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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. For a warhammer, I'm all with this, because they are really devised as can openers (at least medieval ones). Not so much for maces and mauls. For these against plate, the stun option seems best. As an additional option, I would suggest that flexible armor only count half against such crushing weapons, ALL THE TIME. Leathers, Linen, Ring, and perhaps Scale. SDLeary
  2. <SIGH> Come on now! We discussed this! When you go for the rapier, you use the French accent, not the Western US one! That one is when you draw the sixgun! 😉 SDLeary
  3. Traditionally, no. The limb only takes up to twice rated damage, damage beyond that are ignored for that hit. Some house rules that I've played in had the remaining move to the next hit location. As what you have in RQ are actual hit points in a location, then it would be total. Additional damage to that location is removed from Total HP. A single blow that results in Triple or more damage compared to the locations HP rating is severed or irrevocably maimed. SDLeary
  4. Back in the day, in Sandy's campaign, Doraddi and Fonritians were both normal humans for game purposes. I don't remember any characters from Pamaltela having Men-And-A-Half stats. SDLeary
  5. SDLeary


    You mean that 30 Skeletons, plus the Necromancer's other NPCs couldn't take on the minor lord and his guard? Considering how fantasy is written, the Necromancer probably IS a minor lord. So he has other retainers of his own. I mean, come on, in order to practice necromancy, you HAVE to have a fairly defensible position, and those to defend against it, while you actually do the work to raise the army! SDLeary
  6. Nice sheet! What did you use to lay it out? SDLeary
  7. For short things sure. I just have not been able to get around the newer interface. Defining Paragraph Styles, for example, is just painful to me. Its very Apple, and I am an Apple Guy, but for a layout program it just falls short in the "providing the user information" department. Oh, and by the way, I think this is the first time I have seen the completed Ravenloft sheet! At least in this form. Very well done Sir! SDLeary
  8. It was delayed because they decided to go with new art. The last I heard was in early August stating that all the new art was in and that their layout person was working on it. I haven't seen a new PDF yet, so I have to assume they are still finishing things off. SDLeary
  9. Despite this, anything on company property is generally subject to such "anti-harassment" rules. SDLeary
  10. Well, keep in mind that things like this are not on general television, but cable television. They can play by different rules. You could never show either of these two programs on a regular network; the FCC would lower the ban-hammer and could try to fine the program off the air. SDLeary
  11. Agreed. But to put things in perspective, its really hard to push back unless you are independently wealthy. These are employers that are following guidance from various governments and court rulings in an effort to not be hauled into court themselves on charges (that can happen here in the States) of creating/allowing a "hostile work environment". The only real way to protest with enough emphasis is to quit. Most simply do not have the resources to be able to do that. SDLeary
  12. Mabinogion, preferably the Patrick Ford version. Fourth Branch should be right up the ally your looking for; Math fab Mathonwy. The stories around Lleu Llaw Gyffes gets you all the Brythonic Celt/Druidic shapeshifting you need. In fact, just read all of it if you haven't. And The Táin if you would like the Irish traditions. SDLeary
  13. Sadly, this has become somewhat common in the US too, especially if you work for a large corporation. Its considered creating a "hostile work environment". Covers more than this too... one employee could bring similar charges for another employee wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt, because they are "offended". SDLeary
  14. OK, so using "seax" in its definition of "knife", rather than the Germanic long fighting knife/shortsword that it has come to signify. SDLeary
  15. Joerg, do you have a source sir? I have never seen a blade in bronze in the shape of a seax, much less anything in stone that was that long or that shape. SDLeary
  16. Looks like a new BETA was posted last Thursday. Here is the announcement thread and a list of fixes, along with requests to post new, repeatable, bugs into separate threads in their forums. SDLeary
  17. You forgot River of Heaven, D101 Games 2014. And if you want to include fan material, there is River of Heavens father, Cthulhu Rising, and there is a Traveller 2300 conversion here in the Downloads section. SDLeary
  18. If you set a text frame, there is a column control there. Once exposed you can vary things for asymmetrical columns and differing gutters within the frame. Of course, I would prefer easier guide management so that I could visualize general column alignment within a grid better. SDLeary
  19. That is one of the first things I checked. Sadly not at this point; they quashed the possibility a few weeks ago in their forums. Though I have to imagine that they will try for it at some point. They DO have import options for Photoshop (PSD) and Illustrator (AI) files. I think they may try at some point, but my guess is that there is a large corporation in the way trying to protect their almost-monopoly. SDLeary
  20. Just going thru a bit, it looks pretty comprehensive. SDLeary
  21. A brief Necromancy Ritual to let people know that Affinity has open released their Publisher Beta. Just finished downloading it myself for a look, so nothing quite yet to comment on. SDLeary
  22. SDLeary

    Parry question?

    Just remember that Combat Styles are variable, that is to say that you and the players decide what they are before you start play. They can be as simple as "Sword and Shield", or as inclusive as "Roman Legionary" or "Shao Lin Monk" fighting styles. Appropriately adjust for desired level of crunch. SDLeary
  23. BRP really has no rules to differentiate between lethal and less-lethal damage (there is no such thing as non-lethal; even a critical punch to the head can break someones neck, or shove a piece of nose bone into their head). What I have done is simply look at the weapons. Weapons with fleshy or wooden striking surfaces, or specialty weapons such as blackjacks, are less-lethal. In general, these stun or subdue; requiring a CON x3 roll to resist. If the "damage" caused by these weapons would normally be considered a Major Wound, then it really is a Major Wound. This represents broken bones, smashed jaws, and the like. Something like a blackjack would be a KO. SDLeary
  24. SDLeary

    Parry question?

    You can alter this a little, and consider Evade the ability to stay just outside of engagement, in the sense of some of the old Swashbuckling movies from the 50's and 60's where someone runs, jumps, or ducks to remain outside of the range of a weapon; somewhat the opposite of closing. No real need to go prone unless they are evading missile fire. If they also want to incorporate tumbling, jumping up from one deck to another, or swing on a rope while also evading, then I would have this under Acrobatics. Though, of course, this should also mean an appropriate prior outcome to disengage if already in combat. SDLeary
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