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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. metcalph


    Kaxtor's priests are described as asectic wizards (Guide p361) so Truth (think Yelmalio and Humakt) seem you me to be appropriate. As for the larger runes, he is a teacher of religious truths rather than a prominent hero so one rune is all that's needed to describe him. IMO he can be followed with the faiths of Lhankor Mhy, the Arkati and even the Rokari.
  2. I think the Loskalmi would probably encourage their farmers to worship their ancestors (to trample Seshnegi values). Which leaves who else in terms of the modern Malkioni?
  3. The Seshnegi Nobility worship their ancestors and consider themselves modern Malkioni. Their Zzaburi have better things to do than argue.
  4. The only way between Fronela and Ralios is through the Nidan Pass controlled by the hostile to the Bright Empire Nidans. I think the Cursed Telmori of Fronela would have just fled eastward (where Talor never reached) rather than make a dangerous crossing into Ralios.
  5. Broos worship Daka Fal in pretty much the same way that the Trolls worship him. They can summon their ancestors all the way back up to Thed. but not Ragnalar (Dead) or Wakboth (Indiposed). Since they are chaotic, the ancestors are pretty much bad tempered about their continued self-exitsence and will only be deterred from attacking the shaman with an opprtonunity for more mayhem.
  6. Chalana Arroy could learn sorcery as far back as RQ3 Gods of Glorantha. Since Lhankor Mhy teaches sorcery, there is scope (probably in the Holy Country but also in Old Pavis) of the two cults developing the practice of sorcerous medicine.
  7. Jolaty is Yelmalio. Ompalam is Pamalt. Andins are Trolls, Dwarves, Gargoyles and other earth and darkness based sentients. Idovanus when he acts through his Ersoon is Yelmalio. Avanpdur is Illusion rather than Chaos and his worship was why the Eastern Isles were spared the ravages of chaos during the Gods War. The most common worshippers of Arkat the Devil are travelling bands of Ralian monster-fights often called Witchers. Shavaya was a bandit king rather than a wise mystical emperor. He is only acknowledged as Emperor because the commoners have fond memory of his rule after the downfall of Abzered. Mikaday is a cult where humans magically turn themselves into dragonewts. It was originally a cult in which Dragonewts tried to understand humans by becoming them. Supposedly you can tell the humans from the Dragonewts at their religious gatherings by seeing which ones blink and which was stare. But be careful! The human worshippers have long developed the practice of staring (and other weird reptilian habits) while the Dragonewts practice blinking as humans do. Edit: The Lankst Royal House is descended from an ancestor who visited Kralorela in the Imperial Age and learned from the cult of Mikaday the secret of fire-breathing. The Mikday temple which he learned it from is unusal in their worshippers breath gusts on wind instead of flames. The internal dynamics of the Royal House of Tarsh can be best understood by watching Succession with Logan Roy as Moirades and Kendall as Pharandaros. The Seshnegi nobility are superior to the laws of their Zzaburi and their conduct policed only by their ancestors and noble house. They could become powerful sorcerers but their hedonistic lifestyle and pursuit of quick thrills means that most get bored and worship demonic ancestors instead. The zzaburi are happy at the preservation of their sorcerous monopoly.
  8. The Bat may have been having its monthly time.
  9. It stems from Troll Gods (Arkat Cult writeup) saying that the House of Black Arkat was in Heortland. But that seems to have been a thinko for Arkat's Hold which is in Esrolia.
  10. I think that mastering a rune requires study and illumination and the amount of time required for it is the same as if you were training or researching a rune in one season (rulebook p416-417). The difference is you are trying to grok the theoretical part of the rune rather than the affinity. Don't forget to use sympathetic magic bonuses. If you are swotting at the Jonstown Library you would get a +20% on the roll (Major Rune Association p388) but if you studied Fire during Dark Season you might get a -15%.
  11. Much to my displeasure when my cleric finally found out it was an edged weapon.
  12. If I was doing the families for RQ:G, I would: Pick a Noble Ancestor. Although the Guide and Staffordian material has a lot of names like Ehilm, Lodik, Aerlit and Coalot, it's easier just to assume the names are local variations of one of the conventional Gloranthan Gods. Since the Capratis and Du Tumerines are hostile to each other, make their ancestors Gods who would be opposed to each other: like Orlanth and Yelmalio, Argan Argar, Lodril etc. The Nobles will have access to their ancestor's rune magics. Their retainers will have access to their spirit magics as they are lay members at best. Select retainers of lower caste could be granted a dispensation to initiate to the ancestor and learn their rune magics. Pick the Hsunchen Warrior Ancestor. Telmor, Basmol, Pralor, Tawar etc. Most warriors are lay members of their chosen order and restricted to spirit magics. Skilled warriors often initiate (with the local authorities looking the other way) to gain access to rune magics.
  13. Poor Shargash. Every other war god gets Iron or some equivalent funky metal to enchant and he has... Tin. Dragonewts have Pternadons as mounts! The Sairdite helmet is rather extravagant while the Wolf Pirates seem to be rocking it with the Sea Peoples look.
  14. I think the Book of Dale is a God Learner (or EWF) Book and probably kicked in and around the Valley of Cradles in the Imperial Age. There is some remark in The Middle Sea Empire about a Barbelo Stone who was mounting some campaign about the opening of the Book of Secrets and sohe could have written the Book. I daresay the Book was used in the defense of Pavis after the walls were breahed and then looted. Possibly it fell into the hands of the Pavis Survivors who bore it from the Rubble when the Trolls took over. Its teachings were then adapted for the Wastelands magical landscape and it soon became seen a magical treasure to be had rather than a foreign corrupting artifact. As a result, its been kicking around the tribes but kept out of Sable hands (otherwise the Lunars would have had it which hasn't happened). I think rather than the bearers of the book having to learn Old Pavic to read it, it has a patron spirit that instructs the bearers how to cast magic so long as they have the book.
  15. metcalph


    I did have the idea that Varganthyr originally led the Malkioni Army that fought fought against the Eleven Beasts at the Sunstop. But his folks back home feared his power and tried to kill him. In revenge, he changed sides and fought for the Eleven Beasts against the Malkioni. A gloranthan Coriolanus so to speak.
  16. metcalph


    Eh? Talor returned during the Chaos Wars to aid Harmast in Ralios and Dorastor. After the War, he set up the Kingdom of Loskalm. He's not missing to return in the Hero Wars.
  17. Glorantha Sourcebook and RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary are the best sources. For the apostates, there's the Flintnail Cult in Pavis: Threshold to Danger (or Pavis: Gateway to Adventure).
  18. Dipping my toe into these waters. Building is commoner's work and the commoners won't be using sorcery. The wizards aren't there to make people's lives better through magical technology but to promote spiritual wisdom and strengthen the divine emanations (Orlanth etc). The Heortlanders can still have form/set stone from the cult of Flintnail or whatever dwarf the Sartarite stonemasons worship.
  19. Another possibility for Broo arrival to Pamaltela is being spread by the God Learners. One specific mechanism is the Broos of the Black Pus whose appearance was noticed by Valastos with Seven Pens (Guide p137). The Broos could then manifest in Pamaltela through spirit world damage caused by the God Learners. The relevant section from the RQ3 Glorantha Bestiary actually supports your vision
  20. The chaotic are pouring out from the Dinsender Ruins. As for the source the only (brief) reference I know of mentions Zanch Mator attempting to become the Great God of Chaos through transplantation of chaos into places where the locals are unfamiliar. Ie the Doraddi could handle the big broos but against the Genertelan hordes they are blindsided. Likewise the Ralians are having problems with Big Broos as opposed to the more familiar hordes. No idea if it is still canonical.
  21. Urban legend http://kiwihellenist.blogspot.com/2015/11/were-greeks-scared-of-irrational-numbers.html?m=1
  22. The minute shaman in the Black Robe (1991) was carried on long journeys in a backpack.
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