha. Maybe Delecti is associated with Darkness, so Light conquers him. If he has the powers of a Vampire, without being a Vampire, he might be Demoralised by Sunbright. What I would do is to look at Yelmalio's Myths and see if he fought Hellspawn of any kind, then adapt that HeroQuest. In my Glorantha, Humakt teaches the Styx Water HeroQuest, but that isn't the same as the one you are referring to. Maybe Babeester Gor, or Maran Gor, know about it, as it seems to be a HeroQuest connected to both Earth and Death. Portals are great, so maybe you can open a portal to the Styx and temporarily let her through into the Upland Marsh. Whatever could go wrong? Styx Water can be stored in all manner of vessels. Obsidian and Lead are good materials, as they are Darkness based. I have seen it stored in a black jewel, in a ring, is someone's fingernails (painted black, of course). You just need a way to store it. In my game, every point of POW you spend while getting water from the Styx gives you one one drop, no more, no less. Even if you pick a bucketful of Styx Water it counts as 1 drop if you spend 1 POW. Holy Water exists in Glorantha. From memory, Vampires cannot cross it, so if you pour a line across a doorway, for example, vampires are unable to cross it. I think it does 1D6 damage to Vampires if splashed on them.
  9. If you are at the Styx to take some water then you are on a HeroQuest. One doesn't simply walk to the Styx. Yes, I think that it would. Probably not, normally. Magasta's pool emerges at the Styx, if memory serves me well. You could travel to the Underworld, or to Hell, then travel to the Styx. There are ways of doing that, for example: Sinking into the Tarpit Using the hidden entrance in the Sazdorf Clan Through the basements of Cragspider's Castle Through the basements of a castle of Lead Through the Basement beneath the Shadow Plateau Using the Six Stones HeroQuest Ritual at Six Stones Maybe, have you tried jumping in to find out? I think they are different rivers. Maybe. Doesn't Glorantha have the equivalent of the River Lethe that takes your memories?
  10. It is a matter of pride. They love having their heads on them at all times. Sometimes they put them in bags, or big, blousy, pockets, so they don't stand out, but leaving them behind? That's like asking a Discworld Wizard to leave his beard and pointy hat behind. Exactly, that's what keeps them in check. That and the fear of your head hanging on the belt of an upcoming priest, so you off them first.
  11. For me, it can vary depending on the HeroQuestor. If you have seen dream sequences in TV shows or films, they sometimes have a fisheye lens effect, where someone is shown but the surroundings are blurred. That is how I see HeroQuests. You skip the boring bits of life on a HeroQuest, so if you travel from Boldhome to Pavis on a HeroQuest you miss out all the boring riding, camping stuff and go straight to the meeting friends/foes, then reach Pavis. There was a film about someone who had a magical remote control that fast forwarded through the boring bits, that is just like a HeroQuest.
  12. Oh, they do, they really do. As it should do. Exactly, nothing silly about that.
  13. I normally have Zorak Zoran as a good war cult for them.
  14. To be honest, that shouldn't be much of an issue in QuestWorlds. After all, having a fairly high ability doesn't mean much.
  15. Thanatari hate Silver, which is the Lunar metal. Also, they are really, really dangerous. They can steal Lunar secrets. I think that Krarshti would have a presence in the Lunar Empire, as they try to infiltrate everywhere.
  16. Yes, I think that Heort was a descendent of Vingkot. The Book of Heortling Mythology p120 has Heort's ancestry: Vingkot Orlanthsson Korol Kandoros Arthal the Wanderer Deskedov the Punisher Parntor the Swift Andarn Darntor the Gale Ornagald 50 generations Darndrev the Antlered Heort However, it does not state that Andarn was a son of Parntor the Swift.
  17. We are pleased to announce a new RuneQuest Jonstown Compendium supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Moon Elves, another in our odysseys around the delightful place that is Dorastor. Here, you will find descriptions of the exotic Moon Elves, a Bestiary with five new creature variants, rules for the magical dances of the Red Goddess, one new skill, one new magical item, four new Runespells, and two scenarios, one of which is a variant of the Hill of Gold HeroQuest. So, come to spread the word of Moon Brother to the Aldryami of Dorastor. Warning: As with all the Holiday Dorastor range, this contains scenes of horror. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/414316/Holiday-Dorastor-Moon-Elves?affiliate_id=66807&src=Stormspearia
  18. We are pleased to announce a new RuneQuest Jonstown Compendium supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Moon Elves, another in our odysseys around the delightful place that is Dorastor. Here, you will find descriptions of the exotic Moon Elves, a Bestiary with five new creature variants, rules for the magical dances of the Red Goddess, one new skill, one new magical item, four new Runespells, and two scenarios, one of which is a variant of the Hill of Gold HeroQuest. So, come to spread the word of Moon Brother to the Aldryami of Dorastor. Warning: As with all the Holiday Dorastor range, this contains scenes of horror. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/414316/Holiday-Dorastor-Moon-Elves?affiliate_id=66807&src=Stormspearia
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