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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. While this could be done in BRP, it does sound like FATE or HQ would be a better fit. SDLeary
  2. Not so much set by the skill level of the heroes, but based upon the story need vs. the skill level of the heroes. So a similar action later in a campaign will probably have a higher resistance because the adventurers abilities have increased. SDLeary
  3. No... Pendragon is a d20 based system. d6 ARE used for damage... most damage being based upon the strength and size of the Knight rather than the particular weapon. Pendragon itself can be seen as something of an offshoot from RQ2 or early versions of BRP. In those versions, most skill advancement was in 5% increments. If you going to use such a coarse advancement system, why use d100? So resolution was changed to d20. Roll system in Pendragon is d20 blackjack. SDLeary
  4. SDLeary

    New News!

    No one, but in the announcement it wasn't mentioned, so I think we all thought it was pushed back with the other items. SDLeary
  5. SDLeary

    New News!

    I too was hoping for the Briton book, more because I like Pete's treatment of subjects (ROME anyone) than anything else. However, I like Glorantha as well, and would love to see an official treatment that works in d100, that is somewhat more in line with current thought of the world. SDLeary
  6. SDLeary

    New News!

    Loz and Pete went Con-ing this weekend, and look what they found in the treasure chest! SDLeary
  7. A new episode?! GAH! SDLeary
  8. The order p189 appears to be the correct interpretation. The only thing that I'm aware of that runs outside of DEX ranks is Magic and Powers. Now I suppose it could have originally been an "advantage" for the old powers system that appeared in the drafts, and just missed editing when it was migrated to the spot rules. SDLeary
  9. With a single weapon you can only attack once, unless your skill is over 100% with that weapon. You could punch, kick, etc though. SDLeary
  10. Sorry, old term. An Impale would be a Special Success with a thrusting weapon. Like all other weapons in Magic World, it will do double damage. See the sidebar on p.63: Levels of Success and Failure. In older versions of BRP, weapons such as Spears, Arrows, thrusting Swords, etc. would remain embedded unless actively pulled. The act of withdrawing the weapon from the would would generally cause extra damage. The larger weapons sticking out of a wound, such as spears, could effectively immobilize the opponent if they didn't want to move around and damage themselves further. SDLeary
  11. Damn! Missed it by THAT much! SDLeary
  12. Yes. Missile weapons have use the same Attack matrix, and have the same effects as any other impaling weapon. I would say the base chance with the bow, or perhaps even 1/2 base as its something that you really do not want to do unless its your ONLY option. If the bow was damaged in any such attack, I would rule that it had a chance to break upon the next stringing or use. I would impose a higher chance of breakage if it was used to parry a sword. Nice! Sounds like it was a fun session! SDLeary
  13. The hide WAS connected to the meat. Are you sure they didn't take any with them?
  14. SDLeary

    Odd RQ Find

    The Thieves' World Box set was released in '81, so it was firmly an RQ2 supplement, as opposed to the others which came out half a decade later and were RQ3 focused. Why would one use them? My guess would be for the same reason that DnD GMs use dungeon modules. For quick or pickup short games with minimal time investment. Stormbinger is focused, and not everyone likes the Moorcock stories, Ringworld is SciFi; and while both are good games and settings, they do not use the RQ3 ruleset. Also, Glorantha with its ultra-rich background (by comparison with most worlds) and the hyper-scholarly discussions by many of its adherents put many a newcomer off of delving into that world. SDLeary
  15. The Moorcock line that Chaosium was producing... Stormbringer, the supplements, Hawkmoon, etc., was not a line that was selling well enough for the effort being expended. In many companies in the world, this kind of product is known as a Financial Albatross. Now the fact that this sentiment of your appears not only here, but RPGnet, and the fact that you seem to be targeting someone with vitrol, calling someone a sycophant for a company, someone who has worked for other companies (he is an independent writer) suggests to me that you might have another axe to grind. If you are calling for civility, then please display it yourself. Thank You SDLeary
  16. Not quite. MagicWorld is not a setting book, though it does present the barest minimum setting in the back as an introduction. It is essentially a streamlined version of the BRP rules for Fantasy role-play, based on Stormbringer 5 (as the core of BRP is). This being said, I see no reason Merrie England would not work if the version you have is Merrie England: Age of Chivalry. If it is the earlier version, Merrie England: Age of Eleanor, then it should still be do-able, but more work on your part to adapt some of the variations in core rules between the mRQII/Legend and MagicWorld. Either way, Merrie England an excellent supplement to have around even as a general source. SDLeary P.S. Simon: Um... Age of Adventure? Age of Crusade? Update please!
  17. Actually, if you could do that, it would be great! Perhaps even making the box a little smaller (set further back perspective wise) so that more of them are outside. SDLeary
  18. Setting books! I am eagerly awaiting Mythic Briton! Loz... make sure you use an extra dose of Warlord in this, OK! SDLeary
  19. Considering the core books size, I think the only "expansions" we need at this point would be setting specific; I think that we are in the same place with the BGB by the way. The pulled Star Wars document and the Firearms document are fine examples. I strongly advise against the Wizards, and sadly Paizo model of ad-infinitum rules books. SDLeary SDLeary
  20. I guess you could call him a rules lawyer! SDLeary
  21. Maps? I love maps! I'm thinking of the excellent maps that came out for ZAON (This used to be downloadable full size, but can't find it now). A large star chart like this, delivered rolled and tubed would be a good stretch goal. SDLeary
  22. You could do it that way. Personally, I would use Blackjack resolution for this. If both the Guard and the Sneaker made their rolls, it would depend on how. Guard- Highest roll AND under skill Sneaker- Under skill Result- Guard cannot see Sneaker, but knows the general area they saw movement well enough that they are probably heading in that direction, calling their chums to follow them. An active search ensues, and Sneaker must try to evade the guards. Or perhaps the guard or guards don't move out, but are actively scanning the area, pinning down the Sneaker from any more advance. Guard- Under Skill Sneaker- Highest roll AND under skill Result- Guard saw movement out of the corner of their eye and is now actively scanning the area and perhaps asking others if they see anything, but they probably blow him off and tell him that he is seeing things. Ridicule ensues and the noise level among the guards increases, granting the Sneaker a bonus to their next roll or rolls. Otherwise, normal success/failure applies. SDLeary
  23. Not really, sometimes you want to increase the difficulty a bit for dramatic effect. Now I certainly wouldn't use something as what I described above for the Street Urchin to snag a meat pie from a stall at the local market, but I probably would during the characters final assault/advance to the Evil One's dastardly lair. Especially if the Evil One had Goons... sorry GOONs... on the lookout for the PCs. SDLeary
  24. To me, this situation would mean that while the Sneaky One didn't get spotted, the guards that made their roll are now looking in the direction of them, and perhaps talking amongst themselves what it was that they saw and whether they should pursue it further. Think seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, but turning and finding nothing there. This could also have the side effect of "pinning down" the Sneaky One so that they can't move closer to their intended goal; perhaps having to head back to the party to try and find another avenue of advance. Hide and Seek is far from binary. As a kid, didn't you ever get pinned down with the the Seeker essentially standing right next to you and you unable to move? While you haven't been spotted, your still kindof pinned. Something of a stalemate until the Seeker moves on. SDLeary
  25. That's not happening here. SDLeary
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