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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I suspect that at the opposite end we would find Judge's Guild as the oldest RQ 3rd party publisher for Chaosium, period. Or is their a miniature company that wins that no-prize?
  2. I see, thanx. Thought I recognized that.
  3. Why do I recall hearing that Pelorians and Dara Happen (ers?) are lactose intolerant?
  4. Yeah, but that's just cause there's a lot of quake beast manure.
  5. Pity, my favourite book store, the library, has not even heard of John Boyle.
  6. Any of the HQ material that creates clans has clan tattoos i would think. I think I have even seen mention of what some of the rankings mean... I know that Sartar Kingdom of Heroes.does have examples of tattoos for all (?) the Colymar Clans. Now, is this available with more clan tatties or info on them somewhere in the public domain? Or can we post them here from Chaosium products? @MOB? @Ian Cooper ? is yes, with accreditation and/or... what? Cheers
  7. I might go down to say a professional level rather than a mastery level. Say 75%... Maybe even journeyman level. of 50%. The rules as written give an awful lot of chance for a patient thinking individual to bring his score to above 100% Trust me, I have seen a lot of darwin award winning moments. Don't aim, don't think about what you are doing, get cocky... what could go wrong. Cheers
  8. Quite so! Only Eurmal could sell that the brown eggs a rabbit just laid are chocolate.
  9. A bit late but there are a lotta forums... Count me in. I have always found you to be a valuable member of the BRP community. I would love to support you! With MW on sale maybe I will grab one too... Cheers
  10. I was going to ask... that's too bad. Now, let's hope the migraines dd not happen to strike only those who had just read the rules on healing, strike ranks, magic, or rising dragons... cheers
  11. A Humakti, Eurmali broo—ew! the mind boggles (no, literally Boggles)...
  12. Well it is a pain in the ass, to offer an honest opinion in this case. It makes one look weak, but I would rather look it than dive down the hole, be wrong, spend an inordinate amount of time proving I was right, and proving beyond a doubt one is truly pathetic Nothing wrong with elegance, I think the early Turney Perrin stuff had it in spades. One book, 120 pages with appendices and index! Zounds! Anyway, glad I did not discourage you by stating my opinion. That would have been a waste. Cheers
  13. Thank you for the quick response David, to confirm: Chaosium is looking at putting together promotional (ie. advertising) material/stategiers and is not ready yet? Now I as still waiting for an answer to the primary question I had: It follows slightly modified... Does Chaosium have any plans to release scenarios/cameos to GM in FLGS or clubs as demos.
  14. Well I gave it a try and started down the rabbit hole. After a half hour of working though answers it came to me. I have to say that it just seems to be way to much work for a game that I have already paid $160 cdn (shipping sucks) just for a portion of the core rules. Each to their own. As a young man in college I discovered D&D. Then I discovered that I disliked this, that and the other about the rules. I quit playing D&D at the point house rules were taking up a page of loose leaf per rule. Had a Notebook full. I had a book I had just been given that seemed to do everything that my home rules and the three core books (PHB DMG and the MM) did in one small book, RuneQuest 2. Figured you might not want to see this in the thread and but I promised an answer, so... Alas, I do agreed with gochie (even if you have to HR left hand starting at 5%) I like simplicity these days, but was reluctant to say so again (hesitated in sending this post) for fear of setting shit off< I mean, who needs a flamewar defending his pet project while in the middle of working on his pet project.... In your defence (and the young man who used to be me) tinkering with rules systems is fun, I wish you well, but I will back out of this and seek simpler HRs. Cheers
  15. Yes. n/a Not sure of the question. If it is how does one craft a potion.one would use the knowledge skill, alchemy.
  16. and have the cult of Humakt willing to take him in. Looks quite hopeful (at least in the short term) 'cause no matter the RAI the RAW say you can be a Humakti/orlanthi. The quotation was HeroQuest, not RuneQuest. Gloranthan, Chaosium, but still not RQ. That might change as more rules become available or you might weigh roleplaying vs munchkinnery and say that MGF dictates a Humaki Sword doubling as an initiate of (choose yer poison), now and later —rules be damned. But yeah, it seems the designers intention was to have a Humakt stand alone, only his honour as an ally, proud! Cheers
  17. Lovely encapsulation of your thoughts. Long though, I will have to read and digest to go beyond gist. I did want to note that I think I will use rules as written and just assume that a left handed weapon is not a right handed weapon for all the reason you mention, and conclude that it can be assumed to not be a similar weapon category and to be a difficult weapon to use and as such should have a base of 5%. as I have mentioned elsewhere. This is all assumed as a right handed guitar player with left handed guitar playing friends. Still, onwards to reread your tome and think about it.
  18. Got it, Its a ten year old mention in Sartar Kingdom of Heroes for HeroQuest and definitely Heortling-centric so whether it carries forward to GaGoG only time will tell. Don't see any reason one can not do it RAW in the RQ G core rules. Role=playing wise I could think of reason or two. The Severing Kinship is an essential part of Orlanthi culture and religion. To be without kin is to be dead. Nonetheless, some deities’ actions are contrary to Orlanth’s laws. They include Babeester Gor, Eurmal, Humakt, Urox, and sometimes others. Those deities have dispensation to perform their unspeakable actions without accruing harm to themselves. To protect society from these acts, these cults have rites that sunder a person’s normal social and divine bonds. After this severance, their kin are safe from reprisal for their criminal actions. The worshipper’s kinsmen are not responsible in any way, and no divine wrath accrues to their community for any action the worshipper takes, whether cult sanctioned or not. Of course, if they commit crimes against Orlanth’s laws that their god does not sanction, they may bring down divine wrath onto their temple, congregation, or warband. A person who joins Humakt is Severed from the Living and truly erases his former relationships. As such, he does not receive anything that would normally come to him from his kin or community. Without kinship, a Humakti is not legally a member of a clan or bloodline. His former kin are not responsible for his crimes, nor can he collect wergild for crimes done to him. He does not help pay clan fines, nor does he collect anything when his bloodline receives gifts. Anyone who has a quarrel with a Humakti must deal with him directly, without the official support of Orlanthi law. The worshipper also cuts contact with other gods, leaving Humakt as their sole source of magic, although they must still participate in community worship and play Humakt’s role. page 171 S KoH
  19. Well, gimped in some ways (not being able to come back from the dead has always been a big one), Around here one can find a lot of words devoted to just how powerful Humakti are as well.
  20. Been looking through the rules to see what they are as written. All I can find is in contradiction to both our guts. As you say, we might have to wait for GaGoG for details. Then I went back in time, and checked my old stuff and I can not find a mention of Humakti not being able to join other cults. Maybe this is where one can get one's Munchkin on, egregiously! Membership in Multiple Cults It is possible for an adventurer to be an initiate of more than one cult. They must pass the appropriate tests, and this always requires that the cults be compatible. (my emphasis) They must also tithe to each temple, and perform properly and completely all duties and responsibilities to each temple. page 275 RQ RiG
  21. Dragons or not, a fellows got to have his priorities, Sheep must be grazed, calves must be birthed, life does carry on. Good call.
  22. Culled a coupled of decades ago for use in my campaign from the long dead issaries.com So two trolls were eating a Trickster, and one says to the other, "Does this taste funny to you?" Sent by W. Glenn & Leslee Kirkconnell Q. What do Uz call half-elves? A. Meat and potatoes. Sent by Christopher W. Stetson First troll: "Your brother is terrible." Second troll: "At least eat the potatoes." How do you provoke a Zorak Zorani? Be born. How can you tell if a troll is hungry? He's breathing and his heart is beating. Sent by Dag Stålhandske
  23. On top of the tales and visuals of a 5 mile long dragon eating an army and rising up into the air after emerging/exploding from a mountain within the past two years causing mass PTSD and a great many nations to fear dragon kind.
  24. If that is the rules as intended it is new with RQ G. The reason in past times that Humakt had no associated cults was because of his mastery of death. None of the other gods understand the incredible responsibly and honour that goes with this "understanding" To initiate to the cult used to be a cutting of ties with clan, family, and tribe so that they could deal holy death for the cult if needed without bringing kin and law/outlaw into it. Much has changed, but this changing... seems drastic. Cheers
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