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Everything posted by pulpcitizen

  1. For those who have purchased: I noted on the preview pages dollar price listings - is there also a means to use the BRP abstracted wealth levels for buying?
  2. I'll be in for this also. Congratulations.
  3. Sorry, I worded things badly. Maybe this will be better. How would gaining a check for use of a skill used as a passive value work? For example if Parry is seperated from a weapon skill or Dodge? If the emphasis is on the active value, presumably the active value would gain a check to roll for increase if a success is achieved. Since Parry and Dodge woul resort to being passive values, do they not get checks? Gain the check for the attacker failing to hit? Just a minor question, but still of note possibly.
  4. I may have missed something here, but it sounds like an idea of interest, so my question is: how would active and passive skill check gains be handled?
  5. I voted no. One always has to root for the little guy...
  6. Another thanks for posting Charles. It may be worth asking Chaosium to revise the blurb text a little to give a sense of what the setting is about, which I didn't get when reading what is listed on the Chaoisum website. It sounds a novel and interesting setting. I'll try and pick up a copy this month or next (there are a few new BRP monographs i haven't purchased yet).
  7. Not on the one I have. Really nice. Any way of (easliy) doing non-landscaped ones?
  8. I'll probably get the two adventure books soon(ish), but in the meantime is anyone able to give a one or two line-per-adventure synopsis of each adventure?
  9. A new discussion thread has been started in the CoJ playtest forum. Replies wanted, please.
  10. Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions. I think for this first attempt I'll still probably head the monograph route. Alephtar have quite a few very interesting sounding books on their schedule already, so I guess they are committed to their existing plans. Plus superhero games/supplements are more often than not a very niche product (the relative successes of HERO/Champions and M&M aside), so I guess it may not be the most obvious product to look at commercially at this stage for Alephtar. That said, I may have another idea along super lines in the future.
  11. Thanks, but the vision I have is pretty clear, so I am trying to stick to that. Let's just say that there are a few layesr to things and there is an irony inherent in what the heroes do, but not necessarily in the way many or most would assume. :thumb: I hope your curiosity will be satisfied in a good way when it (finally) is finished. :thumb:
  12. With regards to monographs the rights to the material are yours as I understand it, and having checked with Dustin on the matter.
  13. Glad to hear it is done. good luck with this. :thumb:
  14. Some of those sound like a very different kind of gaming! :eek: Oh those pirates...
  15. Maybe think of it as more then simply a fencing technique, rather as a technique of general counter-attack that can be cultivated through expertise (remember the rule is not exclusive to fencing weapons only).
  16. That requisite expertise is covered by the requirement for mastery level of skill (91% plus) in Jason's original post.
  17. So what we need is a compatible but seperate rule for main-gauche/nitō-wada fighting styles? Hmmm. Maybe?
  18. If a riposte has a SR cost/value (perhaps a nominal straike rank value of 1, for example), then it would occur according to the strike rank sequence, and the situation would be clear. As DEX ranks feel like the action occurs and then the 'cost' in ranks is met, then it would be that the riposte occurs simulatneously with the provoking attack, yes?
  19. Including those of us whose works are still in the stages of writing? :thumb: You would be credited of course.
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