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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Back in the mid-late 80's, I was generally the adventurous ones (or, perhaps, also the useless* one who died a lot!). So, I had my minotaur - Godda (Minotaur II), an elf (briefly my main), and even tried an orc (cos I bought an RQ monsters book in hardcover as soon as I saw it!). I let the orc die when we had a new RPG player come along - entering an enemy (Chaotic?) temple, and we all warned the newbie "don't touch the altar!".. "Why not? What will happen?" Me (oh well, not happy with this character anyway) - puts an axe into the alter - zap! 3D6 lightning direct to HP.... dead! I had also bought Stormbringer around the same time (cos, back then, Moorcock was the big thing!), and I was allowed to port a Melnibonean sorcerer into Glorantha (no real reason why not - especially with demons of transport able to create gates between worlds!) He was my favourite character... I also, briefly, had a Windchild. The rest of the party - a Humakti duck (with black, soul-stealing greatsword... where did that idea come from???), a cave troll, a great troll, (maybe also a dark troll) and, a baboon (who only said "Oook" - guess where the inspiration for that came from!)... and I think, maybe once... OMGs - a human!!! (yeah, playing the standard races wasn't all that standard for our group...) (*ok, well, mostly just luckless - 40-60% skills allowed for a lot of bad rolls! Of course, the occasional really bad decision was duly punished)
  2. While true, that certainly doesn't mean we're happy about it! Nor even content... So, finding out that we could have finally had something ahead if the rest of the world for once feels more like a kick in the guts. While I do fully understand the idea of a worldwide release date for this, I do hope that it's the last time it happens with a Chaosium product. Otherwise, it strongly comes across as "you guys (Aussies and kiwis) are a small group, and so you aren't very important to us, so we're willing to treat you like crap to ensure our other, more important customer base, doesn't get a bit miffed".
  3. I like the idea of different Argraths, as well as their various supporters - especially amongst the Lhankor Mhy... So, different Knowing God factions all having their own version of "truth"...
  4. I need to ask this - what's your definition of the phrase "soon enough"?? It's been another 9 months without any hint about this. I have reason to believe I won't be living much past another two and a half years - is there any chance I'm going to get to play this video game before then? (my current instincts tell me 'no'... or, if I do, I won't be impressed/excited).
  5. Apologies for asking for sensitive information, but... Will LM have God-Talkers and Rune Lords - particularly with the Sword Sages? And, also, different factions with different requirements for advancement? In particular, what would be the requirements for an RL Sword Sage? As for the second bit, what about sorcerous factions? Will that get included?
  6. I disagree... Darkness, Death and Disorder is vastly different to Darkness and Harmony... If a troll can distinguish different customs, then there's no logical reason why any other race couldn't. Those subtleties are what makes it a separate skill. Let's consider an obvious example - Mostali. some are Openhandists, and others are very conservative Way of Mostal(i). Lore lets you know there are differences (and in the different types of Mostali. Customs tells you how you should be dealing with the one in front of you so as to not offend it.
  7. That's what I'm getting at.. If we take @David Scotts idea that you still need at least a bit of it's home, then it would make sense that you could snap a twig off a tree (ok, make a cutting iof it!), or grab a flask of it's water... And have those In your backpack. However, I'm not sure that the connection isn't somehow - even temporarily - overridden by the binding. Crystals are the blood of the gods. (Anyone have a source for coloured crystals indicating which gods??)
  8. I'm fully aware. I'm referring to the losing 1 mp/20m bit... And, if you're saying one should need a branch from the tree for a dryad, what about the other nymphs? A bit of water? What about forestry for oreads? And for hags??
  9. Mythically magical... If you're emulating Eurmal when he had 2 sticks and a piece of rope, sneaking up on Yinkin, then the mythic magics start to coalesce, even without a single MP being used.
  10. I'm a bit confused... Two combatants of roughly equal ability should take a while to finally get a clear winning hit, especially when it's life or death. What *might* be a better thought may be that for every hit point lost, there's a negative modifier applied.. Rather than a simple 0 = 0 (incapacitated). Especially so for certain areas hit (e.g., double penalty for vital areas). So, each 1pt of damage may be -5% to skills. Alternatively (or additionally), wounds bleed more than RAW. (Although I'm sure not many would like the extra bookkeeping.. ).
  11. As @Joerg or @lordabdul above, but roll a Reverse Chaotic Feature.
  12. If one captures, say, a nymph, does the binding override the loci connection? Or would the nymph still lose that 1 mp/20m distance?
  13. Mentioned before, but... With the amount of magic getting thrown around, something is going to happen. Rolling well (even basic success) should mean you're basically on your HQ. Failure may well mean you've been dragged into someone else's. The only exception might be is if the GM wants the players elsewhere, and so tells them that a certain artifact will be needed to succeed.
  14. You could have the DI either bring up a demon level disease spirit (or casts a 3-pt Summon Disease spirit), or a chaotic demon that fires off Thed's Curse on the PCs every round... Or, to be nasty, Malia herself drops those curses herself on them ("roll resistance... What's your POW?... Ha! I'm a shaman, so I resist with 35 POW.... ok, you're resisting Malia herself, so you have 5% chance to resist 😆🤣🤣🤣)
  15. As per my above, I'd make it the player's DB (1D4), with the asterisk to adjusting to mount's as required... Because, people often ignore (or don't notice) such things, until they need to. Another option would be to have 2 lines in the weapons box - one for mounted and charging** (and 1H), the other for grounded (and presumably 2H). ** - If you don't add the charging line, some people will presume it's always.
  16. "A lance is designed to be used 1-handed from a mount when charging. It can also be used 2-handed as a spear when not mounted. When charging, use the mount's damage bonus instead of your own".
  17. Well, I've never been a fan of the SR system... The lance damage certainly should have been clear (but not having the set in front of me, I can't comment on clarity**), and I can see why they'd do language the way they did... (again, I don't know what's in the box). (ETA - but if it's the same as the RQG, then yeah, that's a problem!! Should have Vasana's 1D4, not the bison's *charging* DB) Personally, I'd love to do a YT series for RQ... Like a character creation series, as someone who actually has a fairly good grasp of the rules and setting (although, far from perfect). I've seen a couple, and the "I'm new to this, so I'll probably make mistakes" frustrates me.
  18. 😕 The GM (and perhaps the players) seemed to be using MPs, instead of RPs for Rune Spells... One player had 3 RPs, but cast about 5-6 points worth of Rune Spells... (and that's ignoring the durations... But I can understand fudging for first-timers).
  19. I've almost finished the last episode, so while it's buffereing, I'll just type this... Someone (looking at you, @lordabdul or PhillH), should point out their terrible use of Rune Magic - ie, not using up the Rune Points... would have seriously affected large parts of the adventure (I think Connie burnt through about 6 or more...). As well as the lack of rolls for spirit magic (which they were at least doing in the first episode).
  20. IIRC, Mongoose had rules for getting it wrong... you drop out of the HQ. (or, possibly, drawn into something you didn't anticipate). Neither are terrible options, and would encourage the players to try again... after a bit more research.
  21. When we're talking higher ranks, I would think that a Divination would be normal...
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