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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. P24 - "Lipstick, Ochre: Created from a mixture of clay, fat, and carefully heated oil, is produces a deep maroon color..." - - should be "it produces"
  2. p17 - Pomace - last sentence - "It is also used as animal farmer and even fertilizer."... I don't know what that is supposed to mean... should it be "animal fodder"?
  3. P16 Fuels - first paragraph, 2nd sentence - "No prices are provided, as it is assumedly paret of the price" - should be 'part'. Also, 'assumedly' is incorrect and redundant, and should just be removed - "as it is part of the price..."
  4. P14 table - "Gustbran: Enchant Rune Metal" - is this a unique single spell (not listed in RBoM or core book)? Or, should it be all of the other Enchant (Rune Metal) spells individually? Also, p15 "Enchanting: Not all types of Rune metal need this step or are able to accept it. For Rune metals like iron this is essential." The second sentence is at odds with a previous paragraph about having armour (with ENC of 12) giving -60% chance of spells working. Also, what other metals is this essential for? The section it's in is "Crafting with Rune Metals" (emphasis added) - not specifically crafting weapons/armour. So, I'd suggest modifying that 2nd sentence to: "For crafting most Rune metal weapons and armour, this is essential." ETA: also on P15 is the picture of a breastplate, with lots of Death Runes and an engraving of Humakt... but said breastplate looks rather green, and not the grey that one would normally expect (from a Humakti Enchanted Iron breastplate...), and as depicted on p13 before it.
  5. OR... perhaps, you're part of the percentage that don't want physical copies (or willing to pay for them...). How's about you go back and fully read what I wrote?? Correlation =/= causation. The *only* way to determine what someone actually wants/prefers is to ask it directly, not to presume it from a few figures. Such as a poll asking - "If price and delivery time were not factors (ie, were the same), would you prefer to have a) PDF, b) hardcopy, or c) both?" I chose to spitball a percentage. It's probably a bit high, but not very far off. (Both would probably win out by quite a lot). (Another poll could be "when deciding on purchasing RQ/JC products, what factors do you consider in your choice of format?" <insert multiple ranked options>)
  6. Another rather obvious point to make - "preference" is completely irrelevant if either a) you can't get it where you are, or b) the price to get it there is astronomical. I imagine that most people (especially true fans) would always (90%???) prefer a printed version (as well as a PDF), but prefer more to not have to spend that sort of money to get it.
  7. This sounds like earlier versions of RQ. Current version has the Fetch being the other part of yourself, not a separate spirit.
  8. Seems rather obvious to me that there were no "fumbles" involved... They clearly decided to go the quick power route by becoming Chaotic... 😁😁😁
  9. That erring would actually be to presume the disease spirit is sent from Mallia, and hence is Chaotic... As nothing good comes from such things (+1D3 POW aside 😋)
  10. A new hero for the Hero Wars, blessed by their gods...
  11. RQ has always had character death as a very real possibility, and this is a very good example of the dangers inherent in the world... So, what would a scorpionman ghost actually try to do? Suicide the body? Do something incredibly reckless (effectively suiciding)? Obviously something very Chaotic... probably violent. Don't hold back. The above-mentioned (by other posters) learning experiences aren't actually for the characters, but the *Players*, so they'll carry over in their next incarnations.
  12. The CA explicitly states that Chaotic beings are an exception from their protection, and spirits of disease are Chaotic, as @soltaksswrote above.
  13. One would also presume that cult or local heroes would also have special days marked out for them. As well as specific events in gods' histories (but again, probably more local)... E.g., the day that X did Y. Not always considered a holy day per se... In Esrolia, every day is a festival day 😛
  14. Disorder + Illusion... Eurmal takes the road no-one even knew existed, and probably because they just made it up themselves. (sort of like the Hallucination spell - you make your own doors) (can we introduce CoC's Sanity??)
  15. This may not be taken as an 'error', but I think it's worth mentioning... p47 has some pictures of "Sartarite helmets", with one of them bearing right up front the Runes of Chaos and Moon... What Sartarite in their right mind (or even a Trickster) would be foolish enough to have those flashing around?? Especially the former???
  16. Firstly, singing in a magical language (wow, 2 augments!) would be happening as part of the casting, not before it. Perhaps if you fumble the sung /dance it increases the chance the attacking caster will fail, cos it's so atrocious?? 😛 More seriously... Evaluate and Animal Lore skill - happen at the same time. You know whether the price us fair or not based on the quality of the animal. So, there's not really a reason to say you *need* time before to augment - it would depend entirely in the nature of the augment skill! Singing and dancing literally take time, so no freebies there. You could claim a Custom or Lore could help a resistance roll, and thus instant... I'd probably allow Elder Race Lore to help augment an attack on said Elder Race (albeit, probably heavily modified), hinting at the idea that you're familiar enough to anticipate their movements... I'd do something similar with a bargain too...
  17. The way I see it is - there's still something sticking out of the front of the breastplate (looks like a stick*), and there's blood on the inside of the backplate in the same area... (I can't see a hole in the shirt though - Just the blood) (*Obviously, a stick would stick out, especially if it's sticking to something)
  18. Book 3: Soloquest - entry 135. "Next, roll POW against POW. Refer to the Resistance Table in Book 1: Rules (page 10) for more information. Roll 1D100. You must roll equal to 45% or lower. " Both have a POW of 15, so it should be 50% or lower (as per page 10 of the QS rule book!) Given I just rolled a 48 (after having my broadsword shattered) this was very important!
  19. Yes, we're aware of the lack of Chinese... I've been thinking about how to help change that! One of the students noticed the similarity to Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, so maybe another way to get interest?
  20. I'll come back to this thread in a few week/couple of months, after I've introduced RQ to some of my colleagues and students at this Chinese university I'm teaching at. CoC is apparently big in China, so pointing out the similarities has already helped. The only current downside at the moment seems to be language... Nothing in RQ has been translated.
  21. In a way, it's a moot point. By the time the characters get to the level of it being relevant, they'll be able to effectively Heroquest and change all of those mere mortal rules anyway. Especially if Hero Souls become an official thing. As for "punishing" those of a single cult - tough! That's the whole point of being in a cult in the first place - you don't get everything you want, in order to get a power jump. It's no more "punishment" than having a geas, or taboo, or being a CA healer with no combat abilities...
  22. Shiningbrow


    Not if they were desperate... Which I presume is why the minimum time is included. (Although, 2RP would be a big loss)
  23. Back in the mid-late 80's, I was generally the adventurous ones (or, perhaps, also the useless* one who died a lot!). So, I had my minotaur - Godda (Minotaur II), an elf (briefly my main), and even tried an orc (cos I bought an RQ monsters book in hardcover as soon as I saw it!). I let the orc die when we had a new RPG player come along - entering an enemy (Chaotic?) temple, and we all warned the newbie "don't touch the altar!".. "Why not? What will happen?" Me (oh well, not happy with this character anyway) - puts an axe into the alter - zap! 3D6 lightning direct to HP.... dead! I had also bought Stormbringer around the same time (cos, back then, Moorcock was the big thing!), and I was allowed to port a Melnibonean sorcerer into Glorantha (no real reason why not - especially with demons of transport able to create gates between worlds!) He was my favourite character... I also, briefly, had a Windchild. The rest of the party - a Humakti duck (with black, soul-stealing greatsword... where did that idea come from???), a cave troll, a great troll, (maybe also a dark troll) and, a baboon (who only said "Oook" - guess where the inspiration for that came from!)... and I think, maybe once... OMGs - a human!!! (yeah, playing the standard races wasn't all that standard for our group...) (*ok, well, mostly just luckless - 40-60% skills allowed for a lot of bad rolls! Of course, the occasional really bad decision was duly punished)
  24. While true, that certainly doesn't mean we're happy about it! Nor even content... So, finding out that we could have finally had something ahead if the rest of the world for once feels more like a kick in the guts. While I do fully understand the idea of a worldwide release date for this, I do hope that it's the last time it happens with a Chaosium product. Otherwise, it strongly comes across as "you guys (Aussies and kiwis) are a small group, and so you aren't very important to us, so we're willing to treat you like crap to ensure our other, more important customer base, doesn't get a bit miffed".
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