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Everything posted by g33k

  1. g33k


    Hello to the newcomers to the site, and welcome!
  2. Thank you! I hadn't seen this name for the "staff sling" before. I also discover "cheiromangana" and "hand trebuchet" 😁 Apparently this item is known from greco-roman times through early gunpowder, but mostly is only rarely mentioned, so we have a limited grasp of historical prevalence & usage. My preliminary Googl'ing doesn't find it in most neolithic & mesolithic contexts. Maybe I just have weak Google-fu...
  3. Just gonna point you (and @seneschal who makes a similar claim) to Harlem Unbound. I think there's more than just a "market" for such content. I think there's a HUGE market for it. Triple-gold at the ENnies (and don't forget that's fan-voted, so customers not industry pundits). Not sure if there has ever been any supplement that was as on-the-nose for LGBTQI+ issues as Harlem Unbound is for African-Americans...? Berlin Wicked City plus some trappings from Cabaret (the musical) would seem fertile, here (I don't have the book, so maybe those trappings are already rolled-in?). At the same time, non-cisgender folk have ALWAYS been part of the human experience, and in my experience slightly over-represented in RPG'dom, so there's certainly room for more of that! I'm... unclear why just including them is a problem for you? Is it just that they are offensive? Honestly -- as a cisgender guy -- I prefer to have the inclusion, than to not have it. So far as I can see, I'm not threatened by non-binary genderfolk. Personally... I'm willing to leave behind the kind of person who finds such inclusivity to be a bad thing. History is cluttered with the detritus of slave-owning Americans, of Americans who thought women didn't deserve the right to vote, etc. Cis-centric sentiment is the same kind of sentiment, and is heading the same generally-detritus-y direction. OTOH... Got nothing but agreement with you, on this point. I think a deep dive into the travails of Doughboys-come-home would be very fertile CoC ground. There was also a big Polio spike in the USA in 1916, that could lead to characters with handicaps. The disease certainly would have sparked some horror in Mr. Lovecraft's psyche! I'm not sure a "handicap-centered" supplement would work, however: I think the majority of players want fully-able PC's. But I'd love to see much more pre-gen PC's and key NPC good-guy types with various disabilities. These could just be included as normal parts of whatever product(s) Chaosium is already producing. A chapter or appendix on war-wounds and war-traumas in a "Doughboys" book (and impacts on their lives at home) would seem like an easy include (if there were such a book). And also: Yeah, I can get behind this, too! I've been occasionally advocating for years now that people should just rip UA's "Madness Meter" and use it to replace CoC's insanity rules. Better still, of course, would be to find some gamers who ALSO have professional psych degrees, and some more with personal experience of non-neurotypical states, and do a redesign of these mechanics from scratch. And despite agreeing with those points, I'm gonna call you on a pretty clear case of "whataboutism" -- the fact that Chaosium hasn't done everything for every marginalized group takes nothing away from the fact that they now ARE doing some good things for some of those groups. "But whatabout this other deserving group?" is a silly rhetorical maneuver that screams "I have no real facts or logic, but the truthiness of my position is clear!" The only downside I can see is the angst of a some special snowflakes who hate to see their fallacious & outdated POVs debunked.
  4. Gotcha, thanks! Was noting what seemed to be lots of RQG-specific content, not much ST:G, and wondered if your campaign had shifted.
  5. Still loving your stuff, even if I don't follow obsessively. 🙂 One quick query: are you still running your "ST:G" homebrew, or have you adopted RQG? Or is the answer less clear than that?
  6. Here's a wild thought, just pulled it randomly out of my... um... my hat, yeah, that's totally where I got the idea. Man Rune = Spirit Rune, depending on whether you're This-World'ing or Otherworld'ing. Haven't playtested it, haven't even thought about it much, just tossing it out there like a monkey throwing... Uh, his hat. Yeah. Hat monkey, that's me. Make of the idea what you will.
  7. Dunno. I don't use either FG or R20, I just recall seeing them discussed.
  8. I think 13G did a fine job of implementing "D&D" (class/level system, d20-centric mechanics) for Glorantha; given the folk who produced it, I never had any real doubt. So from that perspective there is no real need for such a product: it already exists! But D&D5e is kind of a monster game these days... there are so MANY CriticalRole/StrangerThings players coming in, and legitimacy in publications like Forbes, of all places. I can see some credibility to the notion that a D&D5e rendition of Glorantha might generate further fans! If even 1% of the CR viewership bought a RQG core book, it would be a huge jump in sales for Chaosium. If 1/10 of 1% of the ST viewership did so, Chaosium would have to scramble for new printings due to overwhelming demand. Chaosium shows every evidence of having the business sensibilities to see these as "the good sort of 'problem' to have." More personally... I use D&D as bait. Virtually everyone who games knows it. My current group was founded on a premise of "Who wants to play D&D and similar RPGs?" where I ran a 3-session D&D-arc, at the end of which I announced "Next game -- unless someone else runs a game first -- will be Ars Magica" (n.b. this was during the MRQ era, which I never bought/played). We have since run a dozen or so short campaign-arcs, and a score or so of one-shots, in wide variety of systems... only one arc of which was any flavor of D&D/d20. This being the case... I can see a very good use for a D&D5e Glorantha, even if it's just a quickstart-ish product using Glorantha as a gateway drug, ushering folks over to the BRP side of things. 😎
  9. <drools> <breaks out whip> <drives Jeff back to the salt-mines> <hopes he remembered to keep the leash clipped on so Jeff can be hauled forth again to answer more questions> "Keep up the goodgreat work!" 😁
  10. This is an area where BRP's generally solid simulationism cred breaks down (to be fair, most RPGs do no better, and many do worse). Multiple studies have proven that APP has broad & pervasive impact, albeit sometimes subtle.
  11. I think it's the idea of there being one, true, canonical Glorantha, to which each ruleset "should be" as faithful as is mechanically possible for a given rule-set. One game will be superior in this way, but inferior in that way, but they all asymptotically approach the Real Glorantha. I am... uncertain as to the origin of the "the one, true, canonical Glorantha" delusion. You'd think they'd grasp the essentially mutable nature of Gloranthan reality by now... /eurmal
  12. Over a decade ago, someone on RPGnet began a thread on this topic (how to find a group)... https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/a-list-of-player-finders.372312/ It isn't very up to date (last post over a year ago), and I see a prevalence of "gee this list is outdated, can we update it" comments on the last page or two...
  13. Well, the Big Cheese here is @Trifletraxor (and as you see, I've just summoned him). I think the idea merits some thought and care in implementation... a whole subforum, for all LFG/LFP topics? That'd need an admin to set up. Can BRPC reasonably support PbF games, if folks want that format? Or do those have to go elsewhere? How would THOSE be set up? Or one topic in each subforum (so HQ players aren't wading through RQ players' posts, and vice versa, not to mention 13G, 7th Sea, Pendragon/Valiant/Paladin/etc, and all the other versions of BRP and other games...), which (being ordinary Threads) anyone can start... But need an admin to make Sticky, if that seems apropos. How to mark games... use the Tags system? Informative place-specific titles for RL, VTT-specific titles (like "Discord" of "GoogleDoc+Skype" or "Roll20") for those? Etc... And some more Etc Etc Etc, just for good measure.
  14. Given how long the wait for some products has been, this is a deliciously ambiguous statement. 😁 Yes, yes... I know those optimistic 70's & 80's endpaper "speculative advertisements" were a different age of gaming, functionally a different company, etc... Pretty much every RPG company of the era (that's still in business) as a similarly amusing suite of oops moments. But you'll forgive us grognards for taking our amusement where we find it...
  15. But I thought we are ALL us. 😉
  16. Personally, I would love this. Maybe a subforum for all-games-on-BRPC, maybe a thread per game-specific forum; stickied, either way. Hopefully a leader topic with guidance as to tagging it with online/f2f, and details thereof, etc. Dunno, some thought seems called for, but the idea is IMHO quite worthwhile!
  17. Is there any reason why an ability such as this couldn't be won in a RQG heroquest? I don't honestly see that it needs to be exiled from the RQG forum... In fact I would presume that (other than "return from the dead") very few heroquest abilities are cookie-cutter duplicates. I'd hope for mostly unique abilities (and this one seems entirely apt). What am I missing?
  18. I think Jeff is alluding to the notion that Glorantha-in-HQ and Glorantha-in-13G and Glorantha-in-RQ are each sometimes different from one another. Each line is brought to a mechanics-driven fruition that sometimes leads to worlds which differ as to their facts. Therefore, a character, spell, or other game-object that occurs in any one of those games, or has any specific game-mechanic, should not automatically be presumed to be valid/correct/etc, or even to exist, in all of them. It's one of the things that sometimes drives some Gloranthaphiles batty (even non-Lunars).
  19. I think that little paragraph of his was an example of what's called "trolling the libs" (please don't, seneschal; it's very chan, but not very BRPC).
  20. heh! Not saying you're wrong, but a Many Suns subthread is hardly a wild tangent from a "God's and Goddesses of Glorantha" thread. I mean, basically you're betting on something with the rough probability of "Sherlock Holmes solves the crime."
  21. You could just implement a generic "cover" rule. You need one anyway, for firing at people behind... y'know... cover. Like trees. And battlements. And shields... 😉
  22. 1920's - It's worth noting that HPL set most of the genre-defining fiction in this era. For many, it's an essential part of the setting. If you were going to pick a different era, the question becomes: is there any single era that has as large an invested fan-base who would prefer THAT era as the default? I'm not sure there is any good way to find that out... It's worth looking at places like the HPLHS and efforts like their MoN Prop Set, and then look around and see if any other historical RPG/setting has inspired a similar degree of passion. Offhand, I know of none, and find this a telling point. YMMobviouslyV!
  23. I get the criticism that lit-crit and political-correctness "don't belong" at the RPG table, and by extension at the RPG forum. I hate having other people yuck my yum, too! Here's the thing, though: when the themes of the game explicitly and overtly draw sharp parallels between the game at the table (or being discussed online) and the personal experiences of being discriminated-against, as lived in RL by the folks playing/chatting... then you are already having a political discussion. It's right there, an elephant in the room. And insisting that it's perfectly fine to rehash and enforce all the HPLesque racism and misogyny at the gaming table or en-forum (and THAT isn't political), but that it's inappropriate "wokeness" when people push back and try to figure out how to do Mythos fiction or gaming without some of HPL's baggage... Well, that isn't a persuasive position. YMMV. Personally, I am an aging, bearded white guy. I've never dealt with being a woman, or POC. I don't have that personal experience, and though I have seen discrimination, I bet I have missed some subtler stuff that happened right under my nose, that I just don't have the background to spot (the same way an experienced tracker or field-biologist has a VERY different walk in the woods than a once-a-year vacationer has). So when a woman or a POC speaks up and says "this is how it is for me," I pay attention. And if it isn't that way for me, I still believe them, and don't blame them for being "fragile" or "over-sensitive" or "too woke".
  24. Something I have noticed in using online tools to find local f2f groups is that meatspace localities oddly seem to aggregate around different virtualities (at least sometimes). In my region, Meetup.com seems to be the best player-finder going. Elsewhere, folks report that if you aren't on Facebook, it's not worth looking online. And I have seen thriving localized subreddits where the chatter was that they hadn't been able to find one another on FB or Meetup... So at first, you may need to cast a w-i-d-e net. Shotgun the web, and hope you get a hit.
  25. I would DEFINITELY go ask! They were announcing available pre-gens as recently as 19 July! And earlier in the thread, I see where the GM seems to outline the House-Rules for building your own, if no pre-gen suits. Nice find, @Byll !
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