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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. Nevertheless a Duck-Bear exists in Glorantha (Smoking Ruins and Other Stories p30)
  2. I understoodd the Syndics (solely on the basis of the name) to have been the urban leaders of the Janube - Perfe, Riverjoin, Southbank, Eastpoint and Galastar. While Snodal was in it to stop Zzabur's Evil Plot, the others might have gotten involved to stop the White Bear Empire, which could have been still a threat. The sidebar on p200 in retelling of how his heirs discovered what he was up to (summoning him after his death) suggests that Siglat, Gundreken or Gaiseron didn't know what Snodal was upto beforehand. Nor does it seem was the University of Sog City. Sorcerors and Malkioni Wizards are specified which suggests answers could be found in High Ffort and Kerantos
  3. Some parts of Book of Heortling Mythology have been abandoned.
  4. I though I might have said this in Your Dumbest Theory, but you are looking at the wrong Orlanth for Vinga's origins. There's also Vingkot. So originally there were two storm gods among the Vingkotlings - Vingkot and Orlanth. They were quite similar and the two moieties understood them to be the same god and also different in some ways. Vingkot was born at Kero Fin and associated with the tribes of the north while the tribes of the south followed Orlanth who had wandered from Dini near the Spike. Vingkot was killed in at the Battle of Not Relevant Here. His sons duly mourned their loss, said their farewells and took up the worship of Orlanth. After all, they were quite similar so much that they were almost the same. Thereafter Vingkot's importance was gradullay reduced until he was the son of Orlanth. But some parts of Vingkot didn't die. And some parts of Vingkot couldn't be replaced by Orlanth. One of these was Vinga, his feminine side...
  5. I don't think the story of Yinkin ditching his spirit part has been canononical for quite a while and the deities of the Hsunchen are all Gods (Telmor, Basmol etc) not Great Spirits.
  6. Probably Gollanth. There is a Gollanth Heortson, a King who ruled the Heortlings after Heort but before the Dawn. Not much else is known about him.
  7. No, it's not the baseline. The figure I quoted were *maximums*. For the mainstream Sable and Impala tribes, less than *half* worship Waha and Eiritha. I've not counted the more exotic tribes such as the Pol Joni or the Morocanth. By way of comparison, the figure in Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes for those who worship Orlanth and Ernalda was on the order of 80% or the Orlanthi all (may be outdated by more recent figures). And for the trolls, every adult troll is an initiate of Kyger Litor. At last a third is "perhaps a few percent higher" than a fifth is wonderful accounting. And I never said the people who didn't worship Waha and Eiritha were outsiders. My position is completely the opposite. If you think that a third to half the praxians are members of secret societies than good for you. But that wasn't what I was talking about. What I was concerned about was whether they were members of Praxian society in good standing. Is a Praxian who worships Orlanth not a good Praxian or not?
  8. On the topic of Waha/Eiritha in Prax, Waha is not the equivalent of Kyger Litor or Orlanth in their societies. Cults of Prax does state about Waha "The cult of Waha has survived intact since the Darkness. Occasionally less popular than some religions among the peoples, it never has been extinct in Prax." CoP p23. The population of Praxians that worship Waha ranges varies among the tribes but is never larger than a third (Bison and Rhino tribes - Appendix C of Cults of Prax p110). Eiritha's figures are pretty similar. So while their worship is necessary for survival in the wastes *and* requires rigid gender roles, the Praxians themselves are not obliged or even expected to worship them in order to be valued members of their tribe. At the most, they just don't get to be Khan or Queen.
  9. In RQG Adventures, there was a tomb featuring a daughter of Ernalda which looked at this question.
  10. Orlanth's worship was never outlawed in Pavis.
  11. FWIW there is a Golgotti Guildersnatcher in Borderlands (p155 kickstarter classic edition)
  12. Napoleon III had aluminium dishes and cutlery coz they were more expensive than gold (in the good old days before electrolytic refining). Just goes to show like his preference for the Academic Art, Napoleon III had no taste.
  13. In my pdf (I'm looking at it right now), the circlet is labelled ul-metal. Looking at Bertalor's Text The two lo-metals is possibly not an error (the original exists in the Elder Secrets book) but a genuine gloranthan confusion. That is the solid form of quicksilver is referred to as lo-metal while the liquid version is sa-metal (and Bertie seems unaware they could be transformed). I did once think of the red lo-metal as being brass and the gray one as being zinc. Strabo refers at one point to a false silver in the context of making brass which sounds like Lodril. But now I think it more likely that Bertalor *thought* the lo-metal was associated with Lodril and that his metal really is unenchantable Brass.
  14. Knight Fort is actually shown in the RQG Rulebook p121 as being on the river that flows near Monkey's Ruins (or five hexes north and one hex northeast)
  15. Just received the voucher and checked. https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-weapons-equipment-hardcover/
  16. The Guide to Glorantha, Fortunate Succession (Stafford library) and Dorastor Land of Doom (Avalon Hill) are the best sources of information about it. Be warned: there's no detailed description of the Empire, just scattered nuggets throughout.
  17. Wolf Pirates were in the area as early as 1613 according to Cults of Prax. According to tales #10, they were originally led by Orstando Blackwoldf who led them to the Three Steps in the previous decade.
  18. Who said the Marazi were a closed society? Only you. All I have been saying is that as Pirates, they could easily grab their ships from outside and pointed to the well-known Holy Country Fleet. Hence there is no need for major shipworks on the island, which is at odds with its description. There is only one crossbow, shown on one frieze. Your argumentation is kinda like arguing that Broos should have metal-working capabilities because they are often armed with bronze weapons and armour.
  19. In other words, they didn't make the ships themselves. A Holy Country Fleet sailed into the Suam Chow and suffered heavy losses. Harstar of the South hired "several shiploads of Kethaelan survivors" (Guide p429) and with them conquered Melib three years later. What precisely then is your objection to the Amazons acquiring ships in the same way (considering that Trowjang lies closer to Kralorela than the city of Gach in Teshnos)? Likewise the information about the Amazons accepting foreign women into their lands is well established but according to you, they must be forever outside any broader society and incapable of accepting female sailors from the Holy Country Fleet? Warships were in the Holy Country Fleet (they used treaties, force and judicious evasion into deep waters to gain passage through Fethlon - Guide p144). Besides the Opening evolution of shipbuilding was that the first Holy Country ships were triremes with other designs appearing later. So all the ships in the Holy Country Fleet would have been of one design - the trireme - in the 1580s.
  20. What's wrong with pirating from others? They are known as being rather successful pirates and it seems a rather huge leap to me that they wouldn't use whatever weapons they have plundered and are reliant on a hithertoo unseen military-industrial complex. Or do you think the Pirates of the Carribean made their own ships and cast their own cannon?
  21. Rather than Yelmalio, the Amazon could try worshipping at a Yelorna Temple. The mythology's undeveloped and the local worshippers are going to be somewhat tolerant. There's two places they could worship at - the Temple in the Rubble and among the Unicorn Women.
  22. It doesn't say they build warships and manufacture crossbows. They make hardwood charms. They are more likely to have acquired the warships and crossbows from raiding neighbouring countries.
  23. It's from Argrath's Saga in King of Sartar (1st Edition).
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