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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Humakt does hate chaos, but not lunars. IIRC my 'Cult of Prax', Humakt is neutral to Lunars, but enemy to Chaos. Same for RQIII 'Gods of Glorantha', Humakt is enemy to undeath and chaos.
  2. Of course. My former character, a RQ III carmanian sorceror with heavy use of a 'transform water to Cognac' (sorry, I'm french, and thus partial, even if I love good whiskys) can confirm, there is always a market for alcohol stronger than the one the locals can produce. My father worked for 2 years (as teacher) in a part of France (Guyane) where the law permits 10 extra degrees (that means 20 extra degrees proof), and everybody wanted the local ones, not because they were cheaper, but because they contained more alcohol.
  3. As Glorantha has no months per se, we had a different count, but I don't remember which one. Probably 4 seasons.
  4. The only time (no pun intended) where the different year duration mattered for us was the sorcery spell duration in RQIII, starting at 10 mn and doubling duration for each point of duration. For all other purposes, my position was exactly the one described by Soltakss.
  5. Kloster


    Yes, but the OP question was about Lunar soldiers in Pavis. Tha's why I answered only on soldiers. But of course, you are right.
  6. Kloster


    I'm quite sure that slavery of war prisoners is seen as the normal solution in Glorantha. It seems a logical way to compensate for the losses in one's work force, and to pay for the war costs. In real world, Romans did it, Greeks did it, Gauls did it.
  7. Last news I looked on Tollense Valley battle (XIIIth century BC, so well into bronze age), it was around 4000 warriors that were present. That means that a bronze age world can have major migration and groups of people, if only for short period of time. And of course, since it is bronze age, no written reports are found, only corpses and weapons.
  8. That is exactly the way it works. I hope that. There is room for it, but I'm in favor of more skills, not less. Yes, and combat manoeuvers, and gritty combat.
  9. Agreed. But buying loyalty does not have to be hidden. Italian quattrocento has a lot of examples of changing loyalties. Popes, Dukes, Kings bought and sold territories, armies, loyalties, people. Sometimes openly, sometimes not. In that case, divination will just tell that the one that is offering you money (or cows, or land,...) is sincere.
  10. 1 Cubic meter is 1000 Liters. Apart this, nice. I want one.
  11. Yes, especially if you get your Martial Arts roll and thus have 6 free Armor Points on the parrying limb (in addition to the real armor you wear, of course).
  12. There are rules for Martial Arts in RQ since RQIII box. And the current rules are the same that in that old box (as far as I remember). I also remember that martial arts school exists in Kralorela and in the Lunar empire. Morokanth and shapeshifters, especially Telmori are also (for me) likely to have developped advanced unarmed combat. This is (for me again) one of the points where the single skill instead of attack/parry skills is the weakest. Otherwise, they are correct, except we still don't have a rule for non lethal damage. In RQ (and in real life), you can parry with your hands. The 'only problem' is that damage goes directly to the hand. There were school of Italian medieval fencing where you diverted your opponent sword with your hand (on the flat of the sword of course). I think this kind of school of fencing can be described ruleswise as martial arts that can only parry (the attack was done with a sword).
  13. It has been used that way by real world government and powers. I don't see why it can't be the same in Glorantha.
  14. I was not in Dragonmeet (too far), and am not even sure to purchase your book (my budget is quite short since my wife lost her job), but I can ensure you that the work you showed us is among the finest fan work I have ever seen about any RPG. So, if there is any error in your assumptions, I don't care: Congratulations.
  15. Yes, this is exactly how I read it.
  16. Sorry for not answering earlier but I was offline. In RQIII, if I remember, attacking on the run meant doing a full move and having an attack because in the middle of your move, you attack (or were attacked). This was a special case. On what I have seen, RQIII rounds were shorter to resolve, but we had years of experience with the rules instead of a few rounds. I can't really compare. I've never seen that. When in combat, you were moving 1m/sr and 3m/sr when outside, so I can't think a way to have such a strategy working. I like crunchy games: I am playing Hero (Champions in fact) since 1986, but even if I purchased GURPS 1, I've never played it (nor any other release). I can not compare. Lucky guy. The Oriflam print was both much cheaper and nicer than the AH one.
  17. Those are the close in maneuvers I spoke earlier. Very useful when used correctly.
  18. In RQIII, the move is per SR. In RQG, the move is done in 1 shot at the SR action.
  19. I think more elegant and simple to have everybody move per segment to have somebody do his full move at his SR (and thus move later because he switches from sword to dagger). You differ, Greg differed, Jason differ and you are the author so RQG is your way. This is OK for me but does not change my mind. I think that in literature, a big monster is easier to strike but harder to kill. Having external target is easier to hit than internal one in melee, but having larger easier to hit than smaller than at a distance seems natural to me, so the dual location table was a gain. Fatigue worked but was too much bookkeeping. See first part of my answer.
  20. A lot of maneuvers: Attack on the run, closing in, pushing, disarm, striking the weapon,
  21. No, you can't move once you're engaged. You can not anymore push, nor close up the range. You can only move up to the point you are engaged in the order of the SR, instead of having a move SR by SR for all the characters. Once engaged, you can only fight or break the combat.
  22. The 10 SR Round with moves and actions (attacks, parries, magic) interwoven. The combat options (partially brought back with Runefixes) that allowed to think tactically (and avoided to wait for the crit in high level combat).
  23. Yes. This is why a large number of mooks is dangerous: The more rolls the higher the possibility of a Crit.
  24. In our playtest, we had a hidden 7 mothers shrine close to Apple Lane, where some converts were going. There is no priest, but that does not forbid our lunar character to try to worship. Recovery was more difficult than for Orlanth, but possible.
  25. As long as you (as GM) need it, and most of the time enough for you (as player), or even too long.
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