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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. There is an ACM in the Jonstown Library (distinct from the Catalog Wheel). Likewise for Pavis
  2. Strictly, it's Lhankoring's access to foreign (ie Malkioni and God Learner) sorcery. Lhankhor Mhy has his own Sorcery which is fine by comparison. I think the Alien Combination Machine to be still around but mainly confined to the Holy Country (where there are Lhankorings and Malkioni). It could be used against Lunar Sorcery but there's the stigma of chaos there. I think from the nature of its construction, it was actually invented by the Machine City and looted after Steelfall. I've made a suggestion before that the Kralori have a similar device which Godunya supposedly invented when he was in Dragon Pass.
  3. Or to use a more recent example between Victoria and New South Wales at Albury Station https://www.smh.com.au/national/a-track-to-the-future-20040110-gdi4qj.html
  4. metcalph


    Okay. 1581 - the Lunar Empire attacks Sartar for the first time. Wot's Belintar's problem with them that he feels the need to support Sartar?
  5. metcalph


    There is the slight matter of the fleet to Teshnos which then gets sunk by the Kralori after which Belintar renounces foreign conquest. I always felt that was a bit strange. During the invasion of Sartar, two armies were sent from the Holy Country. One could be passed of as being from the Volsaxi and so not Belintar's responsibility but I doubt that the Volsaxi had the capacity to send two armies. I also see that in 1591 ST, Belintar secretly aided Sartar against a Lunar Invasion (Guide p240) which is quyite strange. Why be secret about it? The Lunar Empire can hardly complain to the United Nations about breaches of neutrality*. Jeff's recent notes suggested the Opening changed a lot of things in the Holy Country and the secrecy of the aid may be because Belintar was breaking strong-stated policy, fel thtta he had to but was unwilling to make an open breach with past policy. *I should point out that the neutrality was obviously very important to Belintar as he makes it a condition of an alliance with Old Tarsh. There's also mention of several invasions in this period (probably Maniria, Prax and Jab but not the Beast Peoples nor the Grazers as per RQ Companion p30).
  6. Except there's no martial arts style mentioned for Loskalm in the rulebook - only Seshnela, Peloria, Teshnos and Kralorela (apparently confining itself to Genertela).
  7. metcalph


    The person concerned looks to me more like Belintar surrounded by five of the Holy Country Rulers. I know the text says that's God Forgot is there as well but the text in the Guide is never quite alined with the pictures. The text describes him a Bronze-coloured and I don't see any evidence for the God Fogotten having turbans, bindis and big earings.
  8. metcalph


    I'm not seeing the God Forgot origin of his clothing (the Guide mentions an Orlanthi torc for example_ and think it unlikely considering the Only Old One would identified him if he was from God Forgot, whereas we know that the Only Old One couldn't. Moreover Carvak Zirian dresses quite differently than Belintar and he's a Zzaburi from God Forgot.
  9. Not really - those people are Brithini who are so terrified of death they would surrender when other people would confidently expect victory. The best bet for a martial artists IMO is (of all places!) Sun County. Since it was part of the Celestial Empire under the evil Sheng Seleris and has small populations of Kralori and Teshnans there (at least per the Sandheart books in the Jonstown Compendium), it's plausbible for there to be a martial artists there. Bad news - he will worship Jolaty who would is an even more harsh version of Yelmalio. Any Lunars that recognize him will be be terrified. For the Holy Country specifically - there are Kralori and Teshnan emirge populations in Nochet but they are of the wrtehed hive of scum and villany inhabitants rather than refined martial artists. Not that there could be some there, mind you but it would be surprising.
  10. It isn't "different approaches to combat" but unarmed fighting styles. A society of Rationalist Malkioni and halfwitted Hsunchen is the less likely society that one would expect to have formal unarmed fighting styles (where is Ralios and Fronela then?). A possibility is that they imported it from Kralorela but it is still rather surprising.
  11. Of the listed countries, Seshnela is the most surprising.
  12. A parallel might be the Three Lowfires of Lodril - the hearth fire, the forge fire and the wildfire. So one breath can light a campfire, the second melt stone (because metals are not common in Doraddi lands) and the conflagration.
  13. metcalph

    Sky realm Qs

    The only description we really have is that Dayzatar (whose realm this is) is described as the Shining Sky. The original constellation was the Dove which was around before the Sumstop.
  14. I'm not familiar with the term. Where is it from?
  15. They may be pretty fearsome but they are pretty poorly written monsters. If they were decent sorcerors, they wouldn't be hiding out in a shithole like Balastpr's Barracks, which also has a giant there lurking for some odd reason. Given them rune magic instead. Jordak is an illuminate so he could have rune spells from other sources. They could have a lonmg-running sorcery enchantment on one or two of their weapons and armour (cast by a friendly sorceror in Ogre Island say) but they would not use sorcery as a replacement for rune and battle magic (unless they had a band of undead zombies to protect them while they cast long spells). If Redsong is an ordinary allied spirit, then he may cast spirit magic but I doubt this for Vivamort. Beasts which are nowhere in evidence
  16. They are described as such in RQ2 and RQ3 and Cults of Terror associates them with Vivamort. Amusingly Cults of Terror also says stas will be given in the miscellaneous section of the cult, but no such stats appear. RQ3 and RQ2 both state the Basilisk's glance penetrates magical defences as if it were a divine spell with a POW of 3 (ie a three point rune spell) but that this can vary from basilisk to basilisk. The glance takes a melee round and must succeed in a POW versus POW attack to kill.
  17. There's been a mention of skiing elves in RQ3 book5 but that's it
  18. If enchanted bronze weapons a dime-a-dozen in your glorantha, then the WOlfrunners have problems. But they're not.
  19. It could but who has access to enchant bronze in your glorantha?
  20. What is this "enchanted bronze" that you speak of? Who has it?
  21. They are werewoilves whose opponents fight with mainly bronze weapons.
  22. There's almost certainly a link with Miskander to be made.
  23. It appeas in Gods of Glorantha (Cults Book p39) as a Rune for Gorgorma.
  24. Arstola forest is south in Maniria. The Aldryami name of the Forest is Newbloom (KoS p89)
  25. Latest version. p62 "Know Lineage (Panmalt variant) - Should be Pamalt.
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