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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Oh, good lords and ladies... surely that would not be the first time I misunderstand anyone 🙂! Misunderstanding or not, I still ask why one could not use the above rules for such situations as you mention. An adventurer/student gains 4 skill experience ticks and one skill tick for research or training (for skills without a tick box). One will need no less then 5 weeks/season of study or some penalty will have to apply to gain one POW gain tick for any season with a High Holy Day that the adventurer succeeds with a worship roll (another tick) One adventure can be conducted (variable number of rolls, the adventure should be limited to... say, 3 weeks/season max?) So, at the end of a 4 season year (this amount of time is a suggestion, make it 5 seasons if you can justify it) would give 16 experience ticks and 4 research or training ticks. Plus a chance of a POW tick for an initiate with access to a rune level led worship ceremony at a sanctified site. Or up to four POW ticks for Rune levels that lead worship. (about 30 percentiles added to skills on average, give or take) for a 4 season year of study. Plus adventures.... Decide to use responsibilities upthread I mention, or not... YGWV ETA and what if all that time is Training, well pay the trainer and uses training rules.
  2. On the Blue Marble, sure. I say city spirits are an overlooked aspect of the very magical Green Lozenge (cities can not even be built without rituals, I postulate). Agreed with the second part, with the above caveat. ETA Some of those spirits would have to have the Issaries Rune, after all!
  3. ‘Bout time I posted... From discord
  4. Can’t see why a city built house should not have the same caveat! I am not sure of a family ownership amongst Heortlings, this does not sound right. Yes to clan however...
  5. I suppose in a way it should always be a heroquest, if you want to invite the right gods and goddesses to live there! Cost is interesting seeing as you will never own the land or buildings, but will be granted the rights to them. So, I would imagine the cost is swearing allegiance/fealty/loyalty (looking for the right word) to the clan that has given you the rights to the land. If the lands should have spirits (tell me one without that the a clan would want to be building on) placating the spirits would be another cost (and a chance for some great adventure). So, temples, the rules do list how many folk are required for maintaining (RQ RiG pages 283-285) religious buildings of various sizes. No prices, so perhaps until such rules appear one will have to think in terms of them being capital projects whose costs and rituals are shared amongst the worshipers. This is so... this abstract makes it easier to play without actual costs in silver...
  6. 1/2 price gear (and maybe even javelins), hmm, I like that!
  7. I believe you are mistaking beefcake for cheesecake... 😉
  8. During the Lunar occupation, which is when I run, this would happen more often as the adventurers will be double taxed. And the bastiches might well tax out of season just to catch the taxpayers short so they can enslave them and take the hide.
  9. This sounds about correct, a touch low, but in the ball park. If they were mooks that only wanted to save the farm this should do it. But as adventures this would be 6 adventures for one or two new spells, or one or two new pieces of armour or of expensive gear or weapons. After three adventures my group has about 50 pieces of silver per (about 100 for the leader and a torc). So I was worried that maybe I was too low or stingy in my rewards but it seems you have the same numbers. This makes me happy as I have a great deal of respect for how you see the game based on the past four years of posts of yours I have read. I have asked my players to use adventuring income for gear, training, and magic so as not to throw the economy out of whack. And they have agreed.
  10. Thanks Trifletraxor, for all the hard work keeping the community alive, and soltakss (of course... this is another one for "its magic... innit?") for his insight!
  11. Arghh, leave my gmome alone! No, put it down right now... <sigh>
  12. And Brootse, I still suggest that if a reason to study (well reasons, I will admit) can be met (this will vary from table to table) and the resources are available, use a training period of at least 5 weeks in a season for 4 normal ticks and one for training or research (a box nor a positive base skill are not needed for non-cult/secret skills). Remember your POW... now this is almost rules as written for a home rule. This will depend on the tables playing style so I leave it a bit open ended. Let me expound a bit... Simply have your occupation be that of student for that season. Now, I am not willing to remove responsibilities and expenses from the adventurers. You will still have to pay all taxes and tithes, you will have to meet your normal expenses to maintain near a SoL (and I will say you HAVE to, no allowances) in fact I will say it cost a bit more, as trying to keep up with the Harmast's is difficult with an income and much more so without. A second reason for a greater expense, none can work the land as well as those within the community, this is a magic world remember, so both otherworldly and mundane reasons apply here. There are spirits of the land... that only the true steaders of the land will know... not too mention mundane knowledge no hireling could know that permit one to do the work of many hirelings with fewer steaders. Plus you will have to hire a boss at near the cost of yourself to keep the others in order. Bottom line, it will cost you more in numbers and lunars to achieve what you can achieve perfectly adequately. Make this difficult enough to get an adventurer out of it. And finally you may have to pay for researches, and you will have pay for training. From here it becomes roll playing (if it has not already). You don’t want to break rules to give players everything there greedy hearts desire so... You put obstacles between them and their desires for the student /adventurer to solve. Now if taxes/tithes are all up, the Clan ring or chieftain will allow you to live on your stead. This is not automatic amongst Heortlings, but a ring or chieftain had better have a good reason to remove a scofflaw. More than likely you will have earned some displeasure at the very least from the powers that be. Payment will gain you full access to occupation rolls and perhaps better (or at lest not worse) rolls at Sacred Time. By tithing none can argue with your right to worship from a financial reason, anyway. (gaining you access to your POW tick). Your social standing is maintained (no loss to Rep). Now this is not meant to be arbitrary, and only the first paragraph is really the HR. The others are colour. I hope the obstacles I use here make sense from a Gloranthan sensibility and you are getting something the RAW do not allow, which should be good for a bit of a roleplaying adventure. Still season this ragout to suit your table and enjoy.
  13. Now, now, gramps get yer meds, and get back inside and let those kids play on your lawn... Some of us actually like what you despise and despise what you like... and we do not want to go to war with you so we will not bring ‘em up. At least not despairingly. As I have said so many times... each to their own. Give me hobbits, ducks and gnomes (a double helping if you could). Just no grumpy old men, eh.
  14. I totally forgot about that, though in my defence I read it back in the 70s as a teen. Yep, this gobbler, which many would not touch with a 10 foot pole axe, was not politically-correct!
  15. Converting cash into credit rating... interesting, in my world I would prefer SoLs (Standards of Living units), a nice alternative to Lunars...
  16. Agreed with the 5 ticked items, one of them may be a 00 or a non-tickakable skill. (as per occupation between adventures checks and training/research rules) Of course you will have no income, and you will have expenses and definite responsibilities. Keep up with those and have a GM with the same ideas I have and you should be okay. Also If their is a high holy day or a seasonal holy day and you can succeed at a worship ceremony at at a sanctified site with a god talker or rune level you can get POW check as well. And of course one adventure of no more than three weeks. That is all I would allow. But again your game will vary.
  17. Well, now we're in it. BC is reporting 100s dropping dead suddenly, when usually there would be 3 or 4 dozen... The authorities are blaming the heat wave. Remember to buy a bottle of water for anyone looking like they need it and report anyone in distress to local authorities.
  18. Well sir, they tell me it is in Jamaica... Jamaica NY to be sure and has been there for 5 days...
  19. Should I wait for a week, how long has this been available for?
  20. I have been saying that last piece for a while. Not that there is anything wrong with the first part's implications of keeping up wth the Harmasts!
  21. The Well of Daliath will be your friend in this regards.. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com
  22. Does TDM have a parcel tracing service. akin to Chaosium’s?
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