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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. Why do you think the Tusk Riders like Death Binding (RuneQuest Bestairy p70) so much? (Admittedly the rules are unclear whether the chance for the spirit magics is based on the Tusk Rider's or the Victim's charisma).
  2. Runequest Bestiary p188 "Magic Absorption: The Bat absorbs all magic, spirits, Runes, or sorcery, cast at it". Bat goes GULP!
  3. Possibly because the cult of Yelm in the rulebook is the God of the Grazers (as opposed to Dara Happa) who has little to do with Yelmalio.
  4. Spears are phallic and having spear magics indicates base desires which Yelmalio abhors.
  5. I don't think this is possible. However there is a contary example in Londra who worships Orlanth and Humakt (I think she's lost her faith in Humakt and has started worshipping Orlanth but the sources don't agree with me). They are different manifestations of the Earth Goddess. Maran Gor worshippers are likely to have their own violent subcults (Erantha Gor and Maran Devor have been mentioned in the past) than stop to worshipping Babs. Or if you want to be God Learny about it Erantha Gor is Babs proceeding from Maran Gor rather than Ernalda) Just because they are associate goddesses doesn't mean their worship can be combined. Cults of Prax gave the example of Kyger Litor and Zorak Zoran. All Troll worshippers of Zorak Zoran are also worshippers of Kyger Litor. But the Rune Lords of Kyger Litor (Kaarg) doen't get along well with the Zorak Zoran cult and vice versa. And when it comes to Zorak Zoran, Violence is the only answer. So you end up with places having worshippers of Karrg or worshippers of Zorak Zoran with the other trolls being smart enough not to get involved. Eurmal has no associate cults. Eurmal steals magic from them. That they get magic in return is Orlanth imposing his justice. No love for Storm Bull/Zorak Zoran?
  6. metcalph


    Gloranthan Sorcery is not on-the-fly magic. Making a spell requires lengthy research.
  7. Because many of the Lunar Cults weren't very good and of the others, the shortform writeup was subpar.
  8. The Incompletes in the FS map is a technical term that was used in the Entekosiad. To wit, normals having six parts but sorcerers and chaotic having fewer.
  9. metcalph


    You could use a Luck as a runic inspiration for anything. What I'm trying to figure out is what to use Fate for. Edit: A stray idea. Use fate as a limit to Luck. Every successful use of a Luck inspiration decreases its potential maximum. The problem with this idea is that it's non-gloranthan - it doesn't quite mesh with how gloranthans view fortune and fate.
  10. The Hykimi Alliance is depicted on the historical maps of the Guide (and the AAA) as existing in Fronela for that time period (265 ST and 400 ST).
  11. Cults of Prax had summoned ancestors with various degrees of friendliness (Friend, Neutral, Malign and Evil). I presume Command Cult Spirit would be cast on the Malign and Evil ancestors in the same way you beat up your little brother to compel respect.
  12. The Allied Spirit is not in charge of policing his colleagues behaviour. Breaking cult rules is known to the God innately who then makes his displeasure known (In HQG, this was the God blighted the land with curses until his priests determined who was responsible and summoned the cult spirit of reprisal against him. I don't know if RQG will do this). The Illuminate is incapable of breaking his gods rules due to his superior insight. Thus the God cannot be displeased by his bad behaviour. Complaints by other worshippers (and allied spirits) have no effect. I should note that it's not automatic for all illuminates. Zindualo (of Urvantarn's Tower fame) has been kicked out of Lhankor Mhy and has no Lhankoring rune spells despite being illuminated. He could use his illuimnation to restart a (now one-sided) relationship with Lhankor Mhy but that would a major spiritual undertaking whereas he has more important things to do (like perfect his sorcery and swot up on Urvantarn's Tower).
  13. Not to mention the cases in which the names have unintentional interpretations. "I cast Hide like a Rhino and then Snatch Breath"
  14. The following people (excluding those nasty Lunars) have been apotheosized: Dormal Belintar Arkat Sartar There is nothing in the Compromise that prevents people from becoming Gods. Three Gods (Nysalor, Zistor, Red Goddess) are accused of breaking the Compromise with their creation. Looking at the Cult of Pavis, one has to wonder what observable difference there is between a God and a worshipped Hero. The modern Praxians say that it was Waha and should you continue to disagree, they have this nice anthill on which you can meditate on the error of your ways. If asked, the Lhankorings in Pavis might say the Compromise bound the Gods to act in ways they have already acted. Since Waha lived through his children before, there was nothing to stop him from doing so within Time. A more interesting question might be why Waha was able to act in the Imperial Age when he did nothing in the Dawn Age? The Orlanthi and Dara Happans have very different ideas about what the Compromise involved - the Dara Happans think it was rather the rebel gods selfishly submitting to Yelm. As for God Time chronology, even the Orlanthi can admit there was night and day in the God Time and that generations of men lived and died pretty much as we do today. There's even an Orlanthi myth which suggests the years back then had 294 days, precisely the same as now. But the Orlanthi are bored with year dates and prefer to count things through reigns and generations. The effect of the myths is largely the same.
  15. Pavis is not a created God but a man who became a God. Or that the Greatest Khan in Prax heroformed Waha for special occasions so that afterwards everybody says it was Waha.
  16. No more than BernEel Arashagern would (another part of Yelm whom IMO does not have the Fire Rune).
  17. Depends on the rules set, I suppose. I would have said Darkness and Mastery but in RQG, it might to be Darkness, Death and Illusion? (to pose Idovanus as the God of Truth).
  18. Yelorna isn't on the Gods Wall for the same reason that Humakt and Pamalt aren't. It is a record of the Gods worshipped by the Emperor of Dara Happa and his subjects. Gods worshipped outside those lands are not depicted for the same reason that the Behistun Inscription does not mention Lao Tze or Quetzalcoatl.
  19. Esrolia: the Land of 10,000 Goddesses in the Stafford Library at Chaosium is a good feel for history. There's also a current map of Nochet on the Chaosium site, I think.
  20. Depends on whether you think reliably producing Superior Trollkin counts as breaking the curse.
  21. Sartar Companion p273 has him as one of the spirits of Kolat. Being called a "Powerful War God" (History of the Heortling Peoples p16) sought of precludes his being the head of a spirit cult or a wyter. Since the bearer of Zolan Zubar is the Lord Demon of Death, I like to think he's the same as the Lord General of Death (Cults of Prax p94, Trollpak Classic p99, Troll Gods p74) I think the position is in active use, maybe in Guhan, maybe in Halikiv. I'm not at all certain they are the same.
  22. What difference does that make? If they are behaving fickle and capriciously it is because they are fickle and capricious creatures taking advantage of stupid humans who persist in interpreting their actions as devotion to some ineffableness. Apply that logic to a duck and you'll see how silly it is.
  23. Then why can't you make a similar argument for Nysalorans? They are not hacks breaking the rules for their own benefit, they are pursuing a deep and serious mystical path the likes of which the unilluimnated can never understand.
  24. Dorastor: Land of Doom p115 talks about powers being ranked from the most common to the least and that most illuiminares have powers 1-5 (leaving out the ability to illuminate others). It also says that the reliability of the powers (always on, functions onl;y at certain occasions or on a successful illumination skill roll) should be worked out with the GM., It depends on the school IMO Personally I think you have the insight and work on it from there (with and without a teacher). ZInduallo might use meditation to so that he can ignore the effects of Spirit Magic on his free INT.
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