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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. According to Cults of Terror,
  2. On the topic of Tap, it stems from Zzabur's revival of the Cosmos. It is thus organically part of their sorcery and cannot be forbidden. Social rules prohibiting the use of Tap in Dragon Pass look to me a non-starter as there's no large community of sorcerers* to make the rules. A sorcerer by himself (such as Urvantarn) can do whatever he wants without philosophical sanction (ie punishments imposed by his fellows as opposed to an outraged populace). Since nobody has Worship Invisible God, tapping is almost essential knowledge. There are the Lunars of course but since they are close to chaos, they are unlikely to have rules against it (and would actively promote steal breath to freak out the Orlanthi). *There are sorcerers in the Holy Country and Black Horse County but they are not very numerous.
  3. They are from the How the West was One freeform. I doubt they are part of current Malkionism.
  4. An Umathelan cult that practices complete silence. In the Modern Age, they spawned a brutal Empire which conquered large parts of Fonrit. The Empire was crushed but they are still around. The most relevant material is in the Guide to Glorantha - Umathela chapter.
  5. The High Priest of the Jonstown Orlanthi would be the City Mayor, I'ld think. Given how troubled the political landscape in Sartar, I doubt this mayor has any political power by itself but instead was thrust onto Jonstown by the last warlord that marched through its walls (ie Leika).
  6. The City of Rose-Coloured Glass is in Teshnos (Hadarastu Valley Guide p433) although its hidden nature is not mentioned there.
  7. An aura of peace. Mental communication (implied by someplaces banning even that). Novices (those who has not yet taken the vows of silence) doing the preaching. Good shit and forcible surgical mutilation (Silent Militant Only).
  8. Can't see any limitations. Seven Mothers and Orlanth would accept Baboons for example. It would be rather unusal bur it wouldn't be impossible.
  9. There is a Karjakan who was a shaman of the Great Spirit Army (invaders from Pamaltela) and who was defeated by Kolat (Book of Heortling Mythology p34).
  10. According to the Ancestor of the Lenshi Kings, there used to be a huge glacier in the region (Storm Age/Great Darkness). The Starlight Ancestors (Zarkosite hunters led by Star Captains and soon to be ancestral to the Horse Nomads - Chariot Riders) had a fight there which melted the Glacier. So I doubt it is very deep (ie Lake Baikal depth). It may be deep but not significantly so.
  11. metcalph


    Any Telmori Wyter would be unlikely to cast transformation magics because the Telmori are forced to do so every week.
  12. I think the trolls are able to notice if someone spending more than one round in casting a spell.
  13. Stick to the cities where there are troops around to protect you. The fuzzie-wuzzies in the wop-wops rural Sartarites can wait.
  14. The dwarves of Mostal's Graveyard (in the Tunnelled Hills) worship Krarsht whom they call "Our Lady of Spikey Bits". Their assassins have been seen in both the East and the West posing as ugly children.
  15. metcalph


    Continuing from previous posts: RAPTURE: Red Goddess SCUM: Murthdrya? SHOOTING STAR: Yelorna SILVER TRACK: Yelorna. SKY SIGHT: Polaris SMOLDERING REBELLION: Lodril. SMOKE CLOUD: Umm... SOUL SPEAR; Err... SPAWN CRWALING HAND: Pocharngo, SPROUT ARMS: Yara Aranis. SPRYNESS: I would have thought Mastakos but we already have a version of it. So perhaps Jmigie? STARBRIGHT: Polaris? STARSIGHT: There is already a Catseye for Yelmalio so it's not him. Buserian is a possibility. STARWARDS: Yelorna. SUMMON ICE NYMPH: Inora. TAMBOUR: Hombobbum (from Troll Gods). TERRIFY HORSE: Yara Aranis UNISONANCE: Caladra and Aurelion. UNITY: Uleria. VESPER: Artmal.
  16. metcalph


    Continuing from past post. FEED GHOSTS: Cannibal Cult. FIREDWELL: Caladra and Aurelion., FIRELIGHT: Caladra and Aurelion? (it's not listed in the Cult Compendium). FIRESHIELD: Zola Fel. FLAMESWORD: Gerlant. FLASH FLOOD: Oslira. FLEETFOOT: Jmijie. FROST: Valind. FURNACE FIRE: Gustbran GHOST DART: the Ghost Darters of Prax. GOLDEN FLEECE: Heler GREAT LEAP: Frog Woman. GROUP DANCE: Donandar. HARMONIZE Donandar HARMONY: A head-scratcher this! Might be Ernalda but no, there's the Inviolable Runespell which is associated with her. There's also the Three Bean Circus but their spell is much bigger. HARMONIUM: Sounds Lunar. Probably Deezola. HURLING: Vaneekara (a daughter of Kyger Litor). HUMOUR: Sounds like Talor the Laughing Warrior. INSPIRATION: Ourania. INSPIRE LOVE: Uleria INVISIBILITY: Annilla. MINDRIDGE: Caladra and Aurelion. MOLD ROCK: Flintnail. MOUNTAIN LEAP: Orlanth and Mastakos. NIGHTMARE: Jakaleel. POWER DRAIN: Vivamort. To be continued. Editted: Added Humour.
  17. metcalph


    My take or guess on the source cult of the more interesting runespells. AFFIX DARKNESS: Xentha (from Troll Gods) AGONY: Ikadz? AROUSE PASSION: Ernalda? ARROW OF LIGHT: Irrippi Ontor, Yanafal Tarnils and Red Goddess. AURORA: Dawn Star AWAKEN LOON: Jadarenasa (from Guide's description of Noatend p711) BECOME OTHER: Argan Argar (power listed in HQ description of the cult). BENSION: Deezola. BIND WIND: Orlanth BLACK BREATH: Moorgarki (from Troll Gods) BLOOD FEAST and BLOOD RED: Basko (from Troll Gods) BREATH LIFE INTO ART: Sestartes (A hero artist mention in Esrolia: Land of 10K Gods). CALL ON STARS: Polaris. CALL SHANASSE: Polaris? CALM WATERS: Choralinthur. CANCEL LIGHT: Moorgarki (From Troll Gods). CAPTAIN SOULS: Polaris CLEAR SIGHT: Sun Hawk. CREATE BRIDGE: Hwarin Dalthiippa. CREATE WHIRLVISH: Gargarth, CYCLICAL CHARACTERISTIC: Red Goddess DAUGHTER"S ROAD: Hwarin Dalthippa. DEAD PLACE FERRY: Father of Independents. DETECTION BLANK: Cacodemon. DIAMOND EDGE: Caladra and Aurelion. DIVERT FIRE: Oakfed? Lodrili? Caladra and Aurelion? DIVINATION BLOCK: Lanbril. DROWN: Wachaza (from Gods of Glorantha) EARTH SHIELD: Orlanth, Babeester Gor. EARTH TOUCH: Pamalt. EARTHWARM: Lodril. ENCHANT INSTRUMENT: Caladra and Aurelion. ENTRHALL: Vivamort. ENTRANCE: Donandar. EUPHORIA: Glamour. Continuing in a new post.
  18. Amplify is explicitly mentioned in the spell description of getting more meteors.
  19. As given in the spell description, the leg cannot be walked upon. It's less useful against four legs which is not an error.
  20. Although it's not explicitly stated in the text, Call on Stars seems to be only intended to cast ONE spirit magic spell. This is inferred from the caster not needing magic points to cast the spirit magic, which would be a bit unbalanced if it conferred general knowledge of spirit magics. I apologize for the false hopes.
  21. Which is what I said. The bound spirit can cast any spells that they know. But the magician cannot cast any spells that the bound spirit knows.
  22. metcalph

    Open seas

    Since ye ancient Gods of Glorantha described Open Seas as a sorcery spell in the Dormal shortform, it was never not going to be anything else.
  23. Unfortunately the description of them in RQG versa) "Allied spirits are limited in number, and only the most stalwart and loyal priests can obtain these divine companions" (RQG p227) and following rules suggests they are rarer than they were in previous editions.
  24. Bound spirits cannot know the spells for the magician that binds them in RQG. They may cast any magic that they know but there is no mindlink and so the magician cannot cast their magic.
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