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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. Perhaps the 'highest score wins ties' is a better mechanic, although some of us probably find it counter-intuitive when rolling a percentile. For this reason I prefer the 'best success level wins' approach, although it really requires that extra success level ('Hard Success') from CoC 7E to work well. I'm considering doing this with RQG. In regards to 'Opposed Rolls vs Resistance Table', I guess the Opposed Rolls is more modern, although there is alot of nostalgic enjoyment whenever I use the Resistance Table. I'm kinda happy to see it has returned.
  2. I guess the Chase rules could have been better placed being in the Pulp Cthulhu book, but as a core book the CoC 7E rulebook sits somewhere nicely between Purist and Pulp gameplay, lending itself easily to both. Having Pulp Cthulhu just specialises it further in that pulpy adventure noir direction. Perhaps a potential Purist Cthulhu book could be produced to further go down the cold, stark cosmic horror purism approach? But as it stands, the 7E core book can easily be used with both play styles Ok sorry to digress from the thread's topic
  3. I think Sorcery/Wizardry is obviously for the higher castes, given its connection with literacy. It's logical that the vast majority of Western commoners, the Dronari, learn basic magic (Spirit Magic) just like other folk throughout Glorantha. I think they may call their foci 'charms' instead of 'fetishes' perhaps, but Jeff has definitely previously clarified that Spirit Magic is common throughout Glorantha, including the Malkioni. I suspect the Horali may use both magics, given that they need utility, although the higher ranks of the War Societies will definitely have Sorcery. The Zzurbari and Talori are obviously the masters of the more potent Sorcery spells. I would of liked this to be clarified a little better in the G2G, and hope to see this covered in a future product.
  4. Just to further add fuel to the fire, in the original BRP booklet (which accompanied the larger RQ core book in my old RQ2 Box), there was an example of an arm wrestle which used STR vs STR on the Resistance Table...
  5. Not sure if I like that a successful Parry blocks all attacks. Yes this is balanced by a varied outcome regarding the attacker's success level, but that does actually read a little complex to remember on the fly I kind of like CoC 7E's approach where the Parry success level must match or be better than the Attackers success level. It seems logical and easy to remember.
  6. Ah I have been checking these forums from my phone while I have been touring, and may have overlooked a few earlier posts. Sorry if I have commented a bit late on this one. I think I remember reading Jason's comments when he first posted them, but then I completely forgot about them for some reason! Well Jason's statement is something that I think will work much better, and saves me thinking up a house rule. Cool - thanks for pointing this out to me
  7. I think a shield losing 1HP every time it is used to successfully parry is just a bit too fiddly for me. I don't mind the shield taking damage from parrying against a higher success level by an attacker, but if the parrying shield is successful against an attack of a similar success level then I think the shield shouldn't be battered enough to lose 1HP. I know that it may be more realistic with bronze age style shields that this could occur, but I just don't want shields deteriorating or breaking as regularly as that in my game. If this remains in the full rules then I can see some house ruling happening amongst various groups already. I think I will keep the rules as written in regards to parrying with a bronze age weapon, but I am likely to change the parry rules a bit in regards to shields. I'm thinking that I may rule if a shield parry is successful then there is no further bookkeeping if it blocks an attack of the same success level, and there is no HP loss occurring to the shield when this occurs. However if the shield is used again within that same melee round (against multiple foes, for instance), then it follows the same rules as weapons for subsequent parries within that same melee round (-1HP loss even is parry is successful). I would not be surprised if many others end up doing something along similar lines.
  8. I certainly wouldn't be crying scandal - these days I prefer either pdfs for my tablet, or good quality hardcovers for my book shelf, and don't really see the point of having anything in-between. So I would invest in the hardcover. But that's just me...
  9. Perhaps rites using the Sanctity spell provide temporary holy ground which may have a role in limited Rune Pt recovery?
  10. I hadn't thought of this. I can now explain it better to my players when the time arrives. Thanks for discussing the reasoning behind this Jeff
  11. Agree. I always think we should choose one or the other and stick with it. The opposed rolls seems logical, although the Resistance Table feels more unique and very RuneQuest. I'm happy with either, but will stick with one approach for the sake of consistency.
  12. There is a bit about Spirit Magic in the Quickstart, but its vague in a good way, as I feel its open to interpretation. One culture might view 'Spirits' as emotive or sentient entities (think tribal fetishes and animism); whereas another culture might view the concept of 'Spirit' as intuitive energy within or surrounding matter (like Chi, Prana, or even 'The Force'). I think keeping it open works well. A Praxian Barbarian may view their fetishes a little differently to the charms of a Malkioni Dronari, for instance, yet both could be using their foci to trigger Spirit Magic. That's how I have read it, but unsure if that's how it is meant to be in the full rules. But it works for me.
  13. Yes it feels somehow like the RQ2 magic we were meant to have, before we all went our own ways tweaking it to work better. These rules feel good to me.
  14. Well whatever the reasoning, these rules seem to just sit better with me. I agree that it will be a little easier for new people to grasp, which is a big plus. Like you say, it also has the advantage of further refining the character sheet by having distinctive magic written on it. Otherwise the equivalent for weapons on the sheet would be 'Orlanthi Weapons' or 'Silver Sword Regiment Training' for instance. I don't mind that, but considering it sounds like its more likely these things will be recorded as 'Broadsword' or 'Medium Shield'l for instance, then it makes sense not to record magic as simply 'Humakt Cult Rune Magic', but to write 'Sever Spirit' or something specific like that in the Rune Magic section. Common Rune Magic being presented as an array of powers that anyone with a Rune Pt can evoke, whereas Special Rune Magic is more specific in approach. Sounds like the best of both worlds, I think most people will like it.
  15. So am I reading this correct? In regards to Rune Magic, you now get a Rune Pt for every POW sacrificed to the Deity, which you can use to access a specific Special Rune Spell, decreed at the time you sacrifice that POW Pt to the Deity. In addition to this you can still use the Rune Pt to perform ANY of the Spells from the Common Rune Magic list - so no change here, its just the Special Rune Spells that must be individually acquired? This seems alot little less variable than what we have been reading in the previous development blogs, although it feels more in keeping with the original RQ concept. I think I prefer it better as it is still quite free-form in regards to the common rune spells, yet places more importance of rune powers specific to a particular deity. Plus it does take some guess work out for newbies. It's a slight change from the previous idea, but I think it may work better. Still sounds fun, I like it. BTW I love these sketches
  16. Play testing not great for me at present, my troupe is currently caught up with several other long-running campaigns, and my own time is getting swamped with other bits n pieces. If that changes then I'll reconsider and see if I can be more actively involved with RD100, but I'm just wearing too many hats at present. In regards to the products that are scheduled, I definitely think another version of Wind Of The Steppes would be good, the BGB version has some great content, so no reason why this shouldn't be in RD100 format as well For me being a Red Moon Rising KS backer I think I would definitely like to see the setting further developed, so I'm likely to throw more coins in for that line I reckon. So some good things on the horizon for RD100
  17. Actually OQ Basics is the one I use at the gaming table (although I have OQ in my bookcase and in my iPad). The digest format just feels very handy, like the Legend rpg book was very handy in a similar respect. For me it much more important having OQBasics in a print edition than having the full rules - I can also refer to my pdf version of the full rules, but the digest hard copy is perfect at the gaming table for me to refer to, or to hand around to the players. For me I kind of like the idea of a rules-lite BRP rule set being in a digest-sized book. In many ways I would of preferred to see the entire line in that format. Sorry to hear that I may be a minority with this
  18. ...well I guess Humakti are badasses fullstop, heh heh
  19. I like the description for Spirit Magic much better than RQ3. It kinda feels like the concept of 'Spirit' is more like a form of ethereal energy, like Chi or Prana; it's not purely tribal animistic in viewpoint and the rationale can be used widely across a range of cultures which place their own spin on it. So the title 'Spirit Magic' works well in this sense. I used to like the original term 'Basic Magic', but never could understand why it was also referred to as Battle Magic when half of the spells had no direct role in combat. Common Magic also works, but Spirit Magic does have a good Gloranthan ring to it, and fits the description well. I'm really glad we have the term Rune Magic back in RuneQuest again. Although I thought Sorcery was also Rune Magic, in my brain I viewed that there was two forms of Rune Magic: Rune Magic (Theism) and Rune Magic (Sorcery). For purposes of this Quickstart then having one is fine, but hopefully the full edition of RQG classifies it similarly (not holding my breath on that - I suspect that Rune Magic simply replaces the RQ3 term Divine Magic, which is what HQG has done). I like the idea of Rune Pts, although on my own character sheets I'll probably rename it as 'Runepower', to save confusion with Magic Points. Just feels more evocative as well. I certainly like the idea that Rune Magic is less exclusive than before, although I don't want it being too commonplace in my Glorantha. I don't know if an Initiate should be casually casting Sever Spirit (or something like that), even if it will be difficult for them to cast it again for some time. Some magic just feels that it should be a little exclusive. Rather than a total restriction or having one-use magic like in the old rules, perhaps some kind of negative modifier to the Rune % roll may be appropriate? The modifier could based on the Cult Rank of the caster perhaps? Perhaps for Initiates it would be -20%.per additional 1 MP spent beyond 1 MP. Then Acolytes (Godspeakers) could have -10%, whereas Priests wouldn't have any modifier (just spitballing ideas here). I like the idea that holy days are used to recharge Rune Pts, although I may fiddle with that to find a way to make it quicker under certain circumstances, perhaps time spent in contemplation/prayer/ vows etc - maybe this allows for a weekly or fortnightly POW x5% roll, yielding 1 RP? I like the idea that Rune Magic is a bit more free form, but I do think it possibly needs a little more tweaking in order to place more value on it as a higher form of magic. I guess many of us have been playing our own versions of Glorantha for some time now, so it's pretty hard to capture an interpretation that suits us all. However these current rules certainly are the best ones I have seen for RQ Rune Magic so far, it feels like it's fun now
  20. I've got nothing to add, except morale support - some great ideas spitballing here in this thread, very cool
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