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Ali the Helering

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Everything posted by Ali the Helering

  1. By the power of Greyskull, surely you're not implying potential plagiarism within the gaming community?????
  2. Much as the Kralori might wish to deny it, linguistic influences don't all flow in one direction. The Imperial tongue is known to have been deliberately constructed from regional languages. Each of these will have been influenced by the other cultures amidst and around them. I make a small list to include Dragonewt draconic, Hsunchen tongues & dialects, Embyli, Teshnan, Pentan dialects and Stultan. Y Kralori language WV😳
  3. Absolutely. YG will inevitably V. Happy roads, bro
  4. Your argument would hold absolute sway if this were one of the game forum threads, whereas it is specifically the Glorantha page. These threads relate to the varied, conflicting, oft-Gregged and utterly fictitious literary sources. I am happy to talk Zelazny and the Amber DRPG till your ears bleed (ask my family), but not on the Glorantha forum.
  5. Whilst I am, as I said earlier, in sympathy with some of the motivation here, I would like to point out that the moment you depart Maniria the same linguistic problems arise. The names mimic the cultures Greg used as models. My issue is with the rendering of some place names into English in the first place, an immersion breaker if ever there was one. On reflection, that may be why I prefer to play elsewhere... 🤔
  6. That sounds suspiciously God Learnerist! Swapping gods again???? 😇
  7. Yep. When the screaming and wall punching was over, you knew who to blame
  8. Unfortunately I came to Glorantha before those days, and I still respect the original vision I encountered. Yep, things move on, but I don't think that it means trashing Greg's work in favour of a new and improved Glorantha. This is why I enjoy working with relatively 'Blank Lands', since my invention will not require massive reworking of Glorantha. My Glorantha certainly does vary. You have only to take a seat at my table to find that out. Further up & further in? The implication seems to be that that means 'better'. It ain't necessarily so. 🤔
  9. I have to query this. Do you mean that Greg's original Sartar doesn't resemble certain northern European cultures and borrow their names?
  10. While I understand the motivation behind this, and find it laudable in itself, I feel that we are engaged in a semi-conscious drift from Greg's intention for Glorantha. It was a playground for anthropology, not the invention of a game world that would be culturally sensitive. Stripping away his stereotypes may be satisfying to our sensibilities, but I think it leaves us with a world that is ever less Greg Stafford's Glorantha. ☹️
  11. If only there were indicators that Gloranthan astronomy was as flawed and religiously motivated as in the RW. Oh, hang on a moment.....
  12. Tuskrider staging area or another minor Hsunchen seem reasonable to me 😎
  13. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24332370-500-the-time-paradox-how-your-brain-creates-the-fourth-dimension/ Since time appears to be perceptional rather than absolute, all one can do is quote Douglas Adams, master of 4 dimensions. Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. Causality is a Brithini lie🙃
  14. One thing that frequently distinguished maps from different eras is the placing of the most spiritually important site as the central point of the world. What a good job the world is free of intellectual slavery to the British Empire and no longer bases geography around the Greenwich Observatory in London! Oh..... 😁
  15. I think that we make too many assumptions if we think that having a particular physical perspective means that Gloranthans see things in a way that is identical to ours. Our ideas have developed over millenia and we have only recently had an airborne viewpoint. In RW very little matters as much as belief, and Glorantha is probably the same. It seems likely to me that each culture would depict geography in terms of their own mythology rather than in a physically 'real & accurate' manner. Mapping materials similarly would vary, depending upon locally available substances and chemical and magical means of preservation. I would anticipate hide, baked clay, metal, chitin, bark, slate, papyrus as a start.
  16. https://images.app.goo.gl/PhSqABtvfEUmdU8V6 If you prefer your city maps in Chalcolithic style 😎
  17. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_Map_of_the_World When possible I prefer to use RW style maps. There are a variety of early maps available for imitation.
  18. Whereas a riddler will know that both are true, and must therefore be destroyed.
  19. When it comes to the ridiculous Dara Happan claims as to the original and unmoving centricity of Yelm, I always go back to Zerel Fan. Their sun god had three early manifestations, Early Light, Rising Orb and Victorious Zenith. The sun had to rise before it reached its zenith. QED. Thanks Greg. YOUR Glorantha Really Did Vary!
  20. Wrt Ringworld, I did say that the celestial ramifications were interesting, not simple. It requires a Realist rather than Mythicist analysis, and relies upon the idea that Glorantha has suffered many impacts both from outside the Ring (eg the Crater, Kero Fin) and from inside its plane (eg Magasta's Whirlpool). The Darkness is the result of secondary impacts triggering forest fires across the local arc etc. As so often with Glorantha the mental reward is not from the initial theory but rather from calculating possible outcomes and then seeing how it integrates with the wider mythology. 🤔
  21. There is no 'fry', only dough or doughnut. Riddle : Craft (Jedi Mindtrick) 😋
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