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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Last Day of the Semester and Final Stretch Goals announced in our MU Kickstarter! "We give credit for life experience" Our final "Diploma Mill" stretch goal is the highly prestigious and coveted Doctorate of Medieval Metaphysics. We originally set this at $100K (that's now for a fancier box). But we moved the doctorate forward to $95K because at MU "we give credit for life experience". (Besides, we don't want our backers to end up in the accursed academic limbo that is ABD - "all but dissertation"...)
  2. We are at the tail-end of the semester (just over 40 hours to go!), but still in pursuit of academic excellence! Here is the next Stretch Goal: $90K—Stationery Upgrade V: Super-Deluxe Player Mats We will further increase the thickness of the Player Mats to a solid 1.5mm board with glossy dispersion varnish. (We're also going to a announce a special backer reward if/when we reach 3000 backers - 65 to go!)
  3. Redbubble is 20% off site-wide right now. Use code THIS20 - expires May 7, 2018 at 11:59pm PT.
  4. Added at your suggestion😎
  5. Just don't ask the Morokanth how they make their surprisingly delicate and soft "kid" gloves...
  6. Graduate Students are expected to sacrifice years of study (and at MU, maybe more) to learn from their esteemed academic mentors, the Professors. Fortunately, at Miskatonic University they're an endlessly renewal resource... Next Stretch Goal: $81K - GRAD STUDENT ADMISSIONS FORMS Full-size PDFs of the MU Admission Form (used on the Graduate Student cards in the game), and BLANK versions you can print and fill out yourself!
  7. Ok, so "Don't lick the duck!" is Twitter's valiant effort at translating the Japanese, but come to think of it that is probably sensible advice too... #DontMessWithTheDucks
  8. Comes in all SIZs including "Standard Gamer 3XL": Basic Role Playing: the "Big Gold Book" cover by Chaosium
  9. Here you go: https://www.redbubble.com/people/chaosium/works/31614519-basic-role-playing-the-big-gold-book-cover
  10. FROM THE MU FACULTY HANDBOOK: "It is a long-standing practice that professors and instructors at Miskatonic University are given a Staff Activity Number, or SAN rating. This number is not intended to rank or rate their relative expertise or caliber as a teacher, but only to serve as an extra guide to students choosing advisors."All MU Kickstarter backers whose pledge levels includes their name appearing in the Rule Book (Deans, Associate Deans, Professorial Chairs, Valedictorians etc) will also be invited to nominate their Staff Activity Number (SAN). https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/miskatonic-university-the-restricted-collection-bo/posts/2179841 MU was made an official "Project We Love" by Kickstarter a few days ago, which is cool - they clearly want everyone to pass with flying colors! $58K - A Miskatonic University Short Story $61K - Stationery Upgrade II - Player Mats $64K - Rules in Spanish $67K - Cover Art for Molly Tanzer's MU Story $70K - Stationery Upgrade III: the Box! $72K - New Optional Library Card: The Teaching Assistant $74K - New Optional Defense Card: Hide $76K - New MU Crest & Seal Miskatonic University's motto is Ex Ignorantia Ad Sapientiam; Ex Luce Ad Tenebras, which means "Out Of Ignorance Into Wisdom; Out Of Light Into Darkness"? Because the university crest has a lighted candle on it, uninformed people say the motto translates as "Better to light the candle of knowledge than curse in the darkness". Wags reply, "Is it though?" New Stretch Goals: $78K - Stationery Upgrade IV: Box interior $81K - Graduate Student Forms The Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection Kickstarter concludes on May 8th.
  11. We'll be sharing Andrey's full image sans the logo in high-res with people who sign up for the pre-release list.
  12. The new Chaosium edition of RUNEQUEST is coming soon! Sign up to be informed the moment the PDF comes on sale*. SIGN UP HERE And as a special bonus for signing up now, we'll also give you exclusive early access to downloadable RQG content (art, wallpapers, the RQG character sheet) over the coming weeks! *The PDF will be made available immediately so you can start your RQG adventures in Glorantha straightaway! And you will receive a coupon for the full cost of the PDF off the price of the hardback version when it is released later this year. Art credit: "Kallyr's Funeral Pyre" by Andrey Fetisov
  13. The new Call of Cthulhu video game website is now open! This game is licensed by Chaosium and has content from the Call of Cthulhu maestro Mark Morrison (Horror on the Orient Express, Reign of Terror)![And our creative director Jeff Richard just wants to let folk know - he's played it and it is awesome ("the perks of being the licensor are glorious indeed")]. http://www.callofcthulhu-game.com/
  14. Another Stretch Goal passed, a new Stretch Goal added! This one is direct from Reiner Knizia's home base and design studio in Germany: a new eighth Defense Card for the game. We already have a "Flee" card in our MU game; this one enables you to "Hide" from the Mythos Horrors in the library, at least temporarily... both handy skills for prudent Call of Cthulhu investigators, and equally handy here. The 'Hide' card enables you skip your turn. This safely keeps you in the game until it is your turn again. In the meantime, calamity may befall your academic opponents. This is the second card expansion for Miskatonic University; we also have the New Library Card Teaching Assistant Stretch Goal at $72K. We're currently nearing $68K, so both of these are drawing close and we still have six days to go!
  15. MOB

    RQG Artifacts

    A convincing lizard suit might be a stretch though...
  16. MOB

    RQG Artifacts

    Moderator Hat: this forum is not the place to discuss the merits of US laws about weapons, or lack thereof. So let's stop right there. Meanwhile, here are some great well-armed Khan of Khans cosplayers from Gen Con last year: And @Belgath - looking forward to seeing yours this year!
  17. I wish I'd thought of that for the announcement when the French Rules Stretch Goal was reached...
  18. In our latest Kickstarter update, backers of our MU board game are getting a sneak peek at some of Victor Leza's amazing new art for the forthcoming Masks of Nyarlathotep:
  19. EIGHT DAYS TO GO in our MU Kickstarter and we've passed 2000 backers and these recent stretch goals: $58K - A Miskatonic University Short Story $61K - Stationery Upgrade II - Player Mats $64K - Rules in Spanish - ¡estupendo! $64K Spanish Stretch Goal has fallen! The printed rulebook will now include the full rules of the game in SPANISH (and English, French, German and Italian!) Stretch Goals coming up... $67K - Cover Art for Molly Tanzer's MU Story $70K - Stationery Upgrade III: the Box! Added a new Stretch Goal: $72K - New Optional Library Card: The Teaching Assistant Anyone who has attended college or university knows that Teaching Assistants (TAs) are the under-appreciated academic workhorses of the institution. They teach, deal with tedious administrivia, and perform various other sorts of scholarly grunt work on behalf of their tenured colleagues, the professors. In recognition of their often thankless service to learned pursuits, we've added TAs to our MU game as a Stretch Goal.
  20. The new edition has conversion notes in the appendices for RQ2 and RQ3. Both versions are very easy to adapt to the new rules, so all the RQ Classic (and indeed all the RQ3) releases are usable.
  21. Jeff and Jason have passed on some exciting news: layout and proofreading of RQG is all-but-done ("we're just doing some final finishing up and tweaks"). The book is truly both a thing of beauty, and also a very easy-to-use reference when playing the game. Stay tuned for an announcement soon about preorders! Art credit: "Binding an Earth Elemental" by Andrey Fetisov
  22. New Stretch Goals announced: As we approach the mid-point of the semester, here's what's coming up in the syllabus as we head towards Graduation: $58K - A Miskatonic University Short Story We'll commission a piece of short fiction set in Miskatonic University by British Fantasy and Wonderland Book Award-nominated author Molly Tanzer. $61K - Stationery Upgrade II - Player Mats We'll upgrade the card stock of the Player Mats to 1.2 mm board with glossy dispersion varnish. $64K - Rules in Spanish MU announce will announce a new academic department in the School of Languages: the Department of Spanish and Hispanic Studies. The printed rulebook will include the full rules of the game in Spanish. $67K - Cover Art for Molly Tanzer's MU Story Our board game artist, the talented Victor Leza, will be commissioned to create a color cover illustration for Molly Tanzer's short fiction set in Miskatonic University (see $58K Stretch Goal). This art will be included in the short story reward for all backers at Professor ($25) and above. $70K - Stationery Upgrade III: the Box! A sturdy box is without doubt a benefit, keeping your game looking good throughout the ages. We'll include double thickness card, white lining, with a bevelled edge. v v v More Stretch Goals to be announced here! v v v $100K - Terminal Degree! We'll award all backers at Professor ($25) and above the highly prestigious and coveted Doctorate of Medieval Metaphysics from Miskatonic University.
  23. New Stretch Goal announced: $58K - A Miskatonic University Short Story Chaosium's fiction line editor James Lowder will commission a piece of short fiction set in Miskatonic University by British Fantasy and Wonderland Book Award-nominated author Molly Tanzer. All backers at Professor level ($25) and above will receive the story in multiple electronic formats (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, PRC). Our game is set in a library after all...
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