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Everything posted by g33k

  1. <paranoid player, who has been tricked by one too many GM traps> At least, that's what @Scotty has to say... We'll have to see if @David Scott agrees! 🤔 </paranoia>
  2. I'm getting a kind of different vibe than typical Storm, here. Decidedly Storm/Dark -- the bitter, biting Cold is their chiefest threat and weapon (and defense). Even the Muskox themselves tend to to the static "huddle" defense, with occasional charges out. It's much less "stormy" -- more... glacial, Valind-y. Just an impression, FWIW.
  3. Or at least get him to do what you say...
  4. g33k


    Can you give us a list of the runes that may become available to PCs in the Cults book? Or at least a few exemplars? Also: will we get any new character sheets, with space for these new runes?
  5. This question -- the separate-ness or severability of the Fetch from the Shaman -- raises an interesting parallel to me. So IIRC the Fetch can guard your body while you go into the spirit-realm, letting you take your full attention and core identity with you -- your POV, your POW, your MP's, etc. You are unaware of what happens with your body; you aren't THERE. Except you are there, in some metaphysical, divided-consciousness sense; because your Fetch is there and your Fetch is you; but you aren't aware of your otherself back watching your body; we'll return to this point below. If somebody manages to KILL your body, and you return from your spiritquest to an uninhabitable corpse, you're a ghost. You and your Fetch go, "Well, this sucks!" Hopefully there's someone working on a Resurrection spell, etc... If instead someone comes and attacks your Fetch, and destroys it... You die. Out there in the spirit-world, wherever you are... Suddenly, you feel the pull of the Path of the Dead. You're a ghost, again; but far from your body, with no clear path back, and no Fetch to be your ally. (I think, as an aside, that it's this "sepatateness" of experience -- that the Fetch can do other things and be other places &c, and neither the Shaman's spirit, nor the Fetch, is terribly aware of what the other one is doing -- contributes to some people suggesting that a Fetch can be disconnected from the Shaman: you just take that separation (where neither is in contact with the other) and make it permanent). The thing I want to focus on, however, is the duality of the Shaman/Fetch experience; the splitting that isn't actually a separation, or a separation that doesn't split, or... something something metaphysics weird <waves hands vaguely> and then you have a Fetch... erm... not have, because it's you... you ARE a Fetch... no, wait, that's wrong too... WHATEVER. Stop confusing me, y'all! The POINT is -- my original point, back when I began this accursed digression -- is to look at this split, this duality, and ask: is this another form of -- or closely related to -- a draconic split consciousness?
  6. I think it puts a fair onus on the GM to figure out consequences, unless the player is willing to put in a fair degree of metagame effort into making the character's life harder... Daka Fal, for example, CARES about this stuff. He taught the mortal world how to separate the Living from the Dead, and he's a primary figure in the (very community-centric) process of ancestor-worship. If your shaman turns his or her back on the community, you're turning your back on a lot of stuff that Daka Fal cares about, stuff that -- presumably -- you (at least claimed to) care about when you first presented yourself training as an assistant Shaman, and faced Bad Man to become a full Shaman. At the VERY least: I expect a bunch of the spirits you used to have friendly & neutral relationships with, will now become hostile. OTOH if you Initiated via Jakaleel... J: <cackles madly> "You wish to leave your home and go be murder-hobo-y? Yes yes, by all means! Fly, little birdie, fly free! May I suggest you look into the matter of those nasssty White Bulls who were left infesting Sacred Moonbroth, when that Arkat-hole moved on to Sartar?"
  7. I always tease my players that they now have a character-class: Tick Hunter (It's a prestige class off Ranger) also, I often disallow simple tick-hunting; if there isn't real risk, real need (more than just the minor chance of a fumble -- the downside of a simple failure needs to be something the character ardently wishes to avoid!!!), then it gets no "check:" it's simply an element of practice and training, and contributes to Seasonal advancement.
  8. ^^^This^^^ Emphatically this. So long as they don't try raiding into the Pentan ranges (such that the Pentans feel the need to reciprocate/revenge when the weather allows), I would expect little conflict. HOWEVER ... if there's unusual pressure on the Pentans -- years of bad foraging, intense raids from other parties, etc -- the Pentans MIGHT want to use this range for temporary/seasonal forage, for retreat by their noncombatants, etc.
  9. "He ain't unarmed, yet Lordship! He's got a sword... In fact, he has *MY* sword. That's it right there, stickin' outta his ribs!"
  10. IIRC, there is also an explicit option to spend some of your rolled POW on more spells & a bigger Rune Pool...
  11. Hello, and welcome! Also, congratulations on a bouncing baby RPG! Looks like I may need to go grab a $5 copy (really?!) to see what use I can put it to... 😉 Also/FYI -- this thread probably belongs over in "Alastor's Skull Inn" forum for "other games." This chunk of forumspace is specific to Chaosium games; others are welcome on the forum, but generally in a per-publisher forum (q.v. the "Mythras" forum here, or the "OpenQuest" one, etc) & generally with more d100/BRP dna in their core.
  12. I'll see your Space Marines, and raise you . . . > Space Ninjas < (bet ya didn't see that one coming, didja?) (just add the Spanish Inquisition and DONE)
  13. Here's an alternate perspective, FWIW. Not sure it's "better" ... but ... it's a perspective ... You don't "know" the spell because the spirit didn't "teach" you the spell. At all, in any way. To all intents and purposes, the "teaching" spirit inscribed a spell-matrix onto YOUR spirit. You feed it MP's, and get the effect (just like a matrix). You are the "magic item." YGWV
  14. I would eliminate Range 1 -- I just don't think it's northerly-enough to be realistic for musk-oxen. OTOH, as lordabdul says... there's a LOT more adventure/action happening down at the southerly end of things. Maybe they use both ranges?
  15. I repeat: college. We were college students. And not the "trust fund" kind of students; more the "starving student" kind of students. Neither funds to travel, nor to stake games.
  16. One set of dice (mine) -- I'd roll 4, record best 3 while he watched, then he'd pick up the same dice, roll & record while I watched. No repeats of the experiment, sorry.
  17. I always presumed that a Priest deals with specific spirits allied with (and/or subservient to) their God (the more general "most spirits, or any spirit" types are the shamans). No more priestly status, no more access to the allies & servants of that deity. Shamans tend to be a bit more... eclectic.
  18. https://www.chaosium.com/blogjohn-wick-joins-chaosium/ I don't know how many KS projects JWP had going, but Chaosium explicitly promises to fulfill at least two projects (7S 2e, and Khitai).
  19. Back in college, another player remarked that characters I rolled seemed better than his... better than average. I shrugged and said my dice just liked me better than his dice liked him (my characters were rolled "fairly")... but I admitted it could be possible that I had skewed dice. So one evening we sat down and rolled (using my dice) the classic "4d6 drop lowest die" -- 500 times each. Then we added and averaged. My average was just over 1.5 points higher than his. So he shrugged and said my dice just liked me better.
  20. I don't think you "know" spirit-magic the same way you "know" redsmithing, or tracking, or etc. I don't think it can be mundanely studied & taught. That's Sorcery -- that can be "known" through study. No doubt some features of Spirit Magic can be "known" and studied and mundanely-taught, e.g. I expect the exact effects of every known level of every known Spirit Magic spell are catalogued somewhere in a Lhankor Mhy temple-library... But not the spells themselves, not how to cast those spells. Look at it this way: if Spirit Magic (the most ubiquitous magic there is) could be taught this way... it already would be. But it's not. You cannot find a Scroll of Bladesharp 3 in the lair of a Thanatari cultist... only a Sword with an inscribed Matrix. In my headcanon, it works like this: yes, there are "natural" currents of magic in the world, and a semi-mechanistic "Feed MP into the hopper of a Spirit Magic spell ==> Get reliable outcome." But the thing about Spirit Magic? It's essentially spiritual, not mechanical. My Bladesharp 3 may have identical effects to your Bladesharp 3, but my spell (the specific one that I cast) won't be identical to yours (the one you cast) because I am not identical to you. We were each taught by spirits, in a week-long ritual overseen by a priest or a shaman; it's more like a dialogue between ME (my spirit) and the "teaching" Spirit. Of course you and I will have different experiences, each being different people to begin with! And then we each had different week-long spirit-to-spirit experiences.
  21. g33k


    There is also the sense of "can you" that asks, "can you survive?" If you do it, and doing it pisses off your God severely-enough, there may be effectively-infinite supply of Spirits of Reprisal, and they may be deployed at the worst possible moment(s)...
  22. I'm kinda-sorta in that space, but still a bit annoyed at player-cheating. I also add that I feel a responsibility to my other players: if they object to their "peers" cheating in this way, if the cheating interferes with THEIR fun... then I feel not just entitled but obligated to step in and stop it.
  23. g33k


    I'm not so certain. In prior editions of RQ, and other games in Glorantha (e.g. HW/HQ), there have been many such runes. It's unclear to me whether this is now (or will become in future publications) true for RQG. Neither am I clear that it won't be. @Jeff has confirmed a few such DO exist, IIRC... e.g. the Fate rune.
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