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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Yes. I think that RQ2 said that a sylph (Air Elemental) could disrupt a vampire's mist form so that it could not manifest for a day, or something. Presumably, summoning up a wind could do the same, as could a new spell of Banish/Dispel Mist. I normally play that they can't. Spells such as Madness or Fear should be able to target the mist, though. Haghlgrim's Sword, Ironbreaker, can cut a Vampire down in Mist Form, which seems to be a special ability, so maybe it could be a Humakti Gift. Probably not, but a Kolat Shaman might be able to capture it in a Bag of Winds. It couldn't, without manifesting.
  2. Sartar's strength was that he managed to unify disparate Orlanthi Clans/Tribes, by diplomacy or magical prowess. Argrath's strength was that he managed to unify disparate Orlanthi Clans/Tribes, by diplomacy and force of arms. Whoever would replace Sartar must do the same as Sartar did, or Argrath would have done, by unifying the disparate tribes/clans. It is easy to say why the various clans would oppose them and why a certain person could not become Prince of Sartar. The trick is then what should they do to get around those objections.
  3. I would have all of those. Enjossi could have a cult that has some salmon spells, or you could access Grandfather Salmon via the Enjossi Hero Cult. Each river or stream has its own deity and they would be foolish not to worship, or honour, them. Kjartan's Lake would also have its own Spirit, so they would sacrifice to that spirit.
  4. You know, it probably is, that would explain a lot.
  5. Having the POW disappear at the end of the duration is a bit rubbish. As a Storm Bull, I fight Chaos that sucks the POW out of me, driving me to 0 POW and turning me into undead, but Ernalda saves me and gives me 1 POW back! Yippee! But I lose the POW when the spell expires, so I go down to POW 0 and die. Great. Also, it is an Instant spell, so does not have a Duration, so I get the 1 POW for, what, a Strike Rank?
  6. Personally, I have always house ruled it so that you get POW if your POW reaches 0 and you get Magic Points of your MPs reach 0.
  7. I always proofread on screen, as I hate going through hardcopy supplements, especially if they are double-spaced and, hence, twice as long.
  8. I got the Quick Starter because of the Mallards.
  9. If the plan works then you are all fine. You ambush the remaining guards and kill them, then run back to the main fight and charge the Red Moon Priests in the rear. Orlanth thinks you are fantastic. As a GM, I try not to make Players change their strategy. Of course, I say things like "Are you sure about this?" and point out obvious flaws, if they are flaws that the Adventurers might know, or misunderstandings about how the rules work, but other than that I'd say "OK, let's go for it!" and see what happens. Yes, exactly that. There is nothing that stops that. Of course, the enemy is now on a HeroQuest and gets a certain amount of immunity, so they can effectively ignore the journey there as being inconsequential, but other NPCs could butt in on the HeroQuest and ambush the enemy. Sometimes, other members of your clan/tribe might do that to bring glory on themselves and dishonour on you.
  10. Yes, that is exactly how I see it. Not in my Glorantha, they disappear once they hit you. No.
  11. Vinga is both a daughter of Orlanth and an Aspect of Orlanth. She embodies Orlanth in the same way that Barntar embodies Orlanth Thunderous. I.e. They are both refinements of the Orlanth cults.
  12. For me there are various types of error, in fact there are probably lots more: Typos: Misspelling of words, the wrong letter that changes a word's meaning etc. These are usually caught by performing a spelling and grammar check. As I use Word for the layout of my supplements, I do an extensive spelling and grammar check before I publish. It is surprising how many people don't seem to do that. Errors in NPC Stats: RuneQuest is quite labour-intensive in how various attributes are derived from Characteristics. I have an Excel routine that calculates Attributes from Characteristics, so I can copy and paste the statblock from Excel to Word, then tidy it up a bit. I also have a Leon who does most of my statblocks. I would recommend that everyone get a Leon. Inconsistencies in descriptions: Sometimes authors write from memory, other times they check supplements for facts about a person, place or event. Sometimes they get these wrong, or have incompatible information. The best way to check this is by proofreading the whole supplement. Poorly stated rules: Sometimes a rule looks good on the surface, but breaks down when taken to extremes, or when combined with apparently unlinked rules. The best way to get around this is to get a rules-lawyer to check the supplement. I check my own work for this kind of thing, as I have a rules-lawyer component to my personality. NPC Names: As we all know, having to name all NPCs is a nightmare, which is why I resist it. I am much happier with Trollkin 1 to Trollkin #10, or Sverre's Norwegian #1, #2 and #3 who he brought to Convulsions many years ago. Naming an NPC and then using the wrong NPC name in a scene is very easy to do, and is best found by proofreading the entire supplement. My guess, and it is only a guess, is that they either use one proofreader for a supplement, or they use several similar proofreaders, who look for the same things. Certainly getting someone to read through a supplement and identify issues is a good way of spotting errors. I was once asked to check an article to see if it made narrative sense. While doing sop, I found some grammatical and naming errors and pointed them out, only to be told that I shouldn't be looking for those. Yes, that one completely amazed me at the time. Yes, that is true. I try to get around that by sharing the document so everyone can proofread the master document. Otherwise, I go through each set of proofreads and make corrections sequentially.
  13. It takes me about 15 minutes to do this, so not a big task.
  14. It would be better for the summoner and friends to face the Red Moon Priests and bodyguards, then the other half of the party to ambush and kill the remaining guards. That way, you complete the Summons of Evil and still get to kill both sets of worshippers. However, what if all the guards are called by the Summons of Evil? You get a stronger force to attack, with half the party doing nothing, or running to ambush the Priests from the rear. The effigy is just a symbol. The idea is to summon an enemy and defeat them, lancing the boil, as it where. Yes, of course you can. It is normally very bad to do this, as the enemy can devastate your clan. You would also get marked as cowards, and the Orlanth Spirits of Reprisals will come visiting. I don't think there is, but you could always roll a Rune and see what happens on a Fumble. RQ3 had a rule for summoning that if you rolled 01-10 on 1D100 you summoned something more powerful. Either way works for me. You could summon the enemy to the effigy, so that it acts as a focus. Or the effigy becomes possessed by a spirit and becomes evil. In this case, I would have the Red Moon Priests travel to the place of summoning and try to defeat the Adventurers. Having the Crimson Bat turn up as well would be a great laugh. Preferably, yes, but a Sanctified area might be OK. Let's hope so.
  15. When: Throughout the Lunar Occupation. Where: It varied, as it was a mobile temple set up by a group of cultists who met at predetermined locations, each bringing a piece of the regalia needed to set up the table. Jeff mentioned it in a recent post, maybe here, maybe on Facebook.
  16. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. It makes a lot of sense. That also makes some sense, the burning realisation of "Oh, whatever have I done?" What do you mean "back on track"? Do you have a fixed and rigid agenda that Argrath needs to become Prince of Sartar? If so, surely that should happen organically rather than as a forced thing to fit in with later scenarios? That could work. After all, Leika isn't of the House of Sartar, so a rival Prince might have a bet5ter claim to the throne. You could have two factions, one supporting Leika and one supporting the House of Sartar. The Sartar faction could then instigate the Black Spear scenario. Unfortunately, I am banned from reading the Black Spear supplement, as we are playing in a Black Spear campaign at the moment, so I can't comment on the scenario. If the scenario needs the Black Spear for the scenario to run, then it can come from Leika, or it can be given by people loyal to the Black Spear but not to Leika. This could work if Leika has proven herself unworthy to have the Black Spear. There are ways around this. Leika could HeroQuest to be adopted into the House of Sartar, or to accepted by it. HeroQuests can change things like that. Alternatively, Leika could found a new House, not necessarily connected with Sartar itself. This has happened many times in the past, when one ruling House is replaced by another.
  17. I think there was a Draconic Ernalda. After all, she is a goddess of snakes, and serpents are connected to dragons. It probably isn't that difficult to find the Dragon Within, or Secret Dragon, of an earth goddess with serpents whose aunt created some dinosaurs. Probably. Most sane cults forgot their draconic influences after the Dragonkill. However, idols from the time might have Wyters, or other cult spirits, that remember those times and teachings. Adventurers, and other people, could learn new ways from them.
  18. I have just proofread some East Isles stuff and have some time to proofread this, if it helps.
  19. Trolls aren't really connected to the Hunger Rune. Hunger Rune cults include Krarsht, Vivamort and Gloomshark, all very different cults. A friend played a series of extended RQ sessions in a Krarsht Complex, i.e. a complex Great Temple. As they played it, they got the strange feeling that it seemed familiar. It was only very near the end that they realised that the Krarsht Tunnels map was based on the London Underground Tube Map.
  20. Finding something glinting in the sun is a time-honoured way of finding exotic magic items in RQ.
  21. It depends on where I am running. For Balazar and Dorastor, yes, as I have tables to generate the weather, so I normally generate the natural weather a Season in advance, which helps drive out changes to the weather, or unnatural weather. If the party has Orlanth worshippers, they can sense changes to the weather, or know what the weather will be the next day, something that they love to show off. So, for me it was important to be able to nonchalantly reel off the weather.
  22. Godlearner is my Sorcery specialist, so I normally use whatever he says.
  23. For me, Yelmic divorce can centre on the Yelm-Ernalda bond, where Yelm could divorce his wife, especially is she was unfaithful, in thought or deed. The Yelm-Dendara model is the Perfect Marriage, and why should the Perfect Marriage end in divorce? If a marriage ends up in divorce, it follows the Yelm-Ernalda model, even though the wife presented a Dendaran face, she acted as an Ernaldan.
  24. Welcome to our RuneQuest Glorantha supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Woods of Terror, another in our odysseys around the delightful place that is Dorastor. Here, you will find descriptions of Hellwood and Poisonthorn Woods, a Bestiary with eight new creatures, both flora and fauna, twelve new types of plant, two new skills, seven new magical items, twelve new Runespells, ten new Sorcery Spells, two new Spirit Magic Spells, five Full Scenarios and thirteen Mini-Scenarios. So, come to the Woods of Terror, explore Blood Grove and the Forest of Pikes, brave the manhood tests, prove that you are stronger than the poisons, explore Venom Creek and Broken-Tree Inn, and follow the Yellowprick Road. If you go into the Woods today, you are sure of a big surprise … https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/407421/Holiday-Dorastor-Woods-of-Terror?affiliate_id=66807
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